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  • Prof: So anyway, the course I'm going to teach

  • is called Financial Theory.

  • I'm going to teach an actual class.

  • I'm going to spend the first half of the class talking about

  • the course and why you might be interested in it,

  • and then I'm going to start with the course.

  • There are not that many lectures available in the

  • semester so I'm not going to waste this one.

  • So the first half of the class is going to be about why to

  • study it and the mechanics of the course,

  • and the second half of the lecture is going to be actually

  • the first part of the course.

  • It'll give you maybe an idea of whether you'll find the course

  • interesting too.

  • So I think I'll turn this--I won't have too much PowerPoint

  • here.

  • So you should know that finance was not taught until ten years

  • ago at Yale.

  • It was regarded by the deans and the classically minded

  • faculty of the arts and sciences as a vocational subject not

  • worthy of being taught to Yale undergraduates.

  • It was growing more and more famous,

  • however, in the world and there was a band of business school

  • professors, Fischer Black,

  • Robert Merton, William Sharpe,

  • Steve Ross, Myron Scholes, Merton Miller,

  • who had a huge following in business schools teaching the

  • subject, and whose students went off to

  • Wall Street, and more or less dominated the

  • investment banking parts of Wall Street,

  • and became extremely successful.

  • Finance became the most highly paid profession.

  • It became the most highly paid faculty in the university,

  • although they were all in business schools.

  • There are more physics PhDs working in finance now than

  • there are working in physics.

  • So this merry band of financial theory professors didn't really

  • believe in regulation.

  • They believed markets left unfettered worked best of all.

  • They believed in what they called efficient markets and the

  • idea that asset prices reflect all the available possible

  • information.

  • So an implication of that is that if you want to find out

  • whether a company's doing well or not you don't have to take

  • the trouble to read all their financial reports,

  • just look at their stock price.

  • If you wanted to know whether a country's doing well or not you

  • don't have to study its entire political system and current

  • events, just look at the general stock

  • market of the country and that'll tell you.

  • They believed that you could make as good returns in the

  • market as a lay person as you could as an expert because all

  • the experts were competing to try and get the best possible

  • price, and so the price itself

  • reflected all their knowledge and wisdom and opinions and so

  • the lay person could take advantage of that by buying

  • stocks.

  • Everybody should be an investor, they felt.

  • A monkey throwing darts at a dart board would do as well as

  • any of the greatest experts.

  • Now, their own theory was basically contradicted by their

  • own experience because all of them seemed to go out into the

  • world and invest, and almost all of them made

  • extraordinary returns and made a huge amount of money all of

  • which made them even less popular in the faculty of arts

  • and sciences.

  • So, a critical part of their theory was that the markets were

  • so efficient, driven by people like them who

  • are competing to exploit every advantage,

  • and therefore compete away every advantage,

  • and by doing that put all the information they have into the

  • prices.

  • The implication of that theory is that there's an

  • extraordinarily clever way of computing the value of most

  • investment assets, and about deciding when a

  • financial decision's a good thing to do or not,

  • and that was the heart of what they taught in these business

  • schools, these algorithms for valuing

  • assets and making optimal financial decisions.

  • One striking thing is that the people they studied,

  • the business people and the investment bankers they studied

  • adopted their language.

  • So this had never happened in academia before.

  • I mean, anthropologists study primitive tribes and different

  • kinds of people all the time and not one of them,

  • I venture to say, has ever taken over all the

  • language invented by anthropologists to behave

  • themselves in their own societies,

  • but the business people that these professors were studying

  • ended up using exactly the language created in academia.

  • Now, Yale was very different.

  • There was no divide between economists and finance people,

  • the business school finance people.

  • At Yale the greatest economists in Yale's history were actually

  • very interested in finance.

  • Maybe they were financial economists to begin with.

  • So the greatest Yale economist of the first half of the

  • twentieth century was Irving Fisher who you hear a lot about.

  • He wrote, possibly, the first economics PhD at

  • Yale.

  • There was no economist to teach him so he had to write his PhD

  • with Gibbs, maybe the greatest American physicist of the time.

  • There's a building, as you know,

  • on Science Hill named after Gibbs,

  • and you'll hear more about his dissertation in the 1890s,

  • but he was a mathematical economist,

  • an econometrician but he invented almost all of this

  • economics in order to study finance.

  • The most famous Yale economist of the second half of the

  • twentieth century was James Tobin,

  • a famous macroeconomist, the most famous macroeconomist,

  • possibly, of the second half of the twentieth century after

  • Keynes, a great Keynesian.

  • But he got the Nobel Prize for work he did on finance in

  • economics.

  • Finance was incredibly interesting to him.

  • So Bob Shiller and I went to Yale and we basically said to

  • the deans, "There's a long tradition

  • of finance and economics hand-in-hand at Yale,

  • and so it's not a vocational subject.

  • It's actually central to economics, and central to

  • understanding the economy, and central to understanding

  • the global economy.

  • So we'd like to teach it to Yale undergraduates,

  • and we believe a few of them will actually take the

  • course," and so they agreed to let us do

  • it, and so we've been teaching it

  • now for the last ten years.

  • So as you know Shiller has been very critical of the business

  • efficient markets tradition.

  • He feels that these finance professors left something

  • essential out of the whole story.

  • What they left out was psychology.

  • They left out the idea of fads, and rumors,

  • and narratives, which he thinks has as big an

  • effect on prices as the hard information about profits that

  • the business school professors imagined drove profits.

  • I myself have been quite critical of the financial

  • theory.

  • I started off as a straight pure mathematical economist.

  • To me economics was almost a branch of logic and philosophy

  • that happened to tell you something about the world.

  • So I got my PhD with Ken Arrow, who you'll hear a lot about

  • very shortly.

  • And I came to Yale, I'd been a Yale undergraduate,

  • I came back to Yale and I joined the Cowles Foundation.

  • And the Cowles Foundation's motto was basically,

  • "Can we make economics more mathematical?

  • Economics, a social science, ought to be amenable to

  • mathematical analysis just like physics or chemistry is,"

  • and people didn't believe this at first.

  • And the Cowles Foundation, which you'll hear a lot about

  • in these lectures, led the revolution in economics

  • transforming it from a verbal subject,

  • political economy, into a mathematical subject.

  • Well, I decided around 1989 that since I did mathematical

  • economics, and there were all these

  • finance people doing all kinds of mathematical things on Wall

  • Street and doing it very successfully,

  • I thought I might just check out what they were doing.

  • So it might be fun to see what they were up to.

  • So I went to Wall Street and I joined--most people I knew,

  • in fact, professors I knew went to Goldman Sachs.

  • There was a famous finance professor, who I had mentioned

  • before, named Fischer Black who was there at the time and he

  • attracted a lot of people.

  • And so that was the traditional thing to do,

  • but I decided to go to a littler firm called Kidder

  • Peabody, and it was the seventh biggest

  • investment bank at the time.

  • And one thing led to another, and they decided that they

  • wanted to reorganize their research department in fixed

  • income.

  • And since I was a professor there, and I did mathematical

  • economics, and I was there for the whole

  • year somebody said, the director of the Fixed

  • Income Department said, "Why don't you take charge

  • of it and hire a new Fixed Income Research Department for

  • me.

  • So I did, and ultimately there were seventy-five people in the

  • department.

  • All the time I was a professor at Yale.

  • And after five years Kidder Peabody,

  • even though it was a hundred thirty-five years old,

  • formed by a famous family, the name should sound--

  • Peabody--familiar to you, it closed down after a hundred

  • thirty-five years, five years after I got there.

  • I had to invite the seventy-five people I'd hired

  • into my office and say, "You're fired."

  • And then I went next door to the office next to mine and the

  • guy there said, "You're fired."

  • And so that was my first taste of Wall Street.

  • And after that six of us founded a hedge fund called

  • Ellington Capital Management, which was a mortgage hedge

  • fund, and we had-- I'll tell you a lot about it.

  • It started after the Kidder closing as a rather small hedge

  • fund, but it grew into a very big

  • mortgage hedge fund, in fact the biggest mortgage

  • hedge fund in the country.

  • (Although recently we found out that practically everybody who

  • trades mortgages is basically a hedge fund.

  • Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, they'll all basically hedge

  • funds, so it doesn't mean anything anymore to say that

  • you're a big mortgage hedge fund.)

  • But anyway, we almost went out of business in '98 a subject,

  • a story I'll tell you at great length,

  • and then we just suffered through this disastrous last

  • year or two, but we're still here.

  • So these experiences, of course, have colored my

  • understanding of Wall Street and my approach to the subject.

  • So I took on, in my theoretical work,

  • finance and economic theory on its own terms.

  • I didn't think like Shiller to introduce psychology into

  • economics I just take it on in its own terms,

  • in its own mathematical terms.

  • And what I found was that there are two things missing in the

  • Standard Theory.

  • One is that it implicitly assumes you can buy insurance

  • for everything.

  • It's the assumption that's called complete markets.

  • And secondly it leaves out collateral entirely so you'll

  • never see, almost in any single economics textbook,

  • the idea of collateral or leverage.

  • And those, I think, the idea that you can't get

  • insurance for everything and that you need collateral,

  • you know, you have to be able to convince someone you're going

  • to pay them back if you borrow money and collateral is the most

  • convincing way of persuading him he's going to be paid back,

  • the lender.

  • Those two things were missing from the Standard Theory,

  • so I built a theory around incomplete markets and leverage,

  • which is a critique of the Standard Theory.

  • So in a way Shiller and I have been vindicated by the crash.

  • I mean, so let me just show you a picture here.

  • Well, maybe I will, you know, how bad the crash

  • was.

  • So let's look at the Dow Jones.

  • The Dow Jones is an average of thirty stocks and what their

  • value is.

  • We'll talk more about it later.

  • But here it is back to 1913 moving along breezily going up

  • and up and up, you know, there are a few blips

  • which we'll come to later like this one in 1929,

  • and then--but look what happened lately.

  • Look at that.

  • The Dow Jones was up at 14,000 and it dropped to 6,500,

  • something like that, more than a fifty percent drop

  • and now it's gone fifty percent up again.

  • So if you believe these finance professors you'd have to say

  • that everybody realized that future profits in America were

  • going to be less than half what they thought they were going to

  • be before and that's why the stock market dropped.

  • And then miraculously when it hit a bottom everybody figured,

  • "Oh, my gosh, we misunderstood things.

  • Actually it's not nearly that bad and things are fifty percent

  • higher because now people think that profits really weren't

  • going to go, you know, didn't drop in half,

  • didn't drop by fifty percent, they only dropped by

  • twenty-five percent.

  • And that was the only way, according to the old theory,

  • to explain what happened.

  • Now Shiller would just say, "Well,

  • everybody's--they're crazy.

  • They got this into their head that the world was just going to

  • be great and then some rumor started,

  • and things were so high, and the narrative changed and

  • they thought things were terrible,"

  • and this his story.

  • And I'm not sure how he gets it to go up again.

  • They changed their mind again.

  • By the way it's a little bit better to look at the Dow

  • correcting for inflation and then you see that the 1929 crash

  • looks-- and this is on a log scale,

  • remember before the Depression the stock market was so low.

  • It's grown so much over a hundred years that it hardly

  • seemed like anything was happening.

  • Well, now in log scale--going up two of these is multiplying

  • by ten-- you see that in the Depression

  • in 1929 through the early '30s the stock market fell.

  • I don't remember what it is.

  • It looks like it's almost two things.

  • It looks like it's eighty or ninety percent,

  • and the fall this time has been much smaller,

  • fifty percent, not ninety percent.

  • So it's a whole thing down but not two things down.

  • It's not a whole thing down.

  • It's less than that.

  • A whole thing down would be the square root of ten or a third.

  • It didn't go down two thirds.

  • It went down less than two thirds.

  • It went down fifty percent, so the actual percentage drop

  • was much worse in the Depression than it is now.

  • We're going to come back to all these things.

  • What else can we get out of these numbers?

  • I just want you to notice a couple other things.

  • So these numbers are all very interesting.

  • If you're mathematical these are the sorts of things you pay

  • attention to.

  • So these efficient markets guys, they looked at the change

  • in price every month.

  • So there's a lot to say for their theory.

  • They said, "Look, it goes up and down

  • randomly."

  • In fact we'll see that there are all kinds of tests about

  • whether you can predict it's going to go up tomorrow on the

  • basis of how it did yesterday, and the answer's no.

  • It's very difficult to predict whether the stock market is

  • going up or down.

  • It seems to be random.

  • Well, it's random and they used to think it was normally

  • distributed.

  • A lot of people argued it was normally distributed,

  • but it's hard.

  • You never get these gigantic outliers if things are normally

  • distributed.

  • They're just way too unlikely to happen.

  • So Mandelbrot, who was a Yale professor who

  • retired a couple years ago, although he wasn't when he

  • formed his theories, the inventor of fractals,

  • he said this couldn't possibly be a random walk in the

  • traditional Brownian motion sense of the word because you'd

  • never get these big outliers, but he offered no explanation

  • for why they might be there, and I don't know if Shiller has

  • an explanation either.

  • I mean, is it that people suddenly get shocked one day and

  • then the next week they change their mind and things aren't so

  • bad after all?

  • But you'll see that the theory of collateral and margins does

  • explain these kinds of things.

  • Let's just look at the Dow.

  • We just looked at the Dow.

  • Let's look at another, the S&P 500.

  • Where's the S&P 500?

  • Here's the S&P 500 data.

  • Here's the history of the S&P 500.

  • It looks very similar to the Dow, except we have longer

  • history back to 1871, so I just want to point out one

  • more thing in the S&P 500.

  • So this is an average of five-hundred stocks,

  • not just thirty, but it's more or less the same.

  • But let's look at the same thing taking the logarithm and

  • check for inflation.

  • So you see here that there are these four cycles.

  • Things seemed low in 1871.

  • They go up and they go down.

  • Then you've got another up and a down.

  • Then you've got another up and a down.

  • Then you've another up and a down.

  • Four times the same thing has happened.

  • Now this could be just meaningless accidents,

  • but it will turn out that the demography of the country,

  • the baby boom cycle, we haven't had just one baby

  • boom we've had four of them, so this cycle of stock prices,

  • which they're each time a generation long,

  • happens to correspond exactly to the rise,

  • the different age distribution in the population.

  • So another theory of the stock market,

  • which wouldn't have been entertained by these original

  • financial theorists, is that demography has

  • something to do with the stock market,

  • not information about profits and returns but the distribution

  • of ages in the population.

  • So I'm not saying this theory is correct,

  • although I was one of the proponents of it,

  • but it shows that there's room, I think,

  • in finance for economic things, for demography to matter,

  • for leverage to matter and not just for expectations about

  • future profits.

  • So let me show you another picture.

  • So this is a second way in which Shiller became famous.

  • He said, "Well, look at housing prices,"

  • the Case Shiller Housing Index.

  • So he's also famous because he had the idea of collecting

  • housing prices.

  • So it's quite amazing, every town has to record,

  • by law you have to record in the town directory,

  • and they're often on the internet, what the price is of

  • every sale of every house.

  • So everybody has it and it's all publicly available on the

  • internet, or most of it is publicly available on the

  • internet.

  • And nobody thought to gather all this information together

  • and take the average and write down an index until Shiller did

  • it.

  • So here's the Shiller Index.

  • All right, so you can see that housing prices were pretty

  • stable throughout the '80s and then in and around 2000 they

  • started taking off, so this is when the stock

  • market was taking off too.

  • So Shiller says this is irrational exuberance.

  • People just went crazy.

  • They somehow think things can never go down,

  • and they're just going to keep going up,

  • and they keep buying because they think things are going to

  • go up, and it's crazy.

  • Psychology--eventually a new narrative is going to start.

  • Somebody's going to say, "Oh, they've been going up

  • so long they can't continue to go up.

  • Things have to go down," and things went down.

  • I think there's something to psychology so there was

  • something missing in the original finance story.

  • The finance guys, by the way, they would say,

  • "Well, the rise is not so surprising.

  • Look at the mortgage rates.

  • (This is the interest rate you have to pay if you get a

  • mortgage.)

  • There's been an incredible decline in mortgage rates over

  • the years, so it's less costly to buy housing.

  • If you take the present value of your expenditures you just

  • have to pay less.

  • You pay over a long period of time,

  • and so the interest rate is less, so the value of the houses

  • is worth more because you're discounting the future benefits

  • at a lower rate.

  • (You'll hear all about discounting later.)

  • So there's no mystery."

  • On the other hand nothing happened to interest rates.

  • They kept getting lower so there's no reason why the market

  • should have crashed.

  • So, again, this seems like a vindication for Shiller.

  • Now, it also, in a way, is a vindication for

  • my theory which is non-psychological.

  • So I'm distrustful a little bit of psychology because it can be

  • anything, although I agree it's important.

  • So my theory is when you take a loan you have to negotiate two

  • things, the interest rate and how much collateral you put up.

  • Who's going to trust you to pay back?

  • When you buy a house they say, "You can't just borrow the

  • whole value of the house."

  • They say, "Well, make a down payment of twenty

  • percent.

  • Borrow eighty percent of the value of a house."

  • And so what I say is that instead of paying all your

  • attention to the interest rate think about the collateral rate.

  • Why is it twenty percent that you have to put down?

  • Maybe it should be ten percent or forty percent.

  • Well, in fact, that number changes all the

  • time.

  • So here what I've done is--the pink line from 2000 to the

  • future, that pink line is Shiller's Housing Index

  • inverted.

  • So you notice the scale on the right is the housing prices,

  • but I've inverted it, and on the left I have the down

  • payment percentage.

  • These are non-agency loans.

  • We'll come back to the graph later--

  • I don't have time to explain exactly how I got it--

  • but what you see is that from 2000 onwards the down payment

  • people were asked to make to buy their house got lower,

  • and lower, and lower, and lower and it got down to

  • three percent.

  • You could put down three percent of the value of the

  • house and borrow the other ninety-seven percent of the

  • value of the house to buy it.

  • So amazingly the prices go up and down just with what's called

  • the leverage.

  • So why is it called leverage?

  • Because the cash you put down payment,

  • say ten percent, you can lever it up and own an

  • asset that's worth a hundred even though you put down ten

  • dollars.

  • So you're leveraged 10:1.

  • If you put down three dollars and you get a hundred dollar

  • house you've leveraged it 30:1 or 33:1.

  • So that's why it's called leverage.

  • So anyway, the point is that leverage went way up.

  • The margins kept going down and down and down and just at the

  • peak of the housing cycle, which is the bottom of that

  • curve, that's when collateral started getting tougher and

  • people started asking for more money down again,

  • and sure enough the prices turned around.

  • So if you look at the prices of mortgages,

  • again, the inverse on the right, and you look at the

  • margins on the left, not for buying houses but for

  • buying securities-- I don't have time to explain

  • this whole graph, but the blue line is the buying

  • securities.

  • So '98 is a big crisis, the margins spike up,

  • I don't have pricing data back until then.

  • That's the blue line.

  • And now from 2007 to 2009 you see the margins spiking up.

  • So to buy a toxic mortgage security investors don't pay

  • cash, they borrow part of the money to buy it.

  • They used to put down only five percent to buy it.

  • Now they have to put down seventy percent to buy it on

  • average.

  • Well, what happened to prices?

  • Prices--this is the inverse of prices--in 2007 they started to

  • collapse.

  • So this going up means prices are collapsing.

  • So once again, the margins--tougher margins

  • means lower prices and as the margins came down recently the

  • prices have gone up recently.

  • So it's an alternative theory.

  • So what else do I want to show you?

  • So it doesn't mean that the standard financial theory is

  • wrong.

  • After all, I helped run a hedge fund.

  • Six of us founded it and we've been in business for fifteen

  • years.

  • We must believe in standard financial theory because that's

  • how we've been making a lot of our money.

  • We exploit all those algorithms and those are the things I'm

  • going to teach you, so I certainly believe it and

  • it's very important to teach you that again this semester,

  • but there's more to the theory than just that.

  • I want to show you one more thing in the Dow Jones or the

  • S&P which I forgot to mention.

  • And where is this?

  • Oh, I can't get it out of that.

  • Let's try Dow.

  • Okay, so Dow.

  • Where was the peak of the Dow?

  • It was right over here.

  • Now what was the date?

  • The date's supposed to flash here.

  • So it's October 1st 2007.

  • So that's when people started to realize something was wrong

  • with the world and things headed down.

  • Until then nothing bad seemed to be happening in the world,

  • but suppose that you look not at the Dow, suppose you

  • looked--sorry.

  • Here's a graph, suppose you looked at the

  • sub-prime mortgage index.

  • So you see it's a hundred.

  • You'll understand what these things are.

  • So a hundred means nobody thinks there's going to be a

  • default.

  • Over here January 2007, that's ten months before the

  • stock market starts to go down--before it hits its peak.

  • The stock market is still going up here.

  • A month later, this is April 2007,

  • a month later the sub-prime index starts to collapse.

  • You see it goes from a hundred to sixty.

  • We're already--In February or March 2007.

  • So that means the people, those experts trading

  • mortgages, already realized there was a calamity about to

  • happen.

  • This was long before anyone else perceived anything

  • happening, long before the stock market

  • moved, long before the government did

  • anything to correct the problem.

  • So just as financial theory says if you pay attention to the

  • prices you can learn a lot about the world.

  • The people trading those things--their life depends on

  • fixing the right prices.

  • Probably they know stuff that you don't know.

  • The prices are going to reflect their opinion.

  • If the price collapsed part of the reason it collapsed,

  • maybe margins and something had something to do with it,

  • but part of the reason it collapsed was because they knew

  • something bad was happening.

  • So for two and half years we've known there's going to be a

  • major catastrophe in the mortgage market.

  • To go from a hundred to sixty and since to twenty is a total

  • calamity.

  • So you know that there are one point seven million people who

  • have already been thrown out of their houses.

  • Another three and a half million aren't paying their

  • debts and are seriously delinquent.

  • Probably all of them will be thrown out of their houses,

  • and another four or five million after them might default

  • and have to be thrown out of their houses.

  • So it's a major catastrophe and the market told us and warned us

  • about it two and a half years ago and nobody's done anything

  • about it, basically, until now as we'll

  • find out.

  • So it's not that I think financial theory,

  • the standard financial theory is wrong I think it's incredibly

  • useful.

  • I just think it has to be supplemented by a more general

  • and richer theory.

  • Maybe I should show you how my hedge fund has done just so that

  • you don't think that it was a total failure.

  • Oh dear, where is my returns?

  • Here we go, EMG returns, it's sort of interesting.

  • So Kidder Peabody went out of business in 1994.

  • There was a tremendous crash in the market, a low of the

  • leverage cycle.

  • The purple is Ellington, that's the hedge fund.

  • You'll see that these are other investment opportunities.

  • The S&P 500 is the green thing which looked like it was

  • doing great for a while.

  • Emerging markets is the blue one, and high yield is the green

  • one, and then there are bunch of

  • other things like treasuries, and this is Libor which is what

  • banks lend to each other at.

  • So this says if you put your money into any of those

  • strategies, in Libor, keep lending your

  • money each month to a bank and seeing what interest you get and

  • seeing how much money you accumulate,

  • or putting your money in Ellington and looking at the

  • purple, or putting your dollar into the

  • stock market and see what happens,

  • the S&P 500, this is what happens.

  • So you see there was a crash here.

  • You're fired, you're fired.

  • So we start Ellington and Ellington does great,

  • and so we have all these years we're doing great.

  • Then '98 there's another crash.

  • Look what happened.

  • Overnight, practically, we lost a huge amount of money.

  • We almost went out of business.

  • Long Term Capital, which, by the way,

  • was run partly by two Nobel Prize winners,

  • Merton Miller, not Merton Miller,

  • Myron Scholes and Robert Merton,

  • two of the guys I mentioned who were the leaders of the

  • financial crisis [correction: leading finance academics],

  • they bankrupted their company and they went out of business.

  • And why did they go out of business?

  • Because they weren't aware of the leverage cycle,

  • in my view.

  • Anyway, so the prices collapsed.

  • Then look it, all these returns shoot up

  • again and the world seems to be doing great, the stock market,

  • everybody's doing great.

  • Then there's another crisis in 2007.

  • Everything plummets all together this time and then

  • everything is going up again.

  • So it's hard to see this and to live through that.

  • So I remember in '98, for example,

  • when there was a margin call.

  • Our lenders called and said, "We want more money.

  • We don't believe that the assets are worth as much as they

  • were and so the collateral is not covering the loan

  • anymore."

  • And we said, "You can't make a margin

  • call.

  • It's not legal.

  • You promised not to change the margins on us for six months.

  • You can't make a margin call."

  • And they said, "Well, blah,

  • blah, blah, we don't really know about that.

  • We're making a margin call."

  • So we called up Warren Buffett and we said, "This is

  • terrible.

  • They're making a margin call.

  • They can't do this.

  • We have great bonds.

  • There's nothing wrong with the bonds.

  • They're going to force us to sell all the bonds to pay them

  • the money, and how can they force us to do that?

  • They shouldn't force us to do that.

  • We've got great bonds, it's a great business,

  • it's a great company and they're going to run us out of

  • business.

  • You can't let this happen.

  • Warren Buffett why don't you buy part of the company and save

  • us and you'll get rich and it'll be great."

  • He said, "Say that again."

  • And we said, "Well, they're going to

  • force us to sell all the bonds on Tuesday to meet their margin

  • call and we'll get terrible prices for the bonds and we'll

  • be driven out of business, even though they're great

  • bonds, just because they're making a margin call.

  • You can't let this happen to us.

  • Buy part of the business and save us and you'll get rich.

  • You'll own part of a great company."

  • And he said, "Hell, it sounds like I

  • should just show up on Tuesday and buy the bonds."

  • So we survived.

  • I'll tell you more about what we did.

  • We survived that, no thanks to Warren Buffett,

  • although he had a pretty good idea, and then we survived the

  • last crash.

  • So we survived all these crashes, but the fact is things

  • go up, they crash, they go up, they crash,

  • they go up.

  • Could it all be my fault?

  • I decided it can't be all my fault.

  • It's got to be there's something more basic at work and

  • that's why I'm going to tell you about the leverage cycle.

  • Now, of course, I realize that my pet theories

  • may not turn out to be right, although I think more and more

  • people are starting to think there's something to it.

  • So I'm not going to spend a huge portion of the course just

  • talking about my pet theories.

  • I mean, I recognize that I have to teach partly what's standard.

  • So the course is going to be divided in the following way.

  • I'm going to talk about the standard no-arbitrage Financial

  • Theory, and I'm going to talk about it

  • theoretically and mathematically and from a practical point of

  • view, because helping to run the

  • hedge fund-- lots of the things that I'll be

  • teaching are things that we actually confronted in the hedge

  • fund.

  • And so you'll get the standard financial theory course taught

  • from a hedge fund perspective both theoretically and from a

  • practical point of view.

  • On the other hand, I've lived now through three

  • mortgage crises and so it seems silly for me not to describe how

  • the mortgage market works, even through you'll find almost

  • none of that in any standard finance textbooks,

  • how the mortgage market works, and what's going on,

  • and what happened in the crises, and how we survived and

  • how other people didn't.

  • And I'll talk about the leverage cycle.

  • I'll also spend some time--I think it's quite important--on

  • the mathematical logic of the invisible hand argument.

  • That's the most important argument in economics that the

  • free market does good for the economy and a huge number of

  • people believe it.

  • And part of that argument and part of the sort of hazy

  • knowledge of that argument is what drives resistance to a lot

  • of government programs.

  • I mean, the government can only screw things up is what people

  • generally believe.

  • Is it a prejudice or is there some actual argument behind

  • that?.

  • Well, I want to go over that argument and show you precisely

  • how it works and how it doesn't work in the financial sphere.

  • And then, I want to talk about Social Security.

  • That's one more program.

  • That's the biggest program in the budget.

  • It's as big as defense and the two of those are much bigger

  • than everything else, vastly bigger than every other

  • thing in the budget.

  • So I want to talk about Social Security and should it be

  • privatized and should it be reformed and why did it go

  • bankrupt.

  • It's also an interesting mathematical problem because

  • Social Security critically involves the belief that things

  • will go on forever, so there's an infinity in it.

  • Each generation the young are paying for the old.

  • Nobody would do that if they thought they were going to be

  • the last generation paying to the old, and when they got old

  • nobody would help them.

  • So Social Security rests on this world going on forever

  • which makes it mathematically interesting.

  • Anyway, so I got interested in it from a theoretical point of

  • view and then I got put on all these National Academy panels on

  • Social Security and privatizing.

  • And so I know quite a bit about it so I might as well talk about

  • something I know about, so that's why I'm going to talk

  • about that.

  • All right, so this is too hard for you to read so let's do

  • this.

  • So let me just give you a few examples.

  • Uh-oh, I hope I didn't do a terrible thing.

  • No.

  • So let me just give you a few examples here of the kinds,

  • just so you realize there's something to the Standard

  • Theory.

  • There's a lot to it.

  • So I'm going to give you ten examples very quickly,

  • of the Standard Theory.

  • So these are things that I'm guessing you'll have,

  • at least some of them, trouble figuring out how to

  • answer now, but by the end of the course

  • this should be totally obvious to you.

  • So suppose you win the lottery, forty million dollars,

  • it's a hundred million dollars, the lottery.

  • Now they always give you the choice.

  • Do you want to take five million a year over twenty years

  • or just get forty million dollars right now?

  • Which would you do and how do you think about what to do?

  • So now you get tenure at Yale at the age of 50,

  • say.

  • You're making a hundred fifty thousand dollars a year and you

  • think professors-- it's going to go up with the

  • rate of inflation, and that's about it for the

  • next twenty years until you retire.

  • So that's twenty years of that and then you're going to live

  • another twenty years when you're going to be making nothing.

  • So how much of the hundred-fifty-thousand,

  • and let's say inflation is three percent,

  • and what you'd like to do is consume inflation corrected the

  • same amount every year after you retire and before you retire,

  • and so how much of the hundred-fifty-thousand should

  • you spend this year and how much should you save?

  • You'll learn very quickly how to do a problem like that.

  • Now, President Levin wrote a few months ago,

  • the end of last year if you remember, he said that,

  • "Well, the crisis was bad.

  • Yale was going to weather it, but Yale had lost twenty-five

  • percent, probably, of its endowment.

  • That's five-billion dollars almost of the

  • twenty-three-billion dollar endowment.

  • So how much should he choose to cut?

  • It's his decision.

  • How much should Yale reduce spending every year?

  • The total spending at Yale is a little over two-billion.

  • So the endowment goes down by five-billion what cuts should

  • you take to the budget.

  • Should faculty salaries be cut, be frozen, should you get three

  • TAs instead of four TAs?

  • What should you do?

  • How big a cut should you take?

  • Now, the same question faced Yale in 1996 or so.

  • I've forgotten exactly the year.

  • Ten or twelve years ago the previous president,

  • Benno Schmidt, he suddenly noticed that there

  • was deferred maintenance, as he called it,

  • a billion dollars to fix the Yale buildings.

  • That's why, incidentally, every year another college gets

  • fixed.

  • They decided there was deferred maintenance of a billion

  • dollars.

  • A hundred million dollars every year for ten years had to be

  • spent.

  • The whole endowment then was three billion,

  • and now we had a one billion dollar deferred maintenance

  • problem.

  • The budget was about one billion then.

  • So how much should you cut the Yale budget at that time?

  • So Benno Schmidt said, "I'm firing fifteen

  • percent of the faculty."

  • He announced he was firing fifteen percent of the faculty.

  • That was on the front page of the New York Times,

  • "Yale to fire faculty."

  • Well, did he make the right decision?

  • Rick Levin took over as president three months later,

  • so probably not.

  • What mistake did he make in his calculations?

  • What should he have done?

  • What was the right response?

  • We're going to talk about it.

  • It's not that hard a problem.

  • Now, let's take a slightly more complicated one.

  • You're a bookie.

  • The World Series is coming up.

  • The Yankees are playing the Dodgers,

  • let's say, and you know that the teams are evenly matched and

  • you've got a bunch of friends who you know every game will be

  • willing to bet at even odds on either side because they think

  • it's a tossup.

  • Well, one of your customers comes to you and says,

  • he's a Yankee fan, he's sure the Yankees are going

  • to win the series.

  • He's willing to put up three hundred thousand dollars to bet

  • on the Yankees.

  • So if the Yankees win he gets two hundred thousand,

  • but if the Yankees lose he loses three hundred thousand.

  • So 3:2 odds he's willing to bet on the Yankees winning the

  • series.

  • Well, you say, "This guy's sort of a

  • sucker here.

  • I can take big advantage of him.

  • On the other hand it's a lot of money, two hundred thousand I

  • might lose if I have to pay off and the Yankees win.

  • So even though I think that my expected profit is positive,

  • because he's putting up three hundred thousand to make only

  • two hundred when they're even odds,

  • in fact--the fact is it's such a big number I'm a little

  • worried about that."

  • So what do you do?

  • So what can you do?

  • You've got these friends who are willing to bet at even odds

  • each game by game, so how much money--Presumably

  • the first night you're going to bet with one of your friends.

  • You take the guy's bet, the customer,

  • you take his three hundred thousand.

  • You promise to deliver him five hundred back if the Yankees win

  • and to keep it if the Yankees lose.

  • What should you do with your friends?

  • Should you bet on the Yankees with your friends?

  • Should you bet on the Dodgers with your friends and how much

  • should you bet at even odds the first night?

  • So the answer is, well, I don't want to give all

  • the answer now, but so there's a way of

  • skillfully betting with your friends and not betting two

  • hundred or three hundred thousand the first night with

  • your friends at even odds.

  • You bet some different number than that,

  • which you'll figure out how much to bet so that if you keep

  • betting through the course of the World Series you can never

  • lose a penny.

  • How do you know how much that is?

  • Well, that's the kind of clever thing that these finance guys

  • developed and you're going to know how to do.

  • So let's do another example like that.

  • I'm running out of time a little bit, but an example.

  • Suppose there's a deck of cards, twenty-six red and

  • twenty-six black cards.

  • Somebody offers to play a game with you.

  • They say, "If you want to pick a card and it's black I'll

  • give you a dollar.

  • If it's red you give me a dollar."

  • So if I'm picking, I'm in the black,

  • I get a dollar, it's in the red I lose a

  • dollar, I have to throw away the card after I pick it.

  • The guy says, "By the way,

  • you can quit whenever you want."

  • So should you pick the first card?

  • It looks like an even chance of winning or losing.

  • Let's say you pick the first card, it's black,

  • you win a dollar.

  • Now the guy says, "Do you want to do it

  • again?"

  • You picked a black one so there's twenty-six red left and

  • twenty-five black.

  • So now the deck is stacked against you.

  • Should you pick another card?

  • Well, it doesn't sound like you should pick another card.

  • But you should pick another card and I can even tell you how

  • many cards to pick.

  • Even if you keep getting blacks you should keep picking and

  • picking.

  • So how could that be?

  • It sounds kind of shocking.

  • Well, it's going to turn out to be very simple for you to solve

  • half way through the course.

  • So, a more basic question.

  • There are thirty year mortgages now you can get for five and

  • three-quarter percent interest.

  • There are fifteen-year mortgages you can get for less,

  • like five point three percent interest.

  • One's lower than the other.

  • Should you take the fifteen-year mortgage or the

  • thirty year mortgage?

  • How do you even think about that?

  • Why do they offer one at a lower price than the other?

  • One more example, suppose you're a bank and you

  • hold a bunch of mortgages.

  • That means the people in the houses, you've lent them the

  • money, they're promising to pay you back.

  • And you value all those mortgages at a hundred million

  • dollars.

  • The interest rates go down.

  • The government lowers the interest rates.

  • Half of them take advantage to refinance.

  • They pay you back what they owe and they refinance into a new

  • mortgage.

  • So now you've only got half the people left.

  • Let's say all the people had the same size mortgage and

  • everything.

  • Half the people are left.

  • That shrunken pool, half as big as the original

  • pool, is that worth fifty-million,

  • half of what it was before, or more than fifty-million,

  • or less than fifty-million?

  • How would you decide that?

  • Again, this is a question which might be a little puzzling now,

  • but actually you should be able to get the sign of that today

  • even, and we'll start to analyze it.

  • So that's what mortgage traders have to do.

  • They see interest rates went down.

  • A bunch of people acted.

  • The people who are left in the pool are different from the

  • people who started in the pool.

  • Now we've got to revalue everything and rethink it all,

  • so how should we do that?

  • Let's say you run a hedge fund and some investor comes to you

  • and says, "Oh, things are terrible.

  • Look at all the money you lost for me last year.

  • I know you're doing great this year and you've made it all back

  • that you lost last year, but I don't want to run that

  • risk.

  • So I want to give you my money, a billion dollars,

  • I want to get these superior returns you seem to earn,

  • but you have to guarantee that you don't lose me a penny.

  • I don't want to run any risk.

  • I want a principal guarantee (it's called) that when I give

  • you a hundred dollars you'll always return my hundred

  • dollars, and hopefully much more,

  • but never less than a hundred dollars."

  • So is there any way to do that?

  • You know that you've got a great strategy,

  • but of course it's risky.

  • You could lose money.

  • You've lost money a bunch of times before.

  • So how can you guarantee the guy that he'll get all his money

  • back and still have room to run your strategy?

  • Well, it sounds like you can't do it, but of course a lot of

  • people want to invest that way, so there must be a way to do.

  • So you'll figure out--we'll learn how to do that.

  • So, three more short ones.

  • A scientist discovers a potential cure for AIDS.

  • If it works he's going to make a fortune.

  • He started a company.

  • He's a Yale scientist, he's--medical school,

  • started this startup company.

  • Yale, of course, is going to take all his

  • profits, but anyway it's his startup company and if his thing

  • really works he's going to make a fortune.

  • If it doesn't work it's going to be totally zero.

  • You calculate, and let's say you believe your

  • calculation, that the expected profits that

  • he'll make if it works, the probability of it working

  • times the profit, that expected profit is equal

  • to the profits of all of General Electric.

  • Should his company be worth more than General Electric,

  • the same as General Electric, or less than General Electric

  • since it's got the same expected profits?

  • Well, I can tell you the answer to this one because I think most

  • of you would think, first you'd think,

  • "Well, maybe the same."

  • Then you'd say, "Well, this AIDS thing

  • it's so risky.

  • It's either going to be way up here or nothing,

  • and that's so risky, and General Electric is so

  • solid, probably General Electric is

  • worth more."

  • But the answer is the AIDS Company is worth more.

  • So how could that be?

  • So another question, suppose you believed in this

  • efficient market stuff and you rank all the stocks at the end

  • of this year from top to bottom of which stock had the highest

  • return over the year.

  • It's 2010, let's say 2010, this year's a weird year.

  • So let's say you do it in 2010.

  • All the stocks the highest return to the lowest return.

  • Now, suppose you did the same thing in 2011 with the same

  • stocks?

  • Would you expect to get the same order, or the reverse

  • order, or random order?

  • Now again, if you believe in efficient markets and the

  • market's really functioning, the prices are fair and all,

  • I'll bet most of you will say, you won't know,

  • but you might say it should be random the next time,

  • because firms only did better or worse by luck,

  • but that's not right either.

  • So you're going to know how to answer that question by the end

  • of the class.

  • One last one, the Yale endowment over the

  • last fifteen years has gotten something like a fifteen percent

  • annualized return.

  • A hedge fund, that I won't name,

  • has gotten eleven percent over the last fifteen years counting

  • all its losses and stuff like that.

  • So is it obvious that the Yale endowment has done better than

  • the hedge fund?

  • Would you say that the Yale manager is better than the hedge

  • fund manager?

  • Its return was fifteen percent.

  • The hedge fund only got eleven percent.

  • So I'm asking the question, and I would say that David

  • Swensen would think about it the same way I think about it.

  • So suppose I even told you that the Yale hedge fund had lower

  • volatility-- the Yale hedge fund?--the Yale

  • endowment had lower volatility than the hedge fund,

  • which it surely does, would that convince you now

  • that the Yale endowment had been managed better than the hedge

  • fund?

  • Well, we're going to answer this question again,

  • and you're going to see that the answer's a little

  • surprising.

  • It won't be so surprising--I wouldn't have brought it up

  • otherwise.

  • But anyway, that's the kind of thing that in finance you're

  • taught to think about.

  • So the crisis of 2007, which we're going to spend a

  • long time talking about, I just want to get back to that

  • subject.

  • So that list of questions were the kinds of things that I used

  • to teach for years before I was confident about my theory of

  • crises, and this is the kind of

  • questions you have to face all the time in hedge funds,

  • and decisions you have to make, and things you have to tell

  • investors, and so that's the basic part of

  • the course, but I want to say more.

  • So I want to talk about the crisis of 2007-2009.

  • It started as a mortgage crisis.

  • Now, how could it be that everything goes wrong in

  • mortgages?

  • I mean, they're four thousand years old.

  • The Babylonians invented mortgages.

  • What is a mortgage?

  • You lend somebody money.

  • They put up collateral.

  • They don't pay you take the house or you take the guys life,

  • he's a slave or something, but it's the same thing.

  • You borrow money and the guy promises you can confiscate

  • something if he doesn't pay.

  • Four thousand years and we screwed it up.

  • How could that be?

  • And why should a screw up in the mortgage market have such a

  • big effect on the rest of the economy?

  • Were sub-prime mortgages a terrible idea?

  • Was there some logic to it?

  • And how did we get out of the crisis?

  • How is it, that everybody was saying this is the worst crisis

  • since the Depression, may be another Depression and

  • things seem to have turned around.

  • What is it that we did to get things to turn around?

  • I don't think we're out of it yet, but things are a lot better

  • than they were a year ago.

  • So what is it that the government did to turn things

  • around?

  • It didn't do nearly enough, I think, but it did something.

  • What exactly did it do?

  • Now, Shiller would talk about the whole thing was irrational

  • exuberance.

  • I'm going to say it's all the leverage cycle,

  • but anyway so that's the mortgage crisis.

  • Now, are free markets good?

  • I want to talk about the argument.

  • The argument was first made by Adam Smith about the invisible

  • hand.

  • The modern mathematical argument is Ken Arrow's,

  • my thesis advisor.

  • And of course everybody knows that monopoly and pollution and

  • things like that interfere with the free market and they have to

  • be regulated.

  • But the financial markets, there's no monopoly.

  • As long as there's no monopoly and there's no pollution

  • shouldn't the free market function there?

  • So I want to go over that argument and show you what was

  • missing in it, as I said before,

  • and then lastly we're going to talk about Social Security and

  • how could that system be going bankrupt.

  • I mean, it just seems shocking.

  • There's a two-trillion dollar trust fund that's going to run

  • out in 2024 or something and after that the system will be

  • broke.

  • So how did it happen?

  • Why is it broke?

  • What can we do to fix it?

  • So George Bush said, "Well, it's terrible.

  • Even if we manage to sort of get the trust fund rehabilitated

  • young people like you are going to get a two percent rate of

  • return.

  • If you put your money in the stock market,

  • even allowing for the last crash, over the long haul,

  • the returns have been six percent.

  • So it's terrible, Social Security.

  • Something's wrong with the system.

  • We should privatize it and let young people like you put your

  • money in stocks instead."

  • Well, Gore, in the debate in 2000 said,

  • "You can't do that because then the old people who are

  • expecting their money can't get paid."

  • And both of them agreed that it was all the baby-boomers' fault.

  • People like me we're getting old, we're going to retire.

  • That's why the system's going to get broke.

  • So that's the conventional wisdom.

  • All three of those things are wrong, so we're going to find

  • out why.

  • So in summary, why study finance?

  • It's to understand the financial system,

  • which is really part of the economic system.

  • It's to make informed choices.

  • Is privatizing Social Security a good or bad thing?

  • Is regulation of financial markets a good thing?

  • The language that you learn is the language that's spoken on

  • Wall Street, and was created by professors and yet practitioners

  • use it.

  • For me it's incredibly fun, all these little puzzles.

  • As J.P. Morgan said, "Money's just a way of

  • keeping score."

  • You have to figure out what something's worth in the end and

  • if you get it right you've solved the puzzle right and

  • it'll help you make good financial decisions in a

  • pensioned career.

  • That's the standard reason to take Finance.

  • Now, the prerequisites of the course, so I want to make this

  • clear, you don't really need ECON 115.

  • It would be helpful because this logic of the free market

  • being good or bad, that was already started in

  • ECON 115.

  • That's what they call it now, right?

  • It's still called 115.

  • I used to teach it but I haven't done it for years.

  • So anyway, what you really need is mathematical self-confidence.

  • It's not going to be high math.

  • It's going to be simple math, but it's relentless over and

  • over again.

  • And I can tell you that every year there's the five percent of

  • you, let's five or ten out of the

  • hundred-twenty are going to just get bored doing problem after

  • problem and you're probably not that,

  • you know, those ten maybe haven't that much experience

  • doing it, don't feel very confident doing

  • it, stop coming to the class and

  • then really have no idea what's going on.

  • My sister is probably much smarter than I am,

  • but she doesn't like math.

  • She wouldn't take this course.

  • So if you're not confident doing little mathematical

  • problems just don't take the course.

  • You'll save yourself a lot of trouble.

  • I don't know how to say this any better.

  • I want to warn you not to do it.

  • It's easy math, but it never stops.

  • Every week there's going to be a problem set.

  • The exam--there are problem sets.

  • The exam is doing problems just like the problem sets,

  • but if you don't like that, you know, to me finance is a

  • quantitative subject.

  • What's so beautiful about it in one aspect I really like is that

  • you have these complicated different things you have to

  • weigh, but at the end you have to come

  • up with one number.

  • What is the price you're willing to pay for something?

  • It's very concrete.

  • I'm going to take advantage of the concreteness by turning

  • every question into a number.

  • I hate it when you get on the one hand and on the other hand.

  • It's a number.

  • So if you don't like numbers it's not a good course to take.

  • So what are the kinds of things you have to know?

  • You have to understand the distributive law of arithmetic

  • (which, I have little kids and I see that's not so easy to

  • understand).

  • Anyway, and then you have to understand the idea of a

  • function which is a contingent plan.

  • Simultaneous equations; that's what we do for

  • equilibrium in arbitrage.

  • Taking a derivative, that's marginal utility.

  • The idea of diminishing marginal utility,

  • a concave function looks like that.

  • That's risk aversion.

  • Bankers invented the logarithm, compound interest,

  • so you have to know what taking a logarithm and exponential

  • means, and you have to understand how

  • to take probability weighted averages of things.

  • And we're going to use Excel for a lot of the problems which

  • we'll teach you.

  • By the end of a day you'll be better at it than I am.

  • So my office hours are four to six.

  • My secretary assistant is Rendé,

  • there's an accent missing as she always tells me,

  • Wilson.

  • She just started three days ago but I'm sure she'll be great.

  • There are going to be two lectures a week and a TA

  • section.

  • So every Tuesday there'll be a problem set starting this

  • Tuesday due the next Tuesday.

  • There will be two midterms.

  • There's a lot of stuff to learn and so I found,

  • everybody I think agrees who's taken the course,

  • if you take the midterm it'll focus your mind and make it a

  • lot easier, so I give two of them so you

  • only have half the course to study.

  • It makes the final much easier to study for.

  • I recognize that some of you will have problems on one of

  • them, like especially the first

  • mid-term, and if you do vastly worse on

  • one exam than the rest I'll tend to ignore that,

  • but most people don't, by the way, do vastly worse on

  • one exam than the rest.

  • So the final's forty, the problem set's twenty,

  • and the two midterms are twenty percent.

  • Tuesday to Thursday, and so all the TA sessions are

  • Thursday to Monday so they're going to start next Thursday.

  • So you see the classes are Tuesday-Thursday then the next

  • Tuesday.

  • There's a long time in-between here so all the TA sessions will

  • meet there.

  • So they're at the same moment in the class.

  • There are all these textbooks, all by the Nobel Prize winners,

  • all by those financial greats.

  • You can buy any one of them, but I have my own lecture notes

  • because as I say I teach a slightly unconventional course

  • and there's a huge list of books on the crisis.

  • Some of them are incredibly interesting and fun,

  • and so they're all on the reading list you can take a look

  • at.

  • I mean, there's never been a more fun time to read this stuff

  • now.

  • So course improvements, anyway.

  • So that's it.

  • Are there any questions about how the course runs,

  • or how I will run it, or whether you think you should

  • take the course, or whether your

  • preparations--So if you haven't taken ECON 15 it's okay,

  • 115, but you've got to be confident that you can solve

  • problems, otherwise don't do it.

  • Any questions?

  • Yes?

  • Student: So the first problem set will be assigned

  • next Tuesday?

  • Prof: Yeah, so next Tuesday it's going to

  • be due the Tuesday after.

  • So I know that's early, but you probably already know

  • whether you're going to take the course or not.

  • Yes?

  • Student: Will you teach this next year?

  • Prof: Will I teach it next year?

  • Actually I probably won't because I'm going to go on

  • leave, but I might, but probably not.

  • Someone else will teach it.

  • Yep?

  • Student: Which of the books do you suggest we buy?

  • Prof: They're all good.

  • They're all famous people who've written.

  • They're trying to sell copies so they're pitched at a quite

  • low level, but they're very good.

  • Anyone of them is good.

  • Merton's book is good.

  • Steve Ross is a friend of mine.

  • He used to teach at Yale, so his book is good.

  • So any one of those is very good, but they're not quite at

  • the same mathematical level because they're trying to sell

  • thousands of books, and they stick pretty closely

  • to this financial view of the world that everything is

  • efficient.

  • Yes?

  • Student: Will the taped lectures be available online?

  • Prof: That's a good question.

  • I don't think so.

  • No, they're shaking their head.

  • So it won't be in time for you, but it will be if you want to

  • look back in your old age, "I was there.

  • I saw the leverage cycle."

  • Sorry.

  • Yes?

  • Student: Are the lecture slides posted before or after

  • the lecture?

  • Prof: Oh, the lecture notes are all

  • posted already before the class.

  • So the first twelve of them are there, and I'm changing them

  • each year so there'll be some changes.

  • So last year's first twelve are there and they might change a

  • little bit, but you can already get an idea of what they're

  • about.

  • This first lecture is not on, but the rest of them are.

  • Any other questions?

  • Yes?

  • Student: When do we sign up for the TA sections?

  • Prof: Oh, you should be signing up now.

  • I don't know how to do this.

  • It's online or something, right?

  • You sign up online.

  • Yeah, so you should pick your sections.

  • We might add another section if all of you stay,

  • but probably you won't, but if we do we'll add another

  • TA section.

  • Yes?

  • Student: What's the grade distribution?

  • Prof: The grade distribution?

  • I don't know.

  • The standard Yale junior level course grade distribution which

  • is when I was at Yale things were much tougher,

  • so it's the standard distribution.

  • I don't remember it offhand.

  • But I'll tell you all about the distribution at the midterm.

  • So there will be a midterm before--you'll have chance to

  • drop the course after the midterm and then there will be

  • another midterm right at the end of the course.

  • Yes?

  • Student: What level of math and type of math should we

  • be comfortable with to take the course?

  • Prof: I was trying to say that.

  • I'm glad you asked me again.

  • So I went over the things that you have to know.

  • If you have 3x-4x^(2) you have to be able to take the

  • derivative of that which is 3-8x.

  • If you've got the log natural of x you have to take the

  • derivative.

  • It's one over x.

  • If you've got 3x 5=10 and 2x-7=12 you have to be able to

  • solve that simultaneous equation.

  • So that's the kind of thing you have to do, and you have to be

  • able to do it quickly and with total confidence that you're

  • doing it right.

  • And for many of you that's no problem,

  • but for some of you who are maybe even smarter than

  • everybody else that's a problem, and so you'll have to judge

  • yourself whether you can do that comfortably so you don't have to

  • worry about the mechanics of doing that.

  • You can think conceptually about what the question is

  • asking.

  • When does this end, ten of or quarter of?

  • Student: Ten of.

  • Prof: Ten of, so we have 13 minutes.

  • I want to end with one experiment.

  • So (Teaching Assistant), can you help me with this?

  • So this is something we're not going to have time to figure out

  • the answer to.

  • So I need sixteen volunteers.

  • How about the first two rows?

  • Why don't you just volunteer.

  • You'll survive, and I know it's a drag but

  • you'll do it.

  • What I'm going to do now is I'm going to run an auction.

  • So please stand up and eight of you go this side and eight come

  • over here.

  • That's okay, you'll be okay.

  • I know everyone's reluctant to do this.

  • So I only need sixteen.

  • (TA), help me count them.

  • Two, four, six, eight, you guys have to come

  • the other way.

  • The TAs aren't going to participate.

  • You're not in this, right?

  • No.

  • Two, four, six, eight so we only need eight,

  • you both sat down.

  • So would you like to participate?

  • Come on.

  • We could use another woman here.

  • Two, four, six, eight, there are eight of them?

  • So can you mix these up?

  • There are going to be eight sellers and eight,

  • we say seller, right?

  • Buyer, so shuffle them up and hand one to each.

  • So we've got eight, and these are the football,

  • they're selling.

  • So we've got eight sellers and eight buyers,

  • and I don't know whether you've ever seen this experiment

  • before, but shuffle them, right?

  • Student: They're all sellers though.

  • Prof: They're all sellers, but you've got to

  • shuffle them.

  • On the other side there's a number.

  • So we've got eight sellers here and eight buyers.

  • So each seller knows what his football ticket is worth,

  • or hers, so please take one.

  • Student: I have a seller one.

  • Prof: Oh, you have a seller one?

  • That's bad.

  • Student: Yes.

  • Prof: I'm blind.

  • Student: Thank you.

  • Prof: Buyer, thank you.

  • Does this say buyer and buyer?

  • You should be one short.

  • Here's an extra.

  • So there are eight sellers and eight buyers.

  • They've got the football tickets.

  • Each of them knows what the football ticket is worth to her.

  • There are three women here and only two, so these are the

  • "hers".

  • She knows exactly what it's worth to her.

  • So say it's fifteen.

  • The football ticket's worth fifteen.

  • Now if she can sell it for more than fifteen she's going to do

  • it.

  • She's going to make a profit.

  • If she sells it for less than fifteen she's not a very good

  • trader.

  • She's not going to do that.

  • She's going to say, "If I can get more than

  • the football ticket is worth I'm going to sell it.

  • If I can't get more than it's worth I won't sell it."

  • So everybody knows what the football ticket is worth to

  • herself.

  • All these guys, they know what the ticket is

  • worth to them.

  • So say someone thinks it's worth thirty that guy's going to

  • say, "If I can get it for less

  • than thirty, like for fifteen,

  • I'm going to get it.

  • That'll give me a profit of fifteen.

  • If I can only get it for forty I'm sure not going to do that

  • because I'm paying more than I think it's worth.

  • So you all got that?

  • You have a reservation value yourself.

  • You don't want to pay more than it's worth because then you're

  • losing money, and they want to sell it for

  • more than they think it's worth because then they're making

  • money.

  • So nobody knows anybody else's valuation.

  • The information is distributed completely randomly across the

  • class.

  • Now this is a famous experiment.

  • I'm not the first one to run it, although I've done it for

  • ten years.

  • I do it in my graduate class, in my undergraduate class,

  • the undergraduates, by the way, always do better

  • than the graduate students.

  • So this knowledge is distributed in the whole

  • environment, and we're going to see what

  • happens when I start a chaotic interaction between all of these

  • sixteen people.

  • What's going to happen?

  • And you would think it'd be total chaos and nothing sensible

  • is going to happen.

  • And if that does happen it'll be very embarrassing for me.

  • But what the efficient markets guys would say is,

  • "Something amazing is going to happen.

  • The market is going to discover what everybody thinks it's worth

  • and figure out exactly the best and right thing to do and that's

  • what's going to happen."

  • Now, it's hard to believe that with this little preparation

  • that you've had, zero, zero training,

  • zero experience, and you're only going to have

  • two minutes to do this.

  • So see the class has got eight minutes to go.

  • You're going to miss the grand finale.

  • Anyway, so you've only got eight minutes to go.

  • So with only two minutes of training they're going to get to

  • a result, which if I had to do it myself

  • and read all the numbers and sort them out and sort through

  • them would take me much more than two minutes,

  • and all this is going to happen in two minutes.

  • It's hard to believe.

  • It probably won't happen this time.

  • So here are the rules.

  • I'm going to put you all together.

  • Start inching your way towards each other, and try not--now,

  • when I say go, which won't be for two minutes

  • you're going to start yelling out an offer.

  • So if you think it's worth fifteen and you're a seller

  • you're not going to sell it for fifteen.

  • You're going to say give me twenty, or give me thirty,

  • or give me twenty-five.

  • You're going to try and get as much as you can.

  • You have to yell it out.

  • The buyers are going to be making their offers.

  • When two of you see that there's a deal you have to shake

  • hands, exchange the football, and leave, and tell your

  • numbers to (TA).

  • Where's (TA)?

  • (TA), you're going to stand outside the group that way.

  • So once you make a deal you just leave and tell what's

  • happened to (TA) who's now standing back here,

  • back there.

  • So it has to be public outcry.

  • It's very important that you're yelling these things publically

  • and all the other people can hear you, and you've only got

  • two minutes.

  • Now two minutes sounds like an incredibly short period of time,

  • which it is, but it's much longer than you

  • think, wait, quiet here.

  • You shouldn't trade--I'm giving you valuable advice--

  • you should not trade in the first ten or fifteen seconds

  • because you have to hear what everybody else is offering.

  • If you trade right away you're probably doing something really

  • stupid.

  • Two minutes, though, it sounds short,

  • is actually a very long period of time.

  • So be patient.

  • Try to get the best possible price and we'll see what

  • happens.

  • Any questions about what you're doing?

  • And now, in the heat of the moment you might be so

  • frustrated that you can't sell when you think it's worth

  • fifteen that you sell it for ten.

  • I'm going to expose you in front of all these people if you

  • do that, so keep track of what you think the thing is worth.

  • All right, any questions anybody about what is going on?

  • So you have two minutes.

  • Is there a second hand there?

  • I can't see it.

  • No?

  • Student: It's on the ten, or coming to.

  • Prof: Where is it?

  • Student: Now it's on the three.

  • Student: It's moving.

  • Prof: It's on the three.

  • I think I see something.

  • When it gets to the four we're going to start.

  • So start, go.

  • <<students calling out prices>>

  • Prof: Oh, no collusion.

  • No collusion.

  • <<students calling out prices>>

  • Prof: Come out and tell (TA).

  • If you made a deal tell (TA).

  • <<students calling out prices>>

  • Prof: How much time is left?

  • One minute left, plenty of time,

  • one minute.

  • Any other deal made?

  • Write down the price and the two, what price they agreed.

  • How much time?

  • Twenty-five seconds, stay cool.

  • How much time?

  • How much time?

  • I can't see.

  • Fifteen.

  • Stay cool.

  • Don't make any mistakes, ten, five, four,

  • three, two, one, stop.

  • Did you get all the numbers?

  • <<students discussing sales>>

  • Prof: Give me back the tickets.

  • Student: Was this designed to make us look bad on

  • camera?

  • Prof: Give me back the tickets.

  • Student: You designed this to make us look bad on

  • camera.

  • Prof: No, you're going to look great on

  • camera, you are.

  • Give me all the tickets back.

  • (TA), you getting done there?

  • Teaching Assistant: Yeah.

  • Prof: All the tickets.

  • I need them all back, all the stuff.

  • God, you're big folders here.

  • These tickets have lasted ten years until you guys took over.

  • They're all crumpled up.

  • All the tickets, I need them all back.

  • You can sit down now.

  • Everybody's reported in?

  • Now let's see what happened.

  • You've got them all?

  • Five traded.

  • Teaching Assistant: Five traded.

  • Prof: Five bought and sold.

  • So here's what happened.

  • Here were the numbers.

  • So we have five minutes just to look at this.

  • So all the buyer prices are in blue, forty-four,

  • forty, thirty-six, you should recognize these you

  • buyers, and the red ones were the sellers.

  • So you notice that every seller, for everybody there's a

  • seller who's underneath.

  • So it could have happened that thirty-eight sold to forty-four,

  • and thirty-four sold to forty at thirty-seven,

  • and twenty-eight sold to thirty-six at thirty-two.

  • You could have had eight trades.

  • So what did happen?

  • Nothing like that happened.

  • You had five trades, five pairs of people traded,

  • and there are those three poor schlumps,

  • pairs of people at the end looking despondent,

  • hopeless, unable to trade, worried that they were on

  • camera.

  • Now, let's see, who are the people who traded?

  • So, (TA), name the buyers who bought.

  • Teaching Assistant: I don't know the names.

  • Prof: The prices.

  • Teaching Assistant: The seller got it for nine and

  • managed to sell it for twenty dollars.

  • It was all quick so I don't have everybody's name,

  • because they were all rushing.

  • Prof: You got them.

  • Teaching Assistant: I got them..

  • Prof: That's everything, great.

  • Teaching Assistant: I just don't have their names.

  • Prof: Here's what happened.

  • Mister seller ten sold to thirty-six at a price of twenty.

  • Mister seller nine sold to buyer twenty,

  • so nine, there is no nine.

  • Teaching Assistant: Six.

  • Prof: Nine sold to twenty at a price of what?

  • Six.

  • Teaching Assistant: Sorry.

  • Prof: That's okay.

  • So seller six sold to twenty at a price of twenty.

  • Student: Yeah, even though it's cheaper

  • >

  • Prof: No, no, buyer twenty paid twenty,

  • so seller six did well.

  • We won't ask who buyer twenty is.

  • Buyer twenty is going to screw everything up.

  • So Buyer fourteen through--I can't read this either.

  • Teaching Assistant: Forty-four.

  • Prof: Buyer fourteen sold to buyer forty-four for

  • twenty, and buyer twenty sold to buyer

  • forty for twenty-two, and seller twenty-four sold to

  • buyer thirty for twenty-five.

  • So five people traded, now which five were they?

  • The sellers were ten, six, fourteen and twenty-four,

  • one, two, three, four, five, the bottom five.

  • The five buyers were thirty-six, twenty,

  • forty-four, forty and thirty.

  • So basically forty-four, forty, thirty-six,

  • thirty, twenty-six didn't buy, twenty bought instead.

  • So if you look at it, so it's not quite the way

  • theory would have predicted, but almost.

  • If you look at it, if you just shuffle the order

  • and you put the sellers, instead of from top to bottom

  • you put them from bottom to top, you get what looks like a

  • demand curve and a supply curve.

  • And so what happened?

  • All these five people ended up selling, one,

  • two, three, four, five, those are exactly the

  • sellers.

  • The price they sold for was all between twenty and twenty-five,

  • and the five buyers were forty-four, forty,

  • thirty-six, thirty.

  • Twenty-six didn't manage to buy, but twenty bought.

  • So what is the theory of the free market?

  • The theory of the free market says,

  • "This chaotic situation where they had less than two

  • minutes to decide what to do could be analyzed as if you put

  • a demand curve together with a supply curve and there was one

  • price that they miraculously knew.

  • Here it should have been twenty-five.

  • It turned out to be twenty or twenty-two that all the trade

  • took place at.

  • At that one price you get all the trades happening.

  • The people have the highest valuation buyers they're the

  • ones who get the tickets.

  • The people with the lowest valuation sellers sell it.

  • So the people who end up with the tickets are these red guys

  • at the top and the blue guys at the top.

  • All the tickets go from the people who value the stuff least

  • to the people who value it more.

  • So the market has done an extraordinary thing in two

  • minutes.

  • So there was one mistake.

  • Mister or miss twenty, whose identity we are

  • protecting, although I'm searching the faces,

  • mister or miss twenty got a very bad deal.

  • She or he, let's say he, bought at twenty when the value

  • was twenty.

  • That was a horrible deal.

  • He didn't get any extra out of it.

  • So he should probably have only bought if the price were lower,

  • and then twenty-six would have bought instead of twenty.

  • So twenty sort of squeezed his way into the market,

  • so twenty-six and twenty between them somehow there was a

  • slight inefficiency.

  • But basically with no training, no background,

  • no practice, these sixteen undergraduates

  • managed to reproduce-- they gathered all the

  • information in the whole economy,

  • and they discovered who were the eight people who valued the

  • tickets the most and they ended up with all the tickets.

  • For me to do it and sort it out would have taken longer.

  • The market solves a complicated problem, and gets information

  • incredibly quickly, and puts things into the hands

  • of the people who value it the most.

  • And the marginal buyer thought it was worth about twenty-five

  • or twenty and that's what the price turned out to be.

  • So anyway, we're going to come back to this parable at the

  • beginning of the next class.

Prof: So anyway, the course I'm going to teach


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1.為什麼是金融? (1. Why Finance?)

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    Chih-Tun Yu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日