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Hi, there. My name is Teacher Emma, and in today's lesson, I am going to teach you about sleep expressions.
One of my favourite activities is sleeping, and so for me, these expressions are very important because I do so much sleeping.
So I'm going to first teach you some expressions that have to do with when you get a good night's sleep
and you're happy in the morning,
I'm going to teach you some expressions for when you get a bad night's sleep and you wake up looking like this ☹,
and then I'm going to teach you some common expressions that just have to do with sleep in general.
So let's get started. The first expression I want to teach you is referring to a good sleep,
and it's when you are "out like a light". Okay? This is when you go to bed, and [snaps], right away, you're asleep.
當你「out like a light 很快地睡著 」。你去睡覺時,然後(彈手指)很快就睡著
It's very easy to fall asleep; you have no trouble falling asleep.
As soon as you get into the bed, you fall asleep, that means you are "out like a light".
So let me give you an example. After I exercise, after I go to the gym, I'm very tired.
As soon as I get into my bed, I am out like a light. Okay?
Notice, this expression, you need to say the whole thing. It's an expression that you need to use the whole thing for. Okay?
你不可以省略out like a light裡的任何一個字,它們是慣用語,合在一起才有很快入睡的意思
The next expression I want to teach you: "sleep like a log". I'm not the best artist, but
下一個表達方式是:「sleep like a log 睡得非常熟(熟睡像塊木頭:樹木被砍下來做成圓木後,安安靜靜躺在地上的樣子)」,我不是畫家;但是
this picture I've drawn. This is a log. So a log, if you can't really tell what this is,
I guess it kind of looks like a battery, but actually this is part of a tree. So when
you have a part of a tree, like you cut wood, you get something like this. This is what we call a log.
So if you sleep like a log, it means you sleep like this. Nothing can wake you.
所以,當你sleep like a log,意思是你睡得非常熟而且一動也不動,任何事情都無法叫醒你
You're so sleepy, you're fast asleep, nothing will wake you up. So it means you've had a good night sleep.
你很累,你很快就睡著了,任何事情都吵不醒你。sleep like a log指的就是你睡得很好
Last night, I was so comfortable. I slept like a log. Okay?
The next expression I want to teach you: "sleep like a baby". So, "sleep like a baby" and "sleep like a log"
下一個要教你的表達方式是:「sleep like a baby 睡得跟寶寶一樣甜」。「sleep like a baby」和「sleep like a log」
have the exact same meaning. It means you have a great night sleep. You have no trouble sleeping. Your sleep is perfect.
So, I sleep like a baby every night. It means I have a very peaceful sleep.
This expression is kind of a little bit strange, though, because if you think about babies,
I don't really think about them having great night sleeps.
I usually think of babies crying all night long. But in this case, "sleep like a baby", it's a good thing.
我通常認為寶寶整晚都會一直哭。但是不管如何,「sleep like a baby 睡得香甜」就是指一件好的事情
Finally, the last good sleep expression I want to teach you is to "be a deep sleeper".
最後一個睡得好的表達方式是:「be a deep sleeper 睡得很熟的人」
If you are a deep sleeper, again, this means that you don't wake up during the night. You're very fast asleep.
You're in a very deep sleep, which means you have a very good sleep. Okay?
When we add... Okay. When we add "er" to a word, this means person. So if you are a good sleeper,
"sleeper" is you, it means that you're able to sleep well.
All right, now let's look at some expressions that mean you've had a terrible sleep.
So, again, bad sleep. The first one, very common: "I tossed and turned" all night. If you toss and turn,
第一個睡不好最常見的表達方式是:「I tossed and turned 我整夜輾轉難眠」。如果你翻來覆去睡不著
it means you keep moving during the night. Maybe you're sleeping like this,
it's uncomfortable, then you sleep like this, then you sleep like this again. You're moving the whole night
and you're not getting a good night sleep. So if you toss and turn all night,
maybe you have a lot of stress, maybe you're thinking about work the next day, you can't
sleep - you toss and turn all night. So it's another way to say you have a bad sleep.
入睡 - 你一整夜輾轉難眠。所以,這是睡不好的另一個表達方式
Another expression: "I didn't sleep a wink". So this word right here means wink, okay? It's when you close your eye.
下一個是:「I didn't sleep a wink 完全睡不著」。這個wink是指眨眼的動作
"I didn't sleep a wink" means I did not sleep at all. So I have no sleep.
「I didn't sleep a wink」意思是我一夜都沒睡。所以,我完全睡不著
Didn't sleep a wink means... Didn't sleep a wink sorry means no sleep.
Didn't sleep a wink意思是都沒合過眼
The next expression is kind of opposite to "deep sleeper": "I'm a light sleeper".
下一個表達方式是:「I am a light sleeper」正好與「deep sleeper」的意思相反
I'm a light sleeper, this means during the night, I don't have a good sleep; I wake up a lot.
If I hear any noise, it wakes me up. So if my cat meows, I wake up. If the refrigerator starts making noise, I wake up.
If somebody enters my house, I wake up. So, a light sleeper means you wake up very easily.
如果有人進到我家裡,我就醒來。所以,a light sleeper用來形容比較淺眠、容易被細微聲音吵醒的人
Okay, our last two expressions for bad sleep is "insomnia" and "insomniac". "I have insomnia"
最後兩個來形容睡不好的表達方式是:「insomnia 失眠」和「insomniac 失眠者」。像是「我會失眠」
means I can't sleep at all. For some people, this is an illness. Maybe they have too much stress,
maybe there's something going on in their bodies, but they're not able to sleep.
Usually this means that if you have insomnia, maybe for two nights, you don't sleep at all.
Maybe three days, you don't sleep. I can also say: "I'm an insomniac". So the pronunciation:
"in-som-ni-a", so it's four syllables, "in-som-ni-a". Here: "in-som-ni-ac", again, four syllables.
So the difference between these two words, they have the same meaning, except... They're
這兩個字(insomnia 和 insomniac)有點不一樣;但他們有著相同的意思,只是...他們
both nouns, they're both nouns. In this case, this means a person. She is an insomniac.
He is an insomniac. So if you're calling a person this, you'd say "insomniac". The disease or the illness is insomnia.
或他是不容易睡著的人。所以,如果你要稱一個人有這樣的狀況,就要用「insomniac (失眠者)」這個字。疾病就要用insomnia(失眠症)這個字
Okay? I hope none of you guys have insomnia, because it's a very terrible thing to have.
In fact, I hope you all sleep like a log every night. So now
I'm going to teach you some more expressions that just have to do with sleep in general.
Okay, so the next expression I want to teach you is very, very common in English: "sleep in".
下一個,我想要教你們的是在英文中非常非常常見的字:「sleep in 晚起」
Okay? So this is a verb, and we use it... We use it all the time. It's where you sleep very late in the morning.
So, for example, usually I wake up maybe 6am, 6 in the morning, 7am, I wake up early,
but on weekends, sometimes I sleep in until 10am. I sleep late. So I wake up very, very late in the day, that means sleep in.
但是在周末時,我有時會睡到10點。因為我太晚睡了,所以我才會晚起床。這就是sleep in的意思
So: "I sleep in on weekends", for me, that means I wake up at 10am.
For other people, it might be 9am, 11am. I have one friend, Debbie,
she sleeps until 5pm because she stays up all night, so that's what it means by "sleep in".
We also have the next word, very important: "sleep over" and "stay the night". These two
下一個非常重要的字是:「sleep over 過夜」或是「stay the night 過夜」。這兩個
words mean the same thing. It's where... Where somebody goes to someone else's house, and sleeps there.
So they don't sleep at their house; they sleep at somebody else's house.
Okay? So, for example, I have a friend, Laura. Now, imagine Laura, she likes to drink beer, she drinks so much beer, she's very, very drunk.
And she can't find her way home, she doesn't want to take the subway.
It's too late, the subway's closed. So what I might say to my friend, Laura, I might say:
"Want to sleep over?" This means she can stay with me. She can stay at my house.
When my friends come to visit from other countries, when they come to Toronto to visit, I let them sleep over at my house; they stay with me.
If it's for one night, they stay the night.
如果是只有一夜,指的就是過夜(stay the night)
Okay? So for some of you, you might have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, maybe they stay the night, maybe they sleep over.
It means they stay at your house.
Another expression that's actually very useful: "hit the hay" or "hit the sack". So we have two expressions, here.
另一個非常實用的表達方式是:「hit the hay 上床睡覺」或是「hit the sack 就寢」。所以我們這裡有兩個表達方式
We can say either: "hit the hay", "hit the sack". So, these are both...
"Hit" is a verb. "Hit the hay" is a different way to say "sleep". Every night, I sleep;
「Hit(打)」是動詞。「Hit the hay」是「上床睡覺」的另一個說法。我每晚都會睡覺(sleep)
every night, I hit the hay. Every night, I sleep; every night, I hit the sack.
我每晚都會睡覺(hit the hay)。我每晚都會睡覺(sleep)。我每晚都會睡覺( hit the sack)
It just means you're going to sleep. So, imagine this, imagine it's midnight, [yawns], I'm tired.
What am I going to do? I'm going to hit the hay. I think "hay" actually means your bed,
because I think in the past, long, long time ago, beds were made of hay,
so I think that might be the origin of this expression. Although, I'm not sure; that's just my theory, my hypothesis.
The next expression means, again, the same thing as sleep. It's a synonym of "sleep": "Get some shuteye. Get some shuteye".
下一個,也是表達睡覺的方式是:「Get some shuteye 睡覺」
So, "shut" is this, and these are your eyes, so "shuteye" means sleep.
So, if I say: "I'm going to get some shuteye", just like
"I'm going to hit the hay", it means I'm going to sleep.
Finally, the last expression I'm going to teach you today: "Sleep on it".
最後一個我要教你的表達方式是:「Sleep on it先不去想它」
"Sleep", here, is also a verb. These are all verbs. "Let's sleep on it" means you have some sort of decision.
這裡的「Sleep」是動詞。這些上面的這些(sleep over / stay the night / hit the hay / get some shuteye)都是動詞。「讓我好好考慮一下」意思是有些事情你需要做決定
Okay? We use this when we're thinking about some big decision, and you want to make a decision.
Instead of making a decision at night, you wait until the next day. Okay?
So, for example: maybe I'm at work, and they ask me if I want a promotion.
Now, usually with a promotion, you just... You want to do it. But imagine this: imagine I'm not sure.
I don't know if I want to change my position at the company, instead of telling them yes,
it means I need time, I will say: "I'm going to sleep on it." It means: I'm going to take some time to decide; to make a decision.
Okay? Another example,
imagine you want to come to Canada and you're thinking about coming to Canada to learn English, if somebody asks you about it,
instead of making a decision, you need more time to think, you might say to your parents:
"You know, mom and dad, I'm not going to make a decision now. I'm going to sleep on it. I will make the decision in the morning."
Okay? So "sleep on it" means you make a decision not immediately, but the next day.
所以,「sleep on it」指的就是你不會立刻做出決定,而是到明天才會下定決心
Okay? After you sleep.
All right, so these are all very useful expressions, very common expressions we use when we talk about sleep.
Sleep is very, very important. People talk a lot about sleep;
hence, this is why it is very important for you to know these expressions.
So I hope you visit our website at www.engvid.com. There, you can practice these expressions, using our quiz.
I'll ask you questions about these words, and you're going to tell me what they mean,
how to use them in sentences, so it's very, very good practice. I hope tonight you all
sleep like a log, I hope you're all deep sleepers. I hope none of you have insomnia. I hope you
get a lot of shuteye, and then maybe tomorrow... You can sleep on this lesson. Sleep on this lesson.
Tomorrow, you can do the quiz. All right?
So have a good night sleep, everyone, and until next time-I'm Teacher Emma-take care.