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  • So thank you so much for having me.

  • I'm Alexa von Tobel and I'm incredibly passionate about personal finance.

  • I wanted to start talking to you all today about my favorite television show,

  • which would of course be, The Biggest Loser.

  • I love The Biggest Loser and I'm sure many of you watch it here.

  • I love to watch it while I'm on the elliptical machine.

  • Everything from the crazy donut binges, to the dramatic weigh-ins,

  • it's incredibly entertaining.

  • Though when I watch it I often step back and I think:

  • "What a great television show."

  • America is struggling with obesity

  • and this is a show that brings that to the forefront.

  • Six million people view it every Tuesday night and I often pause and think,

  • "God I really wish something like this existed for personal finance."

  • I really wish that there could be a show like The Biggest Loser for person finance

  • but unfortunately money is still so taboo.

  • In America right now, the average person

  • makes approximately 6 to 10 money decisions every single day.

  • Those decisions can range from simple things like

  • whether or not to buy a cup of coffee?

  • to bigger things like What should I do with my 401K?

  • I think what's important about that is those decisions are completely unguided.

  • Right now personal finance isn't taught in high schools, colleges,

  • or graduate programs across the United States.

  • People typically learn about personal finance by talking to their parents,

  • who unfortunately were also never formally educated about personal finance.

  • The take away there is most people simply learn through trial and error.

  • Money is such an important thing it effects us all

  • and most people simply learn about it through trial and error.

  • So from there, it's easy to understand that money right now

  • is the number one thing that young people really stress about.

  • Worse 76% of the country feels completely out of control when it comes to money.

  • Pause for a second, four of your closest friends, three of them right now

  • feel out of control when it comes to their personal finances.

  • Seventy five percent of this room feels out of control

  • when it comes to their personal finances.

  • Unfortunately we're not doing anything to change this.

  • Right now 84% of college graduates said that they need more help

  • when it comes to personal finance but they're not getting it,

  • and as a result of all of this, 61% of the country is living paycheck to paycheck.

  • More than 50% of our country is not quite sure

  • how they're going to pay their bills next month. That is staggering.

  • Think about the stress that puts on individuals.

  • So I often ask myself: How on earth did we get here?

  • How do we end up where this thing that is so critical

  • to every single person in this room?

  • It's something that we've never learned.

  • I want to take the 1.8 million college graduating seniors from this year

  • and I want to walk you through exactly what ultimately happens.

  • I want to introduce you to someone who will represent the absolute norm

  • and we're going to find out how they ended up on such a ride.

  • So meet Jessica. She's 22 years old, she studied English.

  • She's going to graduate from college this year with $25,000 in student debt,

  • and $4,000 in credit card debt, and she's going to end up, if she is lucky

  • and I repeat lucky, with a job right out of college, where she'll make $35,000.

  • That means that her monthly take home pay will be approximately $2,300.

  • I'm going to walk you through 5 decisions that Jessica's going to make,

  • some that she's aware were bad decisions, some that she's not,

  • and it helps you better understand how she ended up in a situation

  • that most of America is in. So first she's not going to have a budget.

  • Jessica thinks about her life now and says:

  • "I barely get any money that I'm making. Why am I creating a detailed budget?

  • I'll be lucky if I can just pay my bills."

  • She doesn't know that good financial planning recommends that 50% of her money

  • that she takes home goes towards essentials,

  • 30% towards life style, and 20% towards the future.

  • That's really key, 20% towards her future savings.

  • Jessica's going to move after college to a big city.

  • First she's going to do what every other college graduate does, get an apartment.

  • Then she's going to spend $1,200 on rent.

  • In the beginning, a simple decision such as getting her apartment

  • is going to throw even the chance of her having a balanced budget

  • completely out of whack, but also put her in jeopardy for years to come

  • as she won't have that 20% going towards her future.

  • Next Jessica already has lots of debt. She thinks to herself:

  • "Everyone in America is in debt. Why do I have to worry so much?"

  • Instead of aggressively paying it down she only going to pay her minimum payments.

  • Worse she's going to miss a few of those payments.

  • She doesn't even understand what a credit score is.

  • Nor does she understand why it's so critical to her financial future.

  • After that she's not going to think about emergency savings,

  • and the reason is she can barely think about how she pays her bills.

  • She thinks: "What do I need emergency savings for?"

  • What she doesn't know is if she loses her job tomorrow

  • or has any type of an emergency, she's completely vulnerable

  • and she's going to rely on credit card debt to keep her head above water.

  • Her fourth big mistake is she's not going to negotiate her salary.

  • She is so thankful that she got a job

  • that she's not going to negotiate her salary.

  • She's going to wait for her boss to tell her when she gets one.

  • So few years later she's still making just $35,000.

  • The final major mistake that Jessica's going to make

  • is she's not going to think about retirement in her 20's.

  • The reason she's not is retirement is 43 years away.

  • Why on earth would she think about it? She says.

  • Because of that she doesn't take advantage of her employer 401k match program,

  • and she doesn't open a Roth IRA. Now I want to fast forward 15 years.

  • Applying those exact same behavioral traits,

  • not learning much more about personal finance, making a few more mistakes,

  • Jessica's going to get married and she's going to have 2 children.

  • Fifteen years later, applying the national APR of 15%,

  • Jessica's going to be closer to $20,000 in debt.

  • As her life grew, credit card was her answer.

  • Her interest rate has of course gone up.

  • >From there, she still has about $10,000 of her student loans.

  • So a decision she made 2 decades ago is still haunting her every single month.

  • Additionally her credit score has gone from 622 to something more in the 500's,

  • and that's because she's amassed more debt and she's missed more payments.

  • She started thinking about retirement,

  • but she currently has less than $10,000 in her future retirement savings.

  • Which actually is about 54% of America right now.

  • Beyond that, she doesn't set up a 529 plan for her children

  • because she has no other dollars to think about.

  • So I want to pause for a second and I want to think about the national impact.

  • I just walked you through Jessica's story and I want us to pause

  • and I want us multiply that by a thousand by a million, and by tens of millions.

  • Jessica's story is the story of tens of millions of Americans

  • living in our country today.

  • You understand that and we pause and really think about it.

  • It helps you better understand why we currently are a country where we have

  • $2.5 trillion, yes trillion dollars in consumer debt.

  • We're in a position where the American dream of home ownership is not a reality

  • as 25% of applications are denied immediately.

  • Where 31% of Americans today have no retirement savings

  • and therefore the American dream of pausing when you're 65

  • when your bones are starting to get brittle and being able to retire,

  • they're not going to have that as a reality, and finally

  • and maybe even worse, money is the number one cause of fights in marriages.

  • And married couples who fight are 30% more likely to end up in divorce.

  • So this gives you an idea of where we are today.

  • But this doesn't give you a sense of the domino effect.

  • Jessica and her husband they have two beautiful kids.

  • Those kids will go off to college with the exact same credit card debt

  • and student loan debt that Jessica had.

  • But worse, they're probably going to have to help Jessica with retirement.

  • That domino is going to fall down for generations to come

  • and as you can see Jessica has flipped a domino and the downward financial spiral

  • that will continue for many generations. So what if we could rewind?

  • What if I told you that I really believe that there's a solution to all of this?

  • I really believe that we can go back to the tens of millions --

  • We can ultimately go back to Jessica and there's a simple solution.

  • We can take her before she enters the world,

  • before all of our college seniors do, and we can basically

  • stop and teach them 5 principles.

  • We can help them avoid making these mistakes,

  • let them understand why a budget is so critical,

  • learn the principle of living beneath their means;

  • help them better understand that debt is not an answer

  • and in fact it is absolutely so important to aggresively pay it down

  • as it is designed to defeat you;

  • help them understand that an emergency savings account is so critical -

  • if anything happens, you want to be able to sleep at night

  • and that's why it's there;

  • help them understand that they have to negotiate their salaries along the way

  • that their voice will always be the loudest;

  • and finally that retirement is something you have to think about in your 20's.

  • I saw this graph many, many years ago.

  • It's a simple principle, it's compounding interest.

  • An individual who starts contributing to retirement in her 20's versus her 40's

  • and they both contribute the same dollars.

  • This is a really powerful graph and a really important thing,

  • and I just always wonder what if we can make this go viral?

  • So I want to go back to the educated Jessica.

  • Let's say we did actually teach her all of these empowered facts.

  • Years later she'd be in a position where she could open the coffee shop

  • she'd always dreamed of.

  • She and her husband now own a home because they knew about credit score.

  • They knew not to miss their bills and they knew to keep it in the 700's.

  • They're looking forward to their retirement.

  • They took advantage of all those things in their 20's

  • and compounding interest worked its magic,

  • and probably best yet, her children have 529 plans.

  • They'll go off to college and they'll be in a significantly better place

  • than Jessica was decades ago.

  • This is the empowered Jessica.

  • So I wish it weren't true but it is, money is such a lifeline.

  • If you love someone you can travel around the world to see them,

  • and if you're sick, as I know this week you're going to want to pay

  • the best dollars that money can buy to get the best doctors.

  • Money will affect us every single day of our lives until the day that we die,

  • and I wish it weren't true, but it's a fact.

  • I look forward to a future where we can pause,

  • we can take all of the people before they enter the world

  • and teach them these basic financial principles.

  • That we can empower them

  • so that they can end up living really powerful financial lives.

  • That they can feel great about money and from there it ultimately is going to have

  • fantastic impact on our balance sheets and as our nation as a whole.

  • But most importantly it's going dwindle down for many generation to come.

  • When I think about money I think it's not important to be rich.

  • It's not about being rich. It's about being able to live your richest life.

  • I want that for me. I want that for Jessica.

  • I want that for the hundreds of millions of Americans who deserve just that.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

So thank you so much for having me.


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TEDx】一堂你從未上過的改變人生的課。Alexa von Tobel在TEDxWallStreet的演講。 (【TEDx】One Life-Changing Class You Never Took: Alexa von Tobel at TEDxWallStreet)

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