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  • - Well, it's good to see you. Happy New Year to you,

  • and where-- you were in Miami, right?

  • - Yes, I was. For New Years.

  • - It was like a big party thing, or--

  • - No, no. Actually Bo was working down there,

  • and so I went-- - Who's Bo?

  • - Oh, God, come on. Why do you do this every time?

  • - Because you lie to me every time.

  • - I don't lie to you! - Last time you lied.

  • - I give the most accurate answer that I can give you.

  • - Okay.

  • So now you're with him.

  • - Yes. - Now you're with him.

  • - Yes. We were down in Miami together for New Years.

  • He was working, I didn't have to work.

  • I had, like, literally two days off.

  • - Uh-huh. - And we just--

  • we were hanging out, yeah. - Uh-huh.

  • [cheers and applause]

  • So what was Christmas like and the house,

  • and what did the kids want, and what did they get?

  • - Okay, Christmas was great.

  • My family came in from New York.

  • My mom, my sister, my niece.

  • You know, my kids were there, all my cousins.

  • And, you know, it was just a regular Christmas, you know?

  • I cooked.

  • I've turned into my grandmother, I realize.

  • I am now my grandmother.

  • My grandmother passed away a few years ago.

  • And, you know, it was like who's--

  • what are we going to do?

  • We were literally for, like, a couple of years

  • we were lost. You know what I mean?

  • We didn't know what to do with the holidays

  • and things like that.

  • And I was like, "I'm gonna have to cook.

  • I'll cook. I'm the best cook, I'll cook."

  • And this was the first year I really cooked everything.

  • - Now and what did your kids want for Christmas?

  • - My daughter wanted bunnies.

  • - Real bunnies? - Yes, real bunnies.

  • She did a whole project in school.

  • They do a half, like, semester project every year.

  • They do two projects a year.

  • and hers was on bunnies.

  • And so she learned about all different kinds of bunnies.

  • And she wanted a dwarf bunny. - Mm-hmm.

  • You know, they're called Netherland dwarf bunnies.

  • And so I was like, "How am I going to find

  • a Netherland dwarf bunny?" You know what I mean?

  • And so I found one. - Of course.

  • - So you just got one? - We got a bunny. Yeah.

  • - One bunny? - No, two bunnies. Two bunnies.

  • - Oh, you're going to have many bunnies now.

  • - No, don't-- you think I didn't--

  • do I look stupid to you? - They're both girls

  • or they're both boys? - They're both girls.

  • - Yeah. - They're both girls, yeah.

  • - Aww, that's great. - Yeah, they're really cute.

  • So she was--I mean, I have video that she was just--

  • she was blown away. She couldn't believe it.

  • You know what I mean? I think it was the last thing

  • she thought she would get.

  • And she's such a good girl... - How did you wrap them?

  • My daughter. We just kind of, like,

  • put them in a kinda open box.

  • Until we're like, "Hurry up, open it!"

  • - Yeah, I know. Open that one first.

  • - Yeah. And Max was really into, like, computers

  • and things like that, you know?

  • - Uh-huh. - Like electronics like all kids

  • and so he got his first computer.

  • - Oh, wow. That's great. - Yeah.

  • - And what did they give you?

  • - They didn't get me anything. No.

  • Did they get me something? I don't--you know what?

  • I don't even think about what I get.

  • I only think about I covered everybody.

  • Everybody was happy and I got, like,

  • I got some jewelry and some, like, leggings,

  • and, you know, I got things from--

  • - What did Bo give you? - He gave me some jewelry.

  • Some beautiful bracelets. Vintage.

  • - What did you give him? I gave him a tuxedo.

  • A tuxedo because I'm, you know, opening in Vegas,

  • and I was like, "You can wear this on opening night."

  • - Ah.

  • - "So you look nice."

  • - "Or for the wedding." Where--when is it? Do you know?

  • - No! No wedding.

  • No wedding. There's no wedding. - No?

  • - No. - All right.

  • - Okay? Honest? It's honest as I can be.

  • - That's today. - That's today.

  • - Now next time you come back and you'll be married.

  • - I got married! - Yeah.

  • All right, we're gonna take a break,

  • and when we come back, we're gonna talk about

  • the Vegas thing and your new show.

  • - Yeah. - You've got tons going on.

  • - It's called "Shades of Blue" and when did you have time

  • to shoot that? - I was--

  • after we wrapped "Idol" last year,

  • after the finale, I moved to New York

  • for five months and we shot this, "Shades of Blue,"

  • 13 episodes, yeah. - Wow.

  • And now you're doing this Vegas residency,

  • which is--when do you start and how long does it go?

  • - Yeah. It starts soon, which is scary to me a little bit,

  • but we've been rehearsing every day

  • since I did the AMAs, I think.

  • We've been just like in there every day, like,

  • creating the show and creating--

  • it was being created before I got there,

  • while I was doing "Shades of Blue."

  • I was, you know, kind of working on the music and all that.

  • And now we're just rehearsing every single day,

  • and it's on January 20th. January 20th.

  • Are you going to come? - Wow.

  • - You have to come. - I'd love to. I'd love to.

  • - You have to come. - Yeah.

  • - I'm there for, like, the-- you know, 'cause my shows

  • are sporadic throughout the year.

  • And I'm gonna be there for three years,

  • but it's 40 shows a year, and I do some in January

  • some in February, then I go back in May and June,

  • and then I go back-- so I'm there sporadically,

  • but you have to come for sure. - I would love to come.

  • - You have to come. - Yeah, because every time

  • you're on the show and you perform,

  • you're such an amazing performer.

  • - Thank you. - So--and did you talk to, like,

  • Celine Dion or Britney or anybody, like,

  • to see what it's like to perform there?

  • I haven't spoken to anybody.

  • I went and saw all the shows before I decided to do it.

  • - Uh-huh. - You know what I mean?

  • Like I wanted to see, like, get a vibe

  • for what it would be like, and--but I didn't get to.

  • I got to say hi to Britney backstage

  • for a second. And I'm excited.

  • I'm excited to share the whole thing with them.

  • Do you know what I mean? - And how long is your show?

  • Is it an hour or-- - It's like an hour and a half.

  • It's like a concert. It's probably--

  • Mine will be probably a little bit longer than that.

  • - It will be great. It will be fantastic.

  • - It will be awesome. I'm excited about it.

  • - Yeah. I'm excited, too. - Yeah.

- Well, it's good to see you. Happy New Year to you,


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A2 初級 美國腔

J.Lo對她的美 (J.Lo on Her Beau)

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    Weihao Lu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日