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  • Everyone is a genius

  • but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole

  • life believing

  • it's stupid. There I was working with a student, Natalie, on solving equations

  • she had to multiply two times nine and got stuck

  • and this happens all the time I'm used to it but I decided to go for the

  • teaching moment

  • all she had to do is count by 2's 9 times

  • Now, she tried and failed 4 different times on her fingers on paper in English

  • and Spanish

  • 2, 4, 8, 12? Natalie was 16 years old

  • and in the ninth grade and she's not alone not by a long shot.

  • I teach at a high school with a student population of near 3000

  • it's one of thirty thousand high schools across the US, so you have to imagine

  • how many natalie's are out there? Now i've seen the best of our school system

  • and I can say that our best students can compete with the best students from around

  • the world. In fact,

  • when looking at the PISA results that compares our students to other countries

  • we currently ranked in the twenties yet if we desegregate

  • our results by district poverty level it compare the US District to those top

  • countries by poverty rates

  • it is clear that our students are at the top.

  • But our best students are only a small percentage of the overall population

  • even in the honors classes and then what about the Natalie's?

  • I specialize in teaching algebra to the bottom 25 percent of high school students

  • and I work mostly with those

  • students now the best of those students want to do well but when they

  • realize what they're capable of

  • their either stuck in a path of academic mediocrity

  • or they're so close to graduation they just need a credit to pass.

  • Its almost like a scene of wasted potential. Now the worst of those

  • students have had no education of character common decency

  • appropriate language appropriate behavior they barely know right from

  • wrong.

  • These are the students who are at risk of dropping out

  • incarceration or abusing social welfare. Now what's out there waiting

  • for those students jobs, college?

  • They're in an education system that says if you don't go to college

  • you have no worth so their only alternative is to be

  • underemployed to find illegal work or to abuse social welfare.

  • Those students are marginalized by what I call

  • a toxic culture of education.

  • It doesn't matter if this student is a gifted artist a loving caretaker

  • talented musician

  • or poetic writer those students are the fish being judged on how they climb

  • trees because we say the

  • end-all be-all is college or we're leaving students to the lowest

  • skill level work. Even in the honors classes the students are so wrapped up about

  • grades and answers they're afraid

  • to learn and thats impacting how they're performing at college but I am NOT here

  • to talk about the current student loan debt crisis. They have to understand I

  • don't place the blame

  • on them yes they can take credit for who they are but this is about something

  • much bigger than the students.

  • Our toxic culture of education begins with a classic

  • super villain archetype. I focus on Syndrome from The Incredibles

  • the super villains plan is to unleash a doom on to the world that

  • only the supervillain can stop thus gaining all the desired power.

  • Now this is exactly what happened in education in the nineteen eighties and

  • before

  • it culminated in No Child Left Behind. Private education companies realized

  • they can use public education a multi-billion dollar industry

  • to create a nearly endless stream of taxpayer money.

  • They channeled millions of dollars into lobbying

  • efforts and focused on two words, rigor and accountability

  • and put everything into place. State statutes were passed

  • district rules were enforced and then finally No Child Left Behind became the

  • national standard.

  • Don't get me wrong about politics these efforts were underway long before they

  • were passed so both parties get to take full credit

  • for their disastrous results especially the race to the top.

  • We somehow took the education system that produced the individuals who put a

  • man on the moon

  • with technology less powerful than the phone in my pocket

  • and characterized that education system as a failure

  • using the word accountability. We only have one way to address

  • accountability, standardized testing. So we implemented standardized testing

  • and then a 1983 publication called "A Nation at Risk" showed

  • standardized tests proved schools were failing

  • teachers were failing students were failing, and when everything is

  • failing guess what we need? New text books, new workbooks, new resources, new

  • training accountability systems, new schools

  • private schools, charter schools and who is it that creates

  • all of these things that all of a sudden we need? Our super villain:

  • private education companies. The only way to feed a business

  • model in this toxic culture of education

  • is to perpetuate a picture of failure. I would love to meet

  • any education company that has a business model

  • that is built upon long-term student success.

  • There simply is no money in long-term student success.

  • Now, how is it that we can believe that a standardized test is what accurately

  • measures

  • student achievement? How can we believe that it measures

  • student growth, that moment when a student's light bulb

  • is finally lit, "ah ha!" That moment when a student says

  • "thank you" for helping him graduate with a 2.0 GPA.

  • How can we attach a number to that moment when a third grader finally has

  • the ability

  • to write his own name who, by the way, has been labeled a

  • failure for himself, his teacher, and his school.

  • Yet we crave education standardization we believe we need these high-stakes

  • tests

  • because we eat up the misinformation provided by these companies and policies

  • using a false validity of their testing results.

  • Our testing culture begins in elementary school.

  • Colleagues of mine work with third-graders third-graders who suffer

  • from

  • anxiety from high stakes testing from a one day one shot four hour computer

  • based test

  • the future path of a student is set, an academic identity is established, and

  • a message is delivered loud and clear either you can or you can't make it!

  • And no matter what the teacher tells the student about how good they are

  • or what talents they have, if the student doesn't score well on that high-stakes

  • test the third graders know exactly what it means

  • and begin to define themselves. It's starting to happen now

  • in kindergarten. So we continue this barrage of standardized tests and the

  • students continue failing

  • in the districts have to continue the next initiatives

  • that can solve the problems who is it that manufactures these products? Who

  • creates these

  • solutions? Our super villain: private companies like Pearson and McGraw-Hill

  • who operate off policy and legislation written by non-profit organizations and

  • lobbying groups like ALEC,

  • the American Legislative Exchange Council. Buy the next text book! Buy the

  • next workbook! Buy the next digital software package,

  • the next teacher evaluation system. I have been through three

  • algebra one text books in seven years and still we stick

  • to the standardized tests. Guess who makes those?

  • In this toxic culture we illogically attempt to compare

  • education to business we completely ignore the impact of poverty

  • and hunger on student achievement and we pay no attention

  • to the non cognitive factors like personal habits and personal values

  • that are the realistic measures and predictors of student achievement. And that

  • way

  • we can place the blame on the schools and on the teachers

  • to continue the cycle. And because we have a toxic

  • culture of education, the teachers and the schools

  • have accepted this accountability for all students even those

  • students. We take the blame for a student who can't focus in class

  • because she hasnt eaten since yesterday's lunch. We take the blame for

  • a student who's always in trouble in school

  • because he doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. We take the

  • blame for a student who can't stay awake in class

  • because she spends her nights on a different couch depending on which

  • friend takes her in.

  • And when these students don't score well,l it's about to get worse

  • the Common Core will do even more damage because it's emphasis on high-stakes

  • testing matched

  • with its myopic standards that are disguised in critical thinking.

  • I've seen my daughter's kindergarten and first grade assignments

  • this isn't critical thinking, this is developmentally inappropriate

  • rote. You think they can fool me with this stuff?

  • Any education reform that doesn't address high-stakes testing

  • and the non cognitive factors of true success like character

  • and integrity is a complete waste of time and it's killing our kids.

  • Right now the public narrative in education is all about curriculum,

  • all about schools, all about teachers. We need to start paying attention

  • to our students and who they are. If a student fails

  • algebra one in their ninth grade year, I can tell you chances are that it's not

  • because it was too hard

  • or they didn't get it. Chances are that its not because they had a bad teacher

  • or were at a bad school. If a student fails

  • in the ninth grade year the chances are it's because the student was missing some

  • type with intangible characteristic a non

  • cognitive factor that enables them to succeed.

  • Things like perseverance, initiative, social skills, communication skills,

  • curiosity, sometimes a full belly or a good night's sleep.

  • Yet none of these things are considered our definitions accountability.

  • None of these things are considered in our policies so all the talk about failing

  • schools

  • and failing teachers and how we need to improve the teachers and the schools

  • needs to be shifted to include failing students

  • and how can we help the students. How can we help them be

  • better students better people how can we help them with these non cognitive

  • factors

  • like work ethic and character? How can we make sure that they're getting enough

  • sleep,

  • that they're getting enough to eat, that they're showing up for class? Its the

  • public narrative

  • that has to be shifted. We must talk about what is happening in the lives of

  • our students.

  • Even our honor students, because we're simply creating a massive population of

  • future citizens

  • who are afraid to attend anything challenging, unable to read or think

  • critically

  • or unable to find a way to turn a meaningful income, I'll get to that in a

  • minute.

  • Right now in this toxic culture all students are forced

  • to study abstract classes in order to be

  • college-ready and we throw around buzz words like "rigor"

  • and "STEM" and the public loves it! We eat it up, we think it's fantastic but we're

  • missing the point that "rigor"

  • has replaced the word "relevant." I met with our district and I pitched the idea

  • to bring back home economics but this time as a math credit

  • First words in the response, "That's not

  • rigorous." So forget teaching students about measurement,

  • taxes, discounts, loans, credit, debt, retirement planning because it's not as

  • rigorous

  • as factoring trinomials and graphing logarithmic functions

  • so it can't fit. There's no room for that in this toxic culture of education.

  • There's also no room for the arts and for imagination which are being

  • systematically removed from our public schools

  • because I don't think anyone profits from those things. Now we have already

  • felt the

  • impact of our education policies there are thousands of highly skilled jobs

  • available

  • right now. There's opportunity for small business development and innovation like

  • never before. Yet where are the majority

  • our students and graduates? There is an enormous opportunity

  • in this economy for our students but we just don't

  • enable it in the schools because we're so focused on accountability

  • and standardized testing and rigor and college-ready.

  • If we focus our attention on getting students what they need to find their

  • place

  • in this economy, all students, especially those

  • students would value education more highly, use their time more wisely

  • and make better decisions outside of school.

  • Now we gotta keep the college-bound students going to college. We gotta

  • continue that path.

  • However, we need to be more successful and more innovative.

  • But what about the Natalie's? I've got students that want to be tattoo artists,

  • mechanics, barbers, they want work. Some want to open their own businesses but they

  • are those

  • students. They constantly failed their classes they're always in trouble in

  • school they may not even graduate

  • so I say let's scrap algebra for them let's teach those students some tangible

  • work skills that can help them in the future the same way we used to do in the

  • system before

  • it was labeled as a failure! Why not get students out there making a living for

  • themselves

  • rather than us spending another ten thousand dollars in taxpayer money for

  • another year of school for them to learn how to factor trinomials?

  • Why not get them into the economy? How do we deal with all these issues

  • on a grand scale? I believe in Horseman's

  • eighteen fifties vision of an education system that can improve man kind.

  • In public education we've got an amazing opportunity to mold a better tomorrow,

  • yet what we are currently doing is so incredibly toxic.

  • I have two solutions that would be better. The first idea I am not a big fan

  • of,

  • in fact I don't like it. We could completely

  • defund public education give back the 750

  • billion dollars into our pockets, no more taxpayer money

  • going to private companies and nonprofit organizations

  • in the name of public education and on the heads our public school children,

  • because let me tell you that money's not getting to them or to the classrooms

  • it's certainly not going to teacher's... My second idea which I am in favor of

  • is to double down on public education we've got to eliminate these toxic

  • policies, eliminate

  • this focus on high-stakes testing, eliminate the corruption

  • in the cash flow. Get the resources more directly to the students

  • focus on them, on their abilities, on their non cognitive factors.

  • Train and allow the teachers to develop relationships with their students

  • and assess them on what they truly need to know: thinking,

  • reasoning, and learning. I believe in the potential greatness of a public education

  • system

  • done right. And so do my colleagues

  • but speaking of my colleagues, the public narrative

  • on teachers, thanks to education reformers like Michelle Rhee and

  • Bill Gates, is that our public schools are teaming with horrible teachers.

  • The reality is that most teachers are accomplishing amazing peaks of human

  • achievement and motivation with their students

  • every day and what they're able to accomplish is being done to spite

  • a professional environment of questioning, belittling,

  • and self-doubt due to accountability measures and evaluation systems we had no

  • stake in even creating.

  • And teaching used to be called the noble profession,

  • so why not make teaching a profession once again?

  • Why not train and allow the teachers to develop their own assessment systems

  • that can better fit their students needs?

  • Why not encourage teachers to collaborate with one another

  • or at least have a peer review system like in other

  • professions. Why not involve teachers in the policy-making decisions at the

  • school level, the district level, the state and national level?

  • The truth of education policy is that it is written and enforced by people who

  • have spent either little or no time in the classroom with the students

  • these very policies are affecting. Take a look at the makeup

  • of any boards of education, including local school boards

  • and secretaries of education. Why not involve the individuals in direct

  • contact with the students to help mold and shape the environment

  • of the students. Education is the only industry,

  • and its a 750 billion dollar industry,

  • that is developing a product without any valid market research

  • from its end users. Students aren't asked what they want or need,

  • the teachers in the schools aren't asked would work for their students the public

  • narrative

  • has to be shifted. The schools and the teachers are not the enemy.

  • It is the private corporations like Pearson that pay the lobbying groups like

  • ALEC to write these policies and laws that get passed over steak dinners

  • and campaign contributions because the words like "rigor"

  • and "accountability" to perpetuate a bottom line on the heads of our public school

  • children.

  • Simply follow the money of all the public tax dollars going to public education

  • how much of that money is going to private companies and nonprofit

  • organizations

  • for materials, training, resources, vouchers, accountability systems

  • and the education bureaucracy because the policy support that? Simply,

  • follow the money. So we have to fight this toxic culture of

  • education we have to change the public narrative away from the curriculum

  • away from the school's even away from the teachers and we have to focus on our

  • students.

  • We have to teach them how to think and how to learn and how to

  • innovate, not how to take tests these are human beings!

  • Why not stop judging the fish on how they climb trees?

Everyone is a genius


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【TEDx】教育的有毒文化。Joshua Katz在TEDxUniversityofAkron的演講 (【TEDx】Toxic culture of education: Joshua Katz at TEDxUniversityofAkron)

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    Max Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日