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  • Ladies and gentlemen,

  • it is my great pleasure to talk about China

  • because China is really a great focus.

  • Wherever you go, they talk about China.

  • Great attention. Why?

  • I think, number one: China is too fast.

  • Three decades ago, when China started its reform,

  • nobody projected that China could move so fast

  • from a very small economy

  • and now became number 2 in GDP size.

  • In 2010, when Chinese GDP

  • just overpassed Japan

  • in US dollar parity,

  • just a little bit.

  • What happened today, 5 years later?

  • More than doubled. So it's very fast.

  • So when we talk about 2025, what about it?

  • We call now China-- it turned to be a new normal.

  • New normal moderate growth rate.

  • A few people probably think that's possible

  • because new normal, according to Chinese standard is about 7%

  • so it's already not normal for many, many countries.

  • So a question mark.

  • Second reason, I think, is it is big, it's too big.

  • The population.

  • Human beings have never experienced such a process

  • mobilizing more than 10 billion population

  • and let 10 billion people to be rich in a short time.

  • So the big population is a good thing and a bad thing.

  • Now, almost every country welcomes Chinese people for purchasing power.

  • Our Korean friends realize this, understand this better than any country.

  • But at the same time, they worried about the flood of Chinese people,

  • increasing investments, and too high purchasing power.

  • So big population is also a big question mark.

  • The third reason, I think, is it's too different.

  • It has a different system,

  • still led and continues to be led by the Communist Party.

  • At the end of Cold War,

  • we had a saying that it's the end of history,

  • but here in China is still different, and it continues to be different.

  • [Can the Chinese different political system can sustain itself?]

  • What does it mean?

  • I remember about two weeks ago, I was in Iran,

  • discussing with scholars including religious scholars.

  • They put a lot of expectation on China's future.

  • They told me, "We do not respect Chinese economy,

  • we expect Chinese political dimension which would bring

  • a different system to the world, a different civilization."

  • Believe it or not, I think that's probably true.

  • So China is different.

  • We're so used to having this Western democratic system.

  • Now you have a big country, it will continue like this,

  • but what does this mean?

  • Many countries probably will learn from China,

  • and that's a big challenge

  • for the existing dominating political systems.

  • So also a big question: whether it can sustain, what kind of impact,

  • but before that, let me give you the answers;

  • I'd like to start with China's dream.

  • Because China's dream is a big answer

  • to all of these questions.

  • Many people ask me why China dreams,

  • why Xi Jinping picked up this dream for China.

  • Why does China dream?

  • I think for Chinese people,

  • especially those my age - I'm 70 years old -

  • we understand that quite well,

  • because China used to be a great power,

  • but it fell down in modern times.

  • And many Chinese had a dream.

  • China could come back to the world stage,

  • could be a great power again.

  • And few people would believe it at that time,

  • Chinese used to call little Japan

  • [a country] that could defeat the Chinese naval fleet,

  • could invade China for more than one decade.

  • So they think it is China's problem, its system.

  • So we want to be back, we want to be prosperous.

  • Chinese suffered too much.

  • Also China had internal riots, internal conflicts.

  • By 1949,

  • the People's Republic was established,

  • and it became a new turning point for China.

  • It ended internal riots on the mainland, at least,

  • and then, starting from that,

  • the Chinese leaders and the government [had] a dream

  • to be a big power again, as quickly as possible.

  • I remember we had a plan to overpass Britain within 5 years,

  • catch up with the US within 15 years.

  • That's why we had a great leap forward.

  • And we thought it was very easy if people worked hard.

  • But it's a failed story.

  • Then we had the Cultural Revolution,

  • and China almost fell,

  • [found itself] on the edge of collapse.

  • Those are the original words of Deng Xiaoping.

  • So, the Chinese leaders decided to conduct a new policy:

  • reform and opening.

  • Reform and opening by two means:

  • reform and a planning system;

  • that showed that is a failure.

  • Opening the country,

  • to mobilize its own advantage of cheap labor and vast land

  • to attract foreign investments.

  • So when they started this, China developed so fast.

  • They mobilized the dream again.

  • So leaders [took] two steps towards China's dream.

  • We call it two one hundred years.

  • One hundred year:

  • The Communist Party's establishment in 1920.

  • So that is, by 2020,

  • China will become a Xiaokang, comprehensive Xiaokang,

  • that is, provide welfare to all Chinese people.

  • That's really a big dream.

  • Because for more than 100 years,

  • Chinese people never enjoyed this comprehensive welfare.

  • Hunger and disorder,

  • unstable life, the Cultural Revolution and so on.

  • That is why Xi Jinping picked up this dream for China.

  • Because 2020: what does it mean?

  • In his term.

  • According to our political arrangement,

  • at least he could be on the leading power for 10 years.

  • That is 2023.

  • So 2020 is his responsibility

  • to realize the first step towards the dream,

  • by the 100 years of Communist Party

  • who considered to be unified, integrated,

  • end the internal turmoil in modern China,

  • and to be a comprehensive Xiaokang state.

  • The second step will be taken by the Chinese leaders in 2050.

  • That is, by the People's Republic, 100 years.

  • So Chinese always think in 100 years.

  • It's a short time according to Chinese history.

  • A long time, but a short time for the Chinese people.

  • Because we have more than 100 years of declining

  • and then, we have another 200 years

  • of picking up, rising again.

  • So by 2025, it's still a half step to the second step dream.

  • That is to be a developed country.

  • It's not a well developed country;

  • it's only mid-level developed country at the time.

  • So the average of Chinese GDP is still in the middle, not on the top.

  • So, even if by 2025,

  • China becomes number one economy in GDP size,

  • as Professor Zhu said,

  • it does not represent everything.

  • The average income is still low, and many other [things].

  • So it's not easy.

  • The Chinese are seeking this transition process as 100 years.

  • I remember the story this year

  • during the Lianghui, the Congress meeting,

  • and CPPCC conference - I'm a member of CPPCC -

  • Correspondents asked me,

  • what do you think of One Belt One Road?

  • How much time does China need to finish it?

  • I said we need at least 100 years.

  • So correspondents outlined the topic,

  • "Professor Zhang said One Belt One Road needs 100 years."

  • But it's not a joke, actually.

  • If you really build a well-developed region connected

  • by all kinds of advanced infrastructures to let region become prosperous,

  • it needs a longer time probably.

  • But we want to make the dream come true.

  • That is I think the most important thing.

  • As I said, it's not easy.

  • We realize that it's not easy.

  • Because China is now experiencing

  • a very important, grand transformation.

  • The first one is economy.

  • China is enjoying this opening, cheap labor,

  • supporting government policy export, but now no longer.

  • We have to change, we have to move to a higher stage, to restructure,

  • You have to mobilize domestic amount,

  • you have to be an innovative economy rather than just copying.

  • Labor cost should increase. So you have to change.

  • Transformation of economy is a very hard process.

  • And come to the new normal,

  • and we thought this new normal could be 7 to 6%.

  • But there're great difficulties.

  • Currently, you see a lot of numbers of factories have closed down,

  • have to move to new areas.

  • And also, China's number one export capacity;

  • where can China restructure?

  • To move to developed countries? Already enough, already full.

  • Developing countries need a new dynamic force.

  • Later I'll talk about it.

  • That's probably the story behind why we need

  • One Belt One Road infrastructure, new economies.

  • So I think this transition, this transformation

  • is a great difficulty, but we can manage to do it.

  • And also we have to change

  • from a government-led to a market-led economy.

  • That happened in Korea in the past.

  • Second, I think the change of society:

  • grand transformation from a rural to a urbanized society.

  • Currently, we have a registered,

  • an urbanization rate about 35%.

  • People living in urban areas are about half of it.

  • But by 2025, I think, at least 65-70%.

  • That means, in the next 10 years,

  • you have to mobilize, remove 300 million people

  • and change their lives from rural to urban.

  • That means a lot of things.

  • Not just economy, not just jobs, everything.

  • It's a grand transformation.

  • During this transformation,

  • it is possible to have many problems

  • including social riots.

  • And also, this time it's different.

  • In the past, people were just searching for jobs and a higher income.

  • But now, they want to have a better life

  • - clean air, good education, and so on.

  • Third one: the most important thing is a system transformation.

  • We have to move to a legal-based political social system.

  • So from a personal leadership,

  • party leadership to a legal-based system.

  • Recently, we had a great debate whether it's party-led or law-led.

  • Where is the party's place?

  • So the answer is very clear,

  • the consensus is that the party has to follow the law.

  • The legal system is not easy.

  • But we're determined to do. We have no other choice, that's the dream.

  • And also, I think, China wants to be a new power, different from the old one.

  • China is committed to follow the road of development and peace.

  • A different road from the other old rising powers,

  • because old rising powers mean

  • war, expansion, replacement of the existing dominant.

  • But China does not want to do that; it's not easy.

  • Because there are three major challenges.

  • One challenge is domestic.

  • Because people want to be a big power, to show their power,

  • the pressure for the leaders to use that power, including the military one,

  • is very strong.

  • The second, managing disputes. We have so many disputes.

  • We have to manage them well,

  • not to let them turn into a big war, confrontation.

  • The third one, key issue: how to handle China-US relationship.

  • China is committed to be a new power,

  • so China calls on this new power relationship.

  • What does it mean a new power relationship?

  • That means consultation, discussion, cooperation.

  • Now, fortunately, we have more than 100 platforms

  • for this consultation, discussion on high level, mid-level, low level.

  • So it's open; unlike the Cold War period,

  • with only the U.S., the Soviet Union, very few.

  • But now, every day.

  • Then there is cooperation.

  • I think the two countries on both sides realize that it's so dangerous, risky,

  • if two countries are really confronted.

  • There's no winner.

  • So that's the basic belief.

  • Because in the past, the two powers, the emerging power or the existing power,

  • they always believed there is a winner.

  • But now nobody believes there is a winner.

  • So if nobody believes there is a winner, why would you launch a war?

  • So they have to try to manage conflicts, try to find ways.

  • Do not believe media everyday reports and how they fight each other,

  • but at the same time, you have to watch another process

  • that is careful, cautious discussions,

  • searching for cooperation, any kind of possibilities.

  • When we talk about 2025, and China's future,

  • we realize that the dream is our shared future.

  • So for one thing, China keeps its commitment

  • to be a peaceful rise, to be a different power.

  • At the same time, let us work together to create an environment

  • which makes China possible to be a different power.

  • I see my time is over, thank you so much for listening.

  • (Applause)

Ladies and gentlemen,


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B1 中級

TEDx】未來中國。和平的大國?| 張雲嶺|TEDxKFAS (【TEDx】Future China: A Peaceful Power? | Yunling Zhang | TEDxKFAS)

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    Max Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日