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  • [Captioning provided by ACS Captions]

  • Hello, everyone. My name is Keith Nolan.

  • I’m a Cadet Private.

  • My talk today is on the topic of the military.

  • How many of you out there thought you’d ever like to join the military?

  • I see a number of you nodding. I'm the same way.

  • Growing up, I’d always wanted to join the military.

  • I love military history and I’ve read a great deal on the subject.

  • Also, various family members such as my grandfather and great uncles fought in World War II.

  • And like them, I wanted the same thing, to serve my country.

  • (Applause)

  • So, can I?

  • No, I can’t.

  • Why?

  • Simply because I’m deaf.

  • Regardless, I still had that longing to join the military.

  • For example, after I graduated from high school, three months before 9/11 occurred,

  • I went to a naval recruiting center with high hopes of joining the Navy.

  • I went in and a strapping naval man stood up and addressed me.

  • It was impossible for me to read his lips, so I said, “I'm sorry, I’m deaf.”

  • He tore off a little piece of paper and wrote down three words:

  • Bad ear, disqual.”

  • He didn't even fully spell out disqualified, justbad ear, disqual.”

  • I tried various locations, a number of different times, but over and over again I got the same response.

  • Sorry, youre deaf. We can’t accept you.”

  • So, I shifted gears and decided to become a teacher.

  • I got a masters degree in deaf education.

  • I taught for almost two years.

  • Then three things occurred last spring.

  • The first of which, was while I was teaching a high school history class.

  • I’d lectured on the Mexican-American War.

  • The bell had rung, and I sat at my desk.

  • One of my deaf students approached me and said he’d like to join the military.

  • I said, “Ahh sorry, you can’t, you're deaf.”

  • Then I caught myself.

  • All along I had been told no, I can’t.

  • And now I was perpetuating that same message to the next generation, to my own student.

  • That realization had a large impact that really resonated with me.

  • Now the second thing that happened -- my friend had just moved to Israel.

  • Did you know that in Israel they accept deaf people into the military?

  • Could this be true? How can deaf people be in the military, right?

  • Come on!

  • So, I went to Israel last summer to see for myself.

  • I interviewed 10 deaf Israeli soldiers.

  • I have video interviews and I’ve compiled findings.

  • I’ll share those with you later.

  • Third, CSUN here, my alma mater,

  • Had recently started up an Army ROTC program.

  • ROTC stands for Reserve Officer Training Corps.

  • Students working on their college majors can concurrently participate in the ROTC program.

  • Upon graduation ROTC students have a military career ready and waiting for them.

  • So, if one joined the Army, one could commission as a Second Lieutenant.

  • That's generally the ROTC program here at CSUN.

  • I already had a profession as a teacher.

  • But I went ahead anyway and sent off an e-mail to the program.

  • I explained that I was a teacher of the deaf.

  • I was wondering if I could take a few classes with them so...

  • I could perhaps share their lessons with my students.

  • I got an e-mail response back.

  • Surprisingly, it was the first time that I wasn't told no you can’t, youre deaf.

  • It said, well, that's interesting.

  • I think maybe we can work something out and you can take a few classes with us.

  • This was unprecedented.

  • Although I was teaching, I decided I had to grab the opportunity right away and get my foot in the door.

  • So, that’s how it happened

  • Now with all my life experiences, having talked with all those people, and given everything I’ve read,

  • I decided to write a research paper calledDeaf in the Military.”

  • It's 98 pages of research.

  • I’ll share with you my findings now.

  • Here in America, weve actually had deaf soldiers serving in the past.

  • During the Texas War of Independence...

  • There was a key character, named Deaf Smith.

  • He made a large contribution to Texas winning its independence.

  • In the American Civil War, Gallaudet University has archived a list of deaf Americans...

  • Who fought for both the North and the South, showing that they even fought against each other.

  • During WWII, there are a few, rare examples as well.

  • Some deaf people made it into the military at that time and served their country.

  • The point is... America has had deaf soldiers serve in the past.

  • In my paper, I also discuss the deaf Israeli soldiers.

  • I learned that they serve in non-combat roles.

  • They are not on the front lines engaging in fire, but rather are behind the lines serving in supportive roles.

  • There are a plethora of various non-combat jobs accessible to the deaf:

  • Intelligence, computer technology,

  • Map drawing, supply, military dog training,

  • The list goes on.

  • So how do deaf Israeli soldiers communicate with the other soldiers?

  • They told me it's the same approach deaf people use with the hearing public on a daily basis.

  • You can use your voice, lip-read, gesture.

  • Sometimes another soldier knows sign language and that can be utilized.

  • Pen and paper, texts, computers, e-mails.

  • Texts, computers, e-mails.

  • It's the same. There’s no magic wand.

  • Interpreters are used primarily for boot camp and miscellaneous training.

  • For the average work it’s not necessary to have an interpreter by your side.

  • The Israeli Army is comprised of small groups.

  • Each of these units with deaf soldiers have developed their own way of communicating with each other.

  • There’s no need for interpreters.

  • The top picture is of one deaf soldier I met.

  • The bottom photo is of him with Prime Minister Begin in Israel.

  • Another part of my paper touches on disabled soldiers in the U.S. military.

  • Obviously, military work can be dangerous and involve injury.

  • One example here is Captain Luckett.

  • Due to an explosion, he lost his leg.

  • He’s recovered and currently has a prosthetic leg.

  • Now he’s back in combat, fighting in Afghanistan right now.

  • It’s remarkable.

  • And guess what, he’s not the only one.

  • There are 40 other soldiers like him.

  • Amputees who are serving in combat zones.

  • Incredible.

  • Also, we have a blind soldier here.

  • While in Iraq, an explosion from a suicide car bomber destroyed his eyesight.

  • He’s recovered and hasn’t left the Army.

  • He's still in the Army, still on active duty.

  • He’s currently running a hospital for wounded soldiers.

  • I also found out online about another soldier who is deaf in one ear.

  • He’s developed civil programs in Iraq,

  • One of which actually started a school for the deaf in Iraq.

  • All of this is incredible, but I am going to ask all of you-

  • If the U.S. military can retain their disabled soldiers...

  • Then why can’t they accept disabled citizens as well?

  • Moreover, out of all the U.S. military jobs,

  • 80% are non-combat positions.

  • There are many jobs that we in the Deaf community can do.

  • If I were to be in the military, I’d like to do intelligence work.

  • We can also do mechanics, finance, medicine, and on and on.

  • So to summarize, I’ve presented three premises to support my argument.

  • The first being, Israeli defense openly accepts deaf soldiers.

  • If you have the qualities and skills required, theyll grab you.

  • Second, the U.S. Military has disabled soldiers.

  • Third, 80% of occupations in the military are non-combat.

  • So I ask you this...

  • Can we deaf Americans serve our country?

  • Yes!

  • Of course!

  • Absolutely, without a doubt!

  • Now I’ll explain a bit about my experience in the Army ROTC, which began last fall.

  • I have been involved with that thus far and it’s still going on now.

  • I need to explain that for my batallion...

  • This is the first time ever they've had a deaf cadet.

  • They had never experienced that before.

  • So, of course, they were taken back wondering... a deaf cadet?

  • How I would do this or that? How would we communicate and such.

  • Which is a natural reaction; many of them had never interacted with a deaf person before.

  • Also, it was new for me.

  • It was the real thing -- I was in the Army.

  • I had to learn a whole new world.

  • Military jargon, its own culture and everything.

  • So, we started out slow and proceeded from there.

  • We got to know each other and learned how to work together.

  • For example...

  • On the first day of class I had no uniform.

  • I showed up in regular clothes while the other cadets were all in uniform.

  • I found out that every morning at 5:30 there was physical training, PT.

  • On Fridays there’d be labs, which is field training.

  • And occasionally, we would have weekend training at a military base.

  • So, I showed up that morning at 5:30 with all the cadets in uniform and me in regular clothes.

  • They told me, “Hey, you know, you don't need to work out. You can just simply take classes.”

  • I told them, I wanted to anyway.

  • They acknowledged that and I continued to show up every morning to train.

  • When Friday came, I asked to go to field training.

  • They told me no, and to just stick with class.

  • I insisted that I wanted to try.

  • They let me attend the lab, but only as an observer.

  • I couldn't participate, I could only watch.

  • Fine with me.

  • I showed up on Friday.

  • They were teaching cadets marching drill commands.

  • Standing at attention, how to properly salute, and all the basics.

  • I had to ask again if I could join.

  • I got the go ahead.

  • I went to get in formation.

  • I figured I better stand in the second line.

  • That way I could watch what the cadets were doing in the row ahead of me.

  • But the officer who "opened the door" for me to join the ROTC program...

  • He spotted me in the back and said,

  • Hey, uh-uh, I want you in the front."

  • You wanna be a soldier? You learn the commands like everyone else.”

  • Youre not going to follow other people. Learn it yourself!”

  • I thought, wow.

  • He’s viewing me like any person.

  • That made an impression

  • As the weeks went by, I still didn’t have a uniform.

  • I asked if it would be possible to get one, but they said no.

  • So I continued on that way.

  • Until one day, I was informed that I’d be getting a uniform.

  • I said, “Really, why? What changed?”

  • I was told, “We see your motivation, you show up every morning dedicated, and always gave a 110% effort.”

  • They wanted to give me the uniform.

  • Remarkable.

  • So when we went to the warehouse...

  • I assumed I’d get just a uniform and a pair of boots, nothing more.

  • But they filled two duffel bags, each full with gear:

  • A helmet, ammo vest, shovel, sleeping bag- the whole nine yards.

  • I was astonished.

  • I have to tell you, each morning I get up and put on my uniform,

  • I feel privileged.

  • It’s truly an honor to wear the uniform.

  • So... moving along...

  • When it came time to train at the army base, at first I was told I couldn’t go.

  • There was liability concern, that the interpreter could get injured during the training.

  • We had to figure out all those issues and confusion.

  • But we worked it out and in the end they let me go.

  • That was how events unfolded; I was slowly doing more and more.

  • Back at the army base...

  • During one of the training days there was a huge Chinook helicopter.

  • With its tandem rotors, landed right down to us and forcefully spun the air.

  • All of us cadets were supposed to be getting on board.

  • Everyone was geared up and ready.

  • However, the cadres had decided I wasn’t going to ride the Chinook.

  • They were afraid if the pilot shouted out orders...

  • How would I be able to follow the instructions?

  • I’d potentially cause a disruption.

  • So I stood aside while the others were filing toward the helicopter.

  • I could see the cadres huddled up discussing, mulling it over.

  • At the last minute, one of them said, “Come on! Get on the helicopter!”

  • (Applause)

  • I rushed over and got in. It was such a thrill.

  • We learned about each other and supported one another.

  • Since then I’ve been involved in everything they do, without any separation.

  • This is my passion.

  • I love them. I’ll show you some pictures here.

  • Bruin Battalion, Bravo Company that’s the name of the group I belong to.

  • The Cadres are the officers and sergeants who oversee the ROTC program.

  • In the beginning it was awkward.

  • But once they learned more about me and what I’m capable of doing,

  • There has been tremendous support and unity.

  • The Cadets, my fellow peers --

  • When you train and sweat together you feel the bond of camaraderie right away.

  • A brother or sisterly cohesiveness makes them like family.

  • As for training and classes...

  • We learn theories of warfare.

  • How to lead soldiers. How to do reconnaissance.

  • Strategies. How to knock out a bunker.

  • Land navigation; where youre finding your way out in the mountains.

  • As far as accommodations, I’ve been provided with interpreters

  • Through the National Center on Deafness, NCOD, here at CSUN.

  • I really have to thank them.

  • It's not easy to find interpreters willing to get up at 4:30 AM, or sometimes even 3:30 AM.

  • That's the officer who e-mailed me saying I think you can have a few classes.

  • Lieutenant Mendoza.

  • That’s my interpreter, there before class starts.

  • This is from last fall when we were new to training.

  • This is Lieutenant Colonel Phelps. This his name sign.

  • He is the commanding officer of the entire Bruin Battalion.

  • Every time I see him walk by it’s inspiring.

  • The way he presents himself... you can see he’s the epitome of a soldier.

  • Plus, he doesn't view me as a deaf person.

  • He looks at my skills and capabilities instead.

  • He’s really pushed for me and I respect him for all of that.

  • That’s me during one of the exercises. And that's the Chinook helicopter I almost didn’t get on.

  • Every Cadet has a mentor.

  • My mentor is Cinatl.

  • He’s a sharp soldier. He teaches me the finer points and how to execute them.

  • This top picture is when a group of us went to Las Vegas

  • To compete in a test to see if we can match the German troops physical training standards.

  • It involved swimming timed sprints, marksmanship, and numerous fitness events.

  • I passed them and satisfied the requirements to be awarded this badge right here.

  • (Applause)

  • This is one of the Sergeants, Sgt. Richardson.

  • I love this guy. He doesn't take bologna from any of us cadets.

  • That's from the morning when we trekked 7 1/2 miles with a 40-lb rucksack in under two hours.

  • Here are a few of my fellow cadets.

  • I've been with them long enough that I’ve developed name signs for them.

  • At right is Trinidad -- I gave him this sign because he is always sarcastic.

  • He is a veteran, having served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • The female is Frigo, whose nickname is Refrigerator.

  • Were always competing intellectually in class.

  • The cadet on the end is Jarvy. He's a top athlete.

  • I gave him this sign because of the scar he has here.

  • Do you know who this is?

  • This is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  • He is the highest-ranking military officer.

  • The principal military advisor to President Obama and Secretary of Defense Gates.

  • He gave a talk at UCLA to a full house.

  • Afterwards, I lined up to shake his hand.

  • It’s a great pleasure to meet you,” I signed... my interpreter voiced for me.

  • Admiral Mullen addressed the interpreter and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  • The interpreter refrained to clarify.

  • He seemed confused, and quickly moved on to shake hands with the rest of the soldiers.

  • I’m not sure whether he knew that I was deaf or not.

  • Everything’s been moving along, gung-ho full, speed ahead.

  • Until two weeks agowas it last week? No, it was two weeks ago .

  • Well, the ROTC has four levels.

  • I’m currently doing the first two levels now, which finishes up this May.

  • The third level would begin in the fall.

  • But in order to move up you need to pass a medical exam.

  • Obviously, I’m deaf, so I’d fail a hearing test.

  • So, we sat down, and I was told that...

  • if I wanted to continue to the third level,

  • I couldn’t do any of the PT workouts in the morning.

  • Or the Friday lab field trainings.

  • Or the Army base trainings.

  • I’d have to give back my uniform as well.

  • I could take the classes, audit them, and that’s all.

  • That really hit me; it was a huge blow.

  • Many officers and cadets have empathized with me.

  • They're shocked and wondered why this has to be the case.

  • My commanding officer, Colonel Phelps...

  • Has tried to speak with the higher-ups in the chain of command

  • Explaining that I’m one of the top cadets. I passed all the events and got high marks on my exams.

  • But their response is unwavering. Policy is policy.

  • If youre deaf, youre disqualified.

  • The cadre... has tried to find a way for me.

  • They found out that there is another deaf cadet.

  • He's at The Citadel, a military college in South Carolina.

  • That cadet will be completing his fourth year there and graduating this May,

  • Yet he's in the same predicament as I am.

  • Unable to join the Army because he’s deaf.

  • Yet, all of my fellow cadets and the officers have told me not to give up.

  • The policy must change.

  • I've started talking with people in Congress.

  • I’ve brought this issue to my Congressman, Henry Waxman.

  • He's the district Congressman here in LA.

  • I'm getting the ball rolling.

  • However, I need your help and support to lobby.

  • All of us, you know.

  • You know, black soldiers couldn’t join the military, and now they serve.

  • Women were banned, now they can serve.

  • The military has and is changing.

  • Now it’s our turn!

  • It's our time!

  • Hooah!

  • [Captioning provided by ACS Captions]

[Captioning provided by ACS Captions]


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TEDx】軍中的聾人 [字幕] | 基思-諾蘭 | TEDx伊斯萊分校 (【TEDx】Deaf in the military [Subtitled] | Keith Nolan | TEDxIslay)

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    Max Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日