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  • hello and welcome, Scalp Psoriasis produces red scales on the body that are extremely

  • painful, thy also itch and can cause lose of hair, dont you worry, we have simple remedies,

  • that you can try at home. Take some olive oil, and apply it on to your

  • scales of scalp it gives you relief and prevents disease from spreading to the rest of your

  • scalp. Take some vitamin E oil, yo u can apply this

  • on to the affected areas, it gives you relief from itching.

  • Extract the juice of a lemon and apply this on to your scalp with the help of a cotton

  • wool, leave it on for 10 minutes, Thanks for watching, we hope these remedies

  • help you. Do like our video and subscribe to stylecraze.

hello and welcome, Scalp Psoriasis produces red scales on the body that are extremely


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B1 中級

3種強大的家庭療法在家治療頭皮牛皮癬 (3 Powerful Home Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis Treatment At Home)

  • 61 4
    Saba Singh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日