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  • Hello and welcome, getting pimples is a universal problem, but don't worry we have simple remedies

  • that you can try at home to get rid of pimples overnight.

  • Take one tea spoon of honey and a dash of cinnamon powder, mix this well, apply this paste on the pimples and leave

  • it for about 15 to 20 minutes. Cinnamon and honey helps in killing the bacteria hence

  • reducing the pimple. Apply

  • some toothpaste on the affected area leave this overnight and the next morning wash it

  • off with cold water to see the difference. Hope these remedies help you, do like the

  • video and subscribe to stylecraze for more such videos.

Hello and welcome, getting pimples is a universal problem, but don't worry we have simple remedies


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3種快速家庭療法一夜之間去除臉上的痘痘 (3 Quick Home Remedies To Remove Pimples From Face Overnight)

  • 42 5
    Saba Singh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日