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  • Hi, I am Jyothi Chabria. In this segment we will be talking about vital nutrients for

  • women over 60. Most women by the time they are reaching 60, they are almost into menopause

  • and the commonly associated symptoms that we see are joint pains and they have lot of

  • nerve weakness, they are not able to see very well. That's all part of aging which is very

  • natural phenomenon. But, in order to support nutrition and help them feel better, we would

  • definitely recommend anti-oxidants which give them a basically cover to their heart also,

  • heart issues. And there are lot of people at that age who have lifestyle disorders like

  • diabetes or heart problems, so, we would recommend a low fat and a reasonably maybe a I would

  • think 1500 calorie per day for a person who is above 60. There are many times that people

  • at 60 have, are using dentures or they lost their teeth. So we just need to sustain the

  • consistency of food as in giving them a semi solid diet basically, but what we need to

  • highlight here are things like calcium and D3 because their bones are become brittle.

  • So, things like again foxtail millet or milk. We recommend about 3 glasses of milk per day

  • for people at 60. We recommend them to have nutritional food supplements which will include

  • lots of things like drumstick leaves, carrots and beans and a combination of lot of nuts

  • also like walnut is very rich in vitamin E and wheatgerm and wheat grass are rich in

  • vitamin E. So they are good combination of like aloe vera or wheat grass extract would

  • really help them feel better because it supplies anti oxidants that they need at that age.

  • And the other thing is, they always feel tired because obviously their energy levels are

  • not too high, so we recommend them to have probably a fix of dry fruits, as in powder

  • form they could probably mix into milk and have it. It increases the nutrition value

  • of milk, per se.

Hi, I am Jyothi Chabria. In this segment we will be talking about vital nutrients for


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B1 中級

60歲以上女性的最佳生命力維生素由營養師Jyoti Chabria提供。 (Best Vital Vitamins For Women Over 60 By Dietitian Jyoti Chabria)

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    Saba Singh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日