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  • Hey there and welcome to this Viktor guide. In this video I'll teach you the fundamentals

  • of Viktor, to help you learn the champion faster.

  • Viktor is quite easy to play, and is insanely strong in the current meta. There are no real

  • hard-counters to Viktor at the moment, which means that picking Viktor is always possible.

  • In the guide I'll go over a couple of things. If you wish to skip to any of the parts, feel

  • free to use the annotations on screen to skip forward.

  • Firstly I'll cover runes, masteries, item build and summoner spells. Then I'll explain

  • what Viktor's abilities are, what they precisely do and

  • how you can use these the best possible way.

  • Once you have a clear understanding of Viktor and his abilities, I'll teach you how to play

  • the laning phase and how to play in teamfights.

  • Alright so here you have an overview of masteries, runes, summoner spells and item build. I suggest

  • you copy these settings for your own play, because they've proven to work for tons of

  • players, including me.

  • Of course for summoner spells I advice you to think for yourself what you prefer best.

  • If you are an aggressive player, ignite fits you best.

  • Are you a defensive player? Consider barrier, heal or cleanse. You can even run ghost and

  • flash if you are a teamfight centric player.

  • - Now let's take a look at Viktor his abilities. It is important to know how these exactly

  • work, and how you can make them work the best possible

  • way.

  • Viktor his passive, Glorious Evolution, makes Viktor start with an exclusive item, the Prototype

  • Hex Core. Viktor can upgrade this item for 1000

  • gold, allowing you to upgrade one of your abilities. I will give you an overview at

  • the end of the ability section about what these upgrades

  • do for each skill.

  • Viktor his Q, Siphon Power, is a targeted spell that deals damage to a target, grants

  • Viktor a shield, and modifies Viktor's next basic attack

  • to deal extra magic damage. This is a great tool for damage trades, because you can rapidly

  • burst someone, while you get a shield to block any

  • incoming damage.

  • Viktor his W, Gravity Field, deploys a gravitational field at a target location. All enemies that

  • walk through the field are slowed. If an enemy stays in the field for 1.5 seconds, the enemy

  • gets stunned for 1.5 seconds. This is a great zoning tool in teamfights, because it stays

  • deployed for a good 4 seconds. Placing this field correctly

  • can mean the difference between winning and losing.

  • Viktor his E, Death Ray, fires a lazer towards a direction, dealing magic damage to every

  • enemy it hits. Great for dealing damage to multiple enemies,

  • fast harass and wave clear. A cool trick is to fire off the ability, and then walk backwards.

  • The spell will keep firing, even if you move far away.

  • Viktor his ultimate, Chaos Storm, deploys a storm at a targeted location dealing magic

  • damage AND interrupting channeled abilities. The field remains

  • active for 7 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds and upon deployment. Viktor

  • can reposition his storm by pressing R again. This will make

  • the storm move towards your mouse cursor.

  • Now it's time to explain what the upgrades of each spell does. Upgrading his Q gives

  • Viktor 30% bonus movementspeed for 2.5 seconds after using it.

  • Upgrading his W will drag players who are stunned move to the center of the field. Upgrading

  • his E will make his lazer deal an aftershock after it's

  • been fired. Upgrading his ultimate will make Chaos Storm move 20% faster.

  • I suggest upgrading your E first, then Q, then W and finally your ultimate for maximum

  • efficiency.

  • So how do we play this champion on lane? Well, honestly Viktor is quite easy to play on lane.

  • After studying some of the pros play Viktor, I learned

  • a few tricks that will help you.

  • - Early game you need to focus on farming with your auto attacks, while harrassing with

  • your abilities. Try to avoid using your abilities to farm

  • minions, because your mana is precious in the early game. Purely use your mana to harass

  • your opponent when he's going for a minion.

  • Try to avoid pushing the wave. Ideally you want your minion wave to be around the middle

  • or towards your turret, but not towards the enemy's turret.

  • Viktor is quite easy to gank when you're pushed up.

  • Adding on to that point, do NOT use your Gravity Field, your W, to harass your opponent or

  • to try and stun him, UNLESS you are getting a gank from

  • your jungler. Having this ability on cooldown means you are a free kill to the enemy jungler.

  • Use it to escape from ganks during the laning phase.

  • Keep this up until you hit the point where you can upgrade your hex core. Upgrade your

  • Death Ray, your E, and get a blue from the jungler. Now you

  • can start power farming. If you have a blue and the upgrade, use your Death Ray to beam

  • down entire minion waves. Keep your enemy pushed in to his

  • turret, because this way he won't be able to roam around the map.

  • Now you can choose: Farm jungle or attempt a roam. Farming wraiths or wolves is probably

  • the safest bet, but a well-timed roam can grant you a kill.

  • This depends on the situation, so choose for yourself.

  • So after surviving the laning phase and hopefully being some minions up over your opponent,

  • it is time to unleash your power in teamfights.

  • Your positioning in teamfights depends on what your goal is in the game, and it depends

  • on your items. If you have a zhonyas hourglass, for instance,

  • you would be able to make aggresive plays onto the enemy carries to try and burst them

  • down, following it up with a zhonyas to stay safe.

  • If you don't have zhonyas, Viktor plays a lot like an AD carry. You position around

  • the backlines of the fight, while dealing as much damage as you

  • can with Q-Auto attack and your Death Ray. Try hitting your Death Ray on multiple targets.

  • You can start a fight off with an insane amount of damage. This is the most common combo:

  • You Q, Ult, E and auto attack in rapid succession. This

  • burst of damage can one-shot carries, and deal insane amounts of damage onto tanks.

  • Control your ult around the fight, while firing your E and Q

  • on the closest targets.

  • One of the most powerful abilities in teamfights is your W. The size of the gravity field is

  • quite big, and can block off enemy tanks or assassins

  • from attacking you or your AD carry. Position it near you so you can kite around the field,

  • staying safe from any damage. Be careful with flashing

  • forward to deal damage, because you have zero escapes when it's down. Only if you can catch

  • a carry late-game and one-shot them, it's worth it.

  • And that's pretty much it for Viktor. I have specated Faker and analyzed how he plays Viktor

  • with great succession, and now it's time for you to

  • play like Faker. Mechanically Viktor is quite easy, so it's all about your decision making

  • and position. Easy, right?

  • Thanks for watching this HDCommentary. If you've enjoyed the video, please press that

  • like button below. It helps me to get higher up the video list.

  • Let me know in the comment section below which champion YOU want to learn next. Good luck

  • in your games, and I hope to see you on the rift.

Hey there and welcome to this Viktor guide. In this video I'll teach you the fundamentals


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B1 中級

維克托指南第五季--如何像Faker一樣玩維克托!(符文、精通、物品打造和召喚師) (Viktor Guide Season 5 - How to play Viktor like Faker! (Runes, Masteries, Item Build and Summoners))

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    游嘉民 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日