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Oil prices near December 2008 lows this week as traders saw no sign of an end to possessing oversupply around the world.
本週石油價格降到自 2008年12月的低點,因為交易商並未發現一個供過於求的跡象。
Global benchmark Brent Crude and the US mark West Texas Intermediate have tumbled since the meeting of OPEC menaces at the start of the month,
全球基準原油商布蘭特原油和美國西德州輕質原油公司從 OPEC 在月初的會議警告後開始就暴跌,
and both on that hovering around 37 dollars a barrel. This group within the grip about which member should cut production
兩家都在一桶 37 美元的價格打轉。組織中哪個會員國應減少產量
to shore up Europe price has led to a continuation of OPEC's existing policies to keep on pumping.
以維持歐洲地區的價格導致 OPEC 現有的政策持續進行。
Although production flow outside the cartel has slowed dramatically amid low oil prices, OPEC producers have increased output.
即使處理原油的生產線已降速且油價低迷,OPEC 的產油國仍增加原油量。
The scrapping of the grip official ceiling this month took away any pretense of production constraint,
adding to the bearish sentiment in the market.
Although cheaper oil is a boom for consumer countries, for the US, UK and China, a prolonged slide is detrimental to producination.
For example, Venezuela, Nigeria, and even financially stronger Gulf economies such as Saudi Arabia.
At the same time, the oil price collapsed and battered the balance sheets of the world's biggest energy companies
that have been forced to slash hundred of billions of dollars in future investment and cut thousand of jobs. Energy stock have been hit hard, too, by the oil slump.
Highly indebted US shell drillers and the banks that lend to them are also suffering with much of the junk bond energy sector currently in distress.
Bankers in the US say they are cutting the borrowing limits of exploration and production companies by as much as 20%
美國銀行業者表示,他們正在削減高達 20% 用於勘探和生產原油的公司借款額
as the value of that reserves have fallen sharply. There is a concern a lengthy period of cheap crude could trigger widespread defaults.
If crude infantry set to rise even farther over the next year, a storage facility is on land reached tank tops.
oil analyst are finding it difficult to be optimistic about the price.