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  • Hi, everybody! My name's Matt, and I'm the Marketing Communications Manager here at Volusion.

  • Welcome to Two Minute Tuesday. When it comes to your homepage, it's always really important,

  • so when you're designing it, keep these five important goals in mind. First thing's first:

  • Create a solid first impression. Believe it or not, you have less than one second before

  • visitors make a lot of assumptions about your website, so the sum of all of your parts needs

  • to lead to a great first impression from all of your visitors. Important goal number two:

  • Provide a clear focus. There's nothing worse than someone coming to your homepage and having

  • no idea where their eyes are supposed to go. So give them something very visual to look

  • at, that way they know (1) what your products are and (2) what your brand's all about. Number

  • three: Establish credibility. If someone comes to your website and the design doesn't look

  • good, they're going to question whether or not you're a legitimate website. Make sure

  • that all of the design elements of your homepage help, and not hurt, your credibility. Number

  • four: Give users a place to go. Once they understand what your brand is and what you're

  • selling, you need to get them to go deeper into your website. Have very specific calls

  • to action and have different places for them to click to different areas of your website.

  • And last, and definitely not least: Encourage people to dive deeper into your website. Remember,

  • the goal of your homepage itself is to get people interested enough to dig further into

  • your website, learn more about you, browse products and buy products. So everything that

  • you do on that homepage, make sure you're just encouraging people to dive a little bit

  • deeper. No matter what you're selling or what your brand is like, if you don't have these

  • five goals in mind when it comes to your homepage design, it's all for naught. Have any questions?

  • Just leave me a comment in the box below and I'll get right back to you. From me to you,

  • happy selling!

Hi, everybody! My name's Matt, and I'm the Marketing Communications Manager here at Volusion.


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主頁設計的5個最重要的目標|兩分鐘星期二 (The 5 Most Important Goals of Homepage Design | Two Minute Tuesdays)

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    Jason Tsao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日