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  • Hi, everybody! My name's Matt, and I'm the Social Media Manager here at Volusion. Welcome

  • to Two Minute Tuesdays, where we give two minutes of ecommerce advice to bolster your

  • online success. When it comes to merchandising your products, SEO is the name of the game,

  • and more often than not, we use our product descriptions as an afterthought instead of

  • tools in our SEO arsenal. Well, forget that bad habit, because today I've got five SEO

  • mistakes that you're making in your product descriptions.

  • First on our list: Never use manufacturer's descriptions. This is probably the biggest

  • SEO no-no when it comes to your product descriptions. Why? Because everyone else is using the exact

  • same copy that you are. This is not good because it doesn't allow for your site and your product

  • descriptions to stand out from the crowd, and Google doesn't like seeing too much of

  • the same thing.

  • Secondly, and this usually happens with good intentions, make sure you're not inadvertently

  • using duplicate content. For example, if your product descriptions have similar bits of

  • content throughout each of them, like "money back guaranteed" or "we offer only the finest

  • ingredients," that still counts as duplicate content. So go through and make sure that

  • you're not repeating yourself whenever you're trying to upsell yourself.

  • Mistake number three is not writing like your customers think. It's really easy for you,

  • as the owner of your business, to get swept up in industry jargon and think of products

  • as you and other people in the industry would think of them. The only problem with that

  • is that people in your industry typically aren't buying from you. So think like your

  • customer, and as a bonus tip, look out on other websites and look at customer reviews

  • for the same products that you're selling. This might give you some keyword research

  • ideas that you can incorporate into your product descriptions.

  • Number four, and this is just an overall rule for anything when it comes to SEO, don't keyword

  • stuff. Your website is not a Thanksgiving turkey. In other words, if your keywords are

  • being used four to five times throughout your product description, it's not helpful for

  • your users, and Google's going to catch you, and knock your website down a couple pegs.

  • Last on our list, beyond keyword stuffing, you want to make sure that your keywords are

  • not too generic. This is especially true if you're in an industry where there are lots

  • of competitors, since several of them are probably using the exact same keywords in

  • their product descriptions. Get yourself ahead and go a little bit beyond. Add brand names

  • in there if they apply. Add high quality qualifiers to your keywords. That way you can get more

  • out of the "long tail" keywords and show up in search results.

  • Keep these five SEO no-nos in mind when you're creating your product descriptions. Have any

  • questions? Just leave me a comment in the box below. I'll get right back to you.

  • From me to you, happy selling.

Hi, everybody! My name's Matt, and I'm the Social Media Manager here at Volusion. Welcome


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電子商務產品描述的5個SEO罪狀|兩分鐘星期二 (5 SEO Sins for Ecommerce Product Descriptions | Two Minute Tuesdays)

  • 112 17
    Jason Tsao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日