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- Oh my god.
(happy music)
(ice rattles)
- Drink up, darling,
I hate whiskey but that's all that was left.
- Hoo!
- I keep trying to get your mom's phone number.
- Instead of my boyfriend's--
- But she won't give me her mom's phone number!
- I love dogs!
They're like the best thing in the world!
- I love puppies.
- I never had a dog.
My parents had dogs before they had me.
The dogs were on purpose.
I was a mistake.
(screaming) (laughing)
- Aaaah!
- Oh, come here! Look at you! - Oh my god!
- Look at you!
- You're so fluffy!
- Are you for real?
- I'm gonna cry!
- Oh, it smells so good!
- Wait, let's make them kiss.
- I can't, I'm crying.
- Do you wanna be by each other?
Oh my god, they love each other.
There's more?
- No! I'm crying!
- I've had such a hard Friday.
- Oh my god, I'm in tears.
- The happiest day!
- I can't take it.
I just can't.
- Don't give us more d-- - I want more!
(gasps) - No, they can't keep coming!
- Where did you get these dogs?
- Wait, is this really happening?
Because I can't comprehend what's happening.
- There's too many dogs.
- Oh my gah-ha!
- They're gonna fall off the table!
- I'm like a single mother in here, I can't.
I can't!
- Aw, they give me so much hope!
- This is crazy!
- Why would you get me drunk and then give me dogs?
- I shouldn't have drank whiskey!
I can't protect them!
- Why did God give us puppies?
Come here.
- He's on his belly!
- Are they adoptable?
- If you want a friend for life,
then you should just get a dog.
- They just need a home,
and you can give them one.
- Like, look at this (bleep) dog.
And look at this (bleep) dog.
- Did you see that?
She just licked me.
- I'm a puppy, I'm a puppy.
- Okay, say 'cheese', Pistachio! Say cheese!
- I had bunnies bigger than this.
My bunnies would eat you!
But they're dead.
- Remember when you guys just kept
bringing dogs in here?
That was so crazy...
- Hi!
- Oh, hey guys!
- Sarah! Up here.
- We made a series!
- It's coming out November 18.
- Please watch it.
- Get it here, over here. - There.
- Over there.
- You got it.
I think they got it, okay.
- I'm out. - Okay, bye!
- If you look in the area,
then you could see it.
It'll be released 2015. November.