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  • This video is commentary for the Satellite Bible Atlas, Map 1-7, Samaria

  • The region of Samaria is part of the Central Hill country, extending

  • north from the Hill Country of Judah.

  • Note the general location of Samaria on regional Map 12- The Samaria region was made up of

  • two tribal allotments, Ephraim in the south and Manasseh in the north, both sons of Joseph.

  • Samaria, or Shomron in Hebrew, meansto guard or guarded

  • The region of Samaria takes its name from city of Samaria, labelled by a letter “S”

  • on this map. The city of Samaria was the third capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

  • It was built by the Baal worshiping kings Omri and Ahab.

  • Note that the termSamariacan have three different meanings. Samaria can refer

  • to the capital city of the region. Or geographically to the central Hill Country

  • region shaded yellow on this map, or, , politically to the entire Northern Kingdom

  • of Israel which came into being after the death of Solomon.

  • Note the geographical regions surrounding Samaria.

  • To the west is the Coastal, or Sharon Plain. To the north are

  • Mt. Carmel and the Jezreel Valley. To the east

  • is the deep Lower Jordan Valley, and to the south

  • are the Shephelah, Hill Country and Wilderness of Judah.

  • As mentioned, Samaria, like Judah, is Hill Country. However, Samaria, especially in the

  • north in Manasseh, has wider valleys and plains that make it more open, or accessible, than

  • Judah. Note a series of wide East to West running

  • valleys that form a convenient way to criss-cross through Samaria.

  • The route in these valleys is called the Trans-Samaria highway.

  • The Trans-Samaria highway connects the Mediterranean Sea and Coastal plain to the Jordan Valley

  • and Gilead. All the capital cities of the Northern Kingdom of Israel were along the

  • Trans-Samaria Highway. The first capital was at Shechem between

  • Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim. Tirzah was the second capital, and

  • finally Samaria was built on a hilltop with better access to the Coast.

  • Note some of the major features and sites of the Samaria region on Map 1-2.

  • Here is Bethel, where Jeroboam the first king of the North built a corrupt religious center.

  • To the north, in Ephraim is Shiloh where Joshua set up the

  • Tabernacle. Here is the Trans-Samaria Highway and the

  • three capital cities Shechem,

  • Tirzah, and Samaria. To the north

  • is Dothan, where Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers.

  • The central Hill Country of Samaria is the focus of Map 1-7. On the southern part of

  • the map note the sites of

  • Bethel and Ai.

  • Soon after Abram came into the land, he worshipped the Lord on a

  • hill between Bethel and Ai.

  • When Jacob fled from Esau to Aram, he stopped at Bethel and had a dream in which

  • he was re-assured that indeed the transcendent God does communicate with mankind on earth.

  • Bethel meansplace or house of God”.

  • The city of Ai was the location of God’s second victory in the Promised Land

  • with Joshua and the Israelites. Israel failed to conquer Ai the first attempt because they

  • began to claim responsibility for their earlier victory at Jericho. But when Israel understood

  • that they were coming into the Promised Land by God’s power and not their own, Ai was

  • conquered.

  • Map 1-9 shows the Bethel-Ai region in greater detail. Ai of Abraham’s

  • time is identified as the large Early Canaanite ruin called et-Tell. However, excavations

  • at et-Tell have apparently not uncovered any ruins dating to the conquest of Joshua. It

  • is possible that the nameAishifted to a nearby hill-top

  • in Joshua’s day. Ruins dating to Joshua’s time have been excavated at Hirbet Maqatir.

  • Video: We found this collection of pottery inside a building. You can see a large storage

  • jar here and next to it is a bowl or perhaps a jug. Here we have a small dipper juglet,

  • and next to that is another vesselit looks like a bowl or large jug. This is significant

  • to us because it allows us to date our fortress. This pottery is typical of the late Bronze

  • 1 period, 15th Century BC around the time of Joshua.

  • Back on Map 1-7, follow the Road of the Patriarchs that goes

  • north from Bethel to Shechem. Just east of this road is Shiloh. At Shiloh in the

  • Hill Country of Ephraim the Tabernacle containing the Ark of the Covenant was set up.

  • Video: Were here at Shiloh. When the Israelites conquered the land they came and Joshua set

  • up the tabernacle here. The place where those people are is the possible location of where

  • the tabernacle sat. This is also the location where Hannah dedicated her son Samuel and

  • he grew up here at Shiloh.

  • Now let’s move north of Shiloh to the Trans-Samaria Highway. Remember the

  • Trans-Samaria Highway runs in a series of wide valleys that run through the heart of

  • Samaria. From Adam at the Jordan River the route

  • follows the Wadi Far’a to Tirzah, then goes

  • to Shechem. Shechem is connected to the Coastal plain in the

  • west through Shechem Valley, or Nahal Shechem. The

  • city of Samaria sits along this western part of the route.

  • This Google Earth photo shows the Shechem region looking west. Today the modern Arabic

  • town of Nablus is built over Shechem between Mt. Gerizim on the south (to the left) and

  • Mt. Ebal on the north. The Trans-Samaria Highway comes from the Mediterranean

  • Sea in the West straight up Nahal Shechem to the wide plains in the Shechem region.

  • At Shechem the Lord first said to Abram, “To your descendants I will give this land”.

  • With this promise to Abram, God put His name and reputation on the line in a practical,

  • (4x click, click click, click) facts-on-the-ground way. So, has God shown himself to be God?

  • The relationship of the descendants of Abram to this land at various times throughout history

  • is observable evidence that the God of the Bible is the One true God.

  • Video: We are standing at Mt. Gerizim. Below us is the town Shechem and to the North is

  • Mt. Ebal. When Abraham first came to the land, God promised at Shechem that Abraham’s descendents

  • would inherit the land. Hundreds of years later under the time of Joshua, Joshua and

  • the Israelites came into Shechem and testified that their God had fulfilled that promise.

  • Joshua had the Israelites stand on Mt. Gerizim and Ebal in a covenant confirmation ceremony

  • and in acknowledgment that indeed the God of Abraham made good on His promise.

  • Joshua built an altar on Mt. Ebal to worship the Lord. Archaeologists have discovered what

  • appears to be an altar complex on the north side of Mt. Ebal, however, the

  • structure apparently dates to the 1200s BC, which would put it in the period of the Judges.

  • Let’s go back to Map 1-7 to examine more closely the Wadi Far’a , which is eastern

  • section of the Trans-Samaria Highway, connecting Tirzah to Adam in the Jordan Valley and to

  • Gilead.

  • This is most likely the route that Jacob used when he journeyed from

  • Penuel and Sukkot to Shechem.

  • Video: Were standing in a valley that goes through Samaria and connects 2 cities: Sukkot

  • and Shechem. When Jacob returned from the land of Aramia (?) he traveled between those

  • 2 cities, probably through this valley.

  • The Shechem-Penuel connection via Wadi Far’a is

  • illustrated by the fact that the first King of the North during the divided monarchy,

  • Jeroboam, “Built Shechemand dwelt there; and he went out from there and built Penuel.”

  • Penuel became the northern kingdom’s administrative center in Gilead.

  • During the Divided Monarchy , the Northern Kingdom was called Israel,

  • while the descendants of David ruled over the southern kingdom of Judah.

  • The Northern kingdom lasted 210 years. But none of its kings followed

  • the Lord.

  • Back on Map 1-7, remember the western section of the Trans-Samaria highway is Nahal Shechem,

  • which passes near the third capital of Northern Kingdom, the city of Samaria.

  • Samaria was built by Kings Omri and Ahab, who made Baal worship the state supported

  • religion of the Northern Kingdom.

  • Ahab built himself an ivory decorated palace in

  • Samaria, as well as a temple to Baal. Kings and prophets, like Elisha, walked through

  • Samaria’s gates.

  • Later, when King Jehu purged Israel of Baal worship he made the temple of Baal into a

  • latrine.

  • The city and kingdom of Samaria came to an end in 722 BC

  • . The city withstood a siege of three years, but it was only kicking against the goads

  • . The Lord had brought the Assyrian empire as His tool to drive Israel into

  • exile. “This happened because the sons of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God

  • who brought them up from the land of Egypt” (2 Kings 17:7).

  • In the first century BC, Herod the Great built a temple to Caesar Augustus at the site and

  • renamed it Sebastia, which means Augustus in Greek.

  • Note one more location on Map 1-7, Dothan, to the north

  • of the Trans-Samaria Highway overlooking the wide, triangular shaped Dothan Valley.

  • Dothan is where supernatural chariots of fire appeared in the days of Elisha.

  • Earlier, Joseph had found his brother’s grazing flocks near Dothan, but his brothers

  • threw him into a water cistern.

  • His brothers arranged to have Joseph sold to a caravan of Ishmaelite,

  • who were bringing goods from Gilead to Egypt. But God incorporated the wicked plans of the

  • brothers to bring about the preservation of the people of Israel in Egypt.

  • This cistern is the kind of water system that Joseph’s brothers put him into. “Zach

  • you down there?” “Yep!”

  • I’m standing on Mt. Gerizim and behind me are the ruins of ancient Shechem, which is

  • where God first promised Abram his descendants would inherit the promise land. Hundreds of

  • years later when Joshua and the Israelites came into this land, they came to this location

  • and acknowledged that God had kept his promise.

  • Here we are at Mt. Gerizim, and you can see Shechem behind me. That is where Jotham climb

  • the mountain to condemn Abimelech and the people of Shechem for making Abimelech king.

  • Also here is the city of Sychar - it’s in the vicinity where Jesus stopped when traveling

  • to Samaria and testified to the woman at the well.

  • The Samaritan woman Jesus met at well said thatOur ancestors worshipped on this mountain,

  • but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.” She is referring

  • to Mt. Gerizimwhich we are standing on right now.

  • Samaritan Passover on Mt. Gerizim

  • Hi! Were standing at the ruins of ancient Shiloh.

  • Behind us are the ruins of Shiloh.

  • Were here in Shiloh where the tabernacle of the Lord was first set up in the days of

  • Joshua. When Samuel was a boy, the Israelites took the Ark of the Covenant from here down

  • to Aphec in the west and lost it in battle.

  • Eli, your two sons have been killed, and what’s worsethe Ark of the Covenant

  • has been taken by the Philistines!”

  • In fact, Jeremiah comes and talks about the ruins of Shiloh to Jerusalemite listeners.

  • He says to them in the book of Jeremiah

  • Go now to the place in Shiloh where I first made a dwelling for my Name, and see what

  • I did to it because of the wickedness of my people Israel.

  • So they instructed the Benjamites saying, “Go and hid in the vineyards and watch.

  • When the girls of Shiloh come out to join the dancing, rush from vineyards and each

  • of you seize a wife from girls of Shiloh and go to rhe land of Benjamin.

  • We are standing in a narrow spot in the Wadi Far’a

  • I’m standing on some ruins called Maqatir. The Bible gives very specific geography related

  • to Joshua’s conquest of the city. To the west, Joshua set an ambush while he himself

  • camped on a ridge across the valley at the city of Ai.

This video is commentary for the Satellite Bible Atlas, Map 1-7, Samaria


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SatelliteBibleAtlas - 撒瑪利亞 (SatelliteBibleAtlas - Samaria)

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    雖 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日