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  • Hello, great to be here.

  • I'm a cardiologist, but before that, I was an exercise enthusiast.

  • I've exercised, I bet, pretty much everyday of my life.

  • I had two grandfathers who were alcoholics.

  • But for me, my way of copping with life is exercise.

  • When I'm nervous, anxious, tired, happy, sad, or whatever,

  • I exercise, if I have the time, and sometimes even when I don't.

  • You might have seen me in an airport, waiting for a flight,

  • running up the down escalator with my backpack on, to kill 20 minutes.

  • But I always thought that exercise was the best thing for my heart,

  • and I think that's how I decided, at age 15, I wanted to be a cardiologist.

  • But now that I am 56 years old, and a lot of decades have gone by,

  • I've started to have a few warning sings from my heart; a couple years ago

  • I noticed this, and I got on a mission.

  • I'm a research cardiologist, and I have a research fellow.

  • We have been working on this for a couple years,

  • with the help of some of the brightest cardiologists from around the country,

  • we came to some startling new insights that seem to emerging about exercise.

  • This made me think twice about my lifestyle,

  • and I'm worried that I may have made a lethal mistake.

  • I hope it's not too late, but let me tell you the story.

  • So, as I said, I have been exercising for a long time.

  • But if we go back 2,500 years, there is a guy named Pheidippides

  • who ran the 26 miles from a battle field

  • near Marathon, Greece, into Athens

  • to proclaim the news about a momentous victory over the Persians.

  • When he arrived at the emperor's throne and said, "Victory is ours,"

  • he abruptly collapsed and died.

  • Now, you may have heard that story before,

  • but what you probably didn't know is that Pheidippides was an accomplished runner.

  • He'd been a Greek herald messenger his whole life.

  • He ran a lot of miles everyday,

  • I bet he was the fittest guy in Athens the day he died.

  • That's strange.

  • But now let's go forward two millennia or more.

  • When the Baby Boomers came of age, another boom happened: the running boom.

  • If exercise was good for you as anybody could know,

  • then more had to be better,

  • and the ultimate test of running and endurance was a marathon.

  • There was a physician who became famous back in the mid-70s by boldly proclaiming

  • that if you could complete a marathon, you were immune to heart attack.

  • This urban myth actually still holds sway with a lot of physicians.

  • One of my patients and friends is John.

  • He is 68 now, but he's been running for 45 years.

  • As he puts it, if he hasn't run twelve miles in a day,

  • he felt like he was wimping out.

  • When I saw him, he came into see me, and I said,

  • "John, let's do a cardiac scan, a CT scan, simple, little, non-invasive,

  • quick, high tech scan of your heart.

  • Your arteries, I'm sure, will be soft and supple, clean and healthy.

  • So that's what a normal cardiac scan should look like:

  • no calcium whatsoever in these arteries.

  • His is over here; his score was 1,800.

  • Anything above zero is abnormal,

  • anything over 400 is severe; at 1,800, his arteries are harder than his bones!

  • That can't be good, and he didn't have any other risk factors to speak of.

  • So in fact, people do die during marathons, but let's be realistic.

  • If you look at the latest data, the risk is minuscule:

  • 1 in 100,000 participants.

  • I've gotten to be friends with a guy named Amdy Burfoot.

  • Amdy won the Boston Marathon in 1968.

  • He is currently editor-in-chief

  • and has been a long time editor at large at Runner's World Magazine.

  • In conversations we've had in recent months, he has challenged me.

  • "If endurance extreme exercises are so bad, show me the bodies."

  • He's got a good point; 1 in 100,000 is a pretty low risk.

  • But I'm not so worried about that;

  • running is supposed to

  • add years to your life, and even life to your years.

  • So, could it be shortening your life expectancy?

  • I'm not worried about dropping into a risk,

  • I am just trying to do the right thing, I'm a cardiologist,

  • I'm the business of finding out the ideal diet and lifestyle.

  • I'm coming to the conclusion that running marathons

  • and extreme endurance athletics do not fit into that recipe.

  • So, that being said, let me be clear about this:

  • there is no single step you can take in your life

  • to ensure robust health and remarkable longevity

  • than a habit of daily exercise.

  • This is a study of over 400,000 Chinese that was just published last year.

  • We published an editorial along with this afterwards,

  • but they found vigorous exercise, this is all cause mortality reduction,

  • the more reduction the better, and this is minutes of daily exercise,

  • so 10, 20, 30 minutes of daily exercise.

  • At 45 or 50, you get a point of further plateau,

  • so further efforts and time do not appear

  • to convey further improvements in life expectancy.

  • Down here is light to moderate exercise: walking, housework,

  • day to day moving around; just get off your seat and move around.

  • More is better there; it's not quite as beneficial as vigorous exercise,

  • but more is better.

  • You can exercise all day it seems,

  • without getting yourself in trouble if you keep it down.

  • So, one of my heroes,

  • I love evolutionary medicine,

  • I think if you look in the world of nature and into our deep past,

  • you can find the template for ideal health, even in our modern world.

  • Charles Darwin was wrong about one thing though:

  • it's not the survival of the fittest.

  • No, in fact it's the survival of the moderately fit, OK?

  • If the best you can do is walk one flight of stairs

  • before you have to rest, things are not looking good.

  • It could be a bumpy ride in the next few years.

  • On the other hand, if you can dance,

  • lightly swim, or even jog six miles an hour, that's a ten minute mile,

  • that's a pretty comfortable pace, right?

  • Your mortality plummets, and if you, after warming up on a treadmill,

  • can achieve a speed of seven to seven and a half miles an hour,

  • you are pretty much bulletproof, when you look at outcomes.

  • In fact, further attainments of peak fitness do not translate into

  • further increases in life expectancy.

  • It plateaus out.

  • In fact there's even a little trend that it might even go up a little bit.

  • So, the important concept is that dose makes the poison.

  • It's true with a lot of things, and if we could come up with a pill

  • that gave all the benefits that we get from exercise,

  • I'd be looking for work.

  • In fact, exercise not only cuts your chance of premature death in half,

  • but it reduces risk of heart disease, Alzheimer, osteoporosis, depression.

  • It is an amazing drug, but just like any drug, there is an ideal dose range.

  • If you don't take enough of it, you don't get the benefit.

  • If you take too much of it, it could be harmful, maybe even fatal.

  • When you're sitting here, listening, sitting around like most Americans do,

  • doing nothing, your hearts pumping, just idling along about a gallon a minute,

  • about four, five liters a minute.

  • If you went out, went for a run right now, and you ran hard,

  • that would go up four, five or even sixfold.

  • Five, or six gallons a minute!

  • That is a workout, your heart is working hard,

  • but that's what it's meant to do, intermittently.

  • You know maybe 5,10, 30 minutes, and maybe up to 60 minutes

  • but by 60 minutes something starts happening:

  • the stretch in the chambers starts overwhelming,

  • the muscle's ability to adapt,

  • the catecholamine and adrenaline levels rise,

  • the free radicals blossom, and it starts burning the heart.

  • It starts searing and inflaming the inside of your coronary arteries.

  • We're not really meant for these sustained levels of exercise,

  • for hours at a time.

  • If you go to a marathon, and this has been done several times,

  • you take a troponin level at the end of the marathon,

  • over half of them will have elevated troponins.

  • What's a troponin?

  • Troponin is a sacred chemical to us cardiologists.

  • When we see that a troponin goes up it means one thing:

  • heart muscle has died.

  • Normally, we hop into action because that generally means

  • there's a heart attack going on, we need to get a vessel open!

  • In this case, these are little micro tears from the stretching and the searing,

  • and it's not a big deal if you do it once.

  • These are little micro tears, they heal;

  • a few days later it's gone, the heart's back down to normal size.

  • But if you do this over and over again, the chambers start dialing up,

  • they get scarred, they get stiff, they thicken.

  • If you look closely you can see these little white patches

  • in these veteran extreme endurance athletes accumulate

  • and for people who have been doing this for years and decades,

  • their heart becomes older before its time.

  • We're asking too much of it, it's overwhelming the heart's capacities.

  • This is a fascinating study done by a cardiologist that I know,

  • and whose son is also a cardiologist.

  • These two were both avid runners up in Minnesota.

  • They did a study looking at the CT scans, like I've shown you of John's,

  • looked at a group of marathoners who have been doing this for at least 25 years

  • at least 25 marathons in that time compared to secondary controls.

  • You can see here that they had 62% more plaque despite fewer risk factors.

  • People say, "That can't be true."

  • In fact, a German cardiologist just replicated this study

  • showing a 108 marathoners with similar findings.

  • Hard to dismiss.

  • Veteran endurance athletes also have a five fold increase risk

  • of atrial fibrillation, a dangerous irregular heart rhythm.

  • There is sort of an epidemic of this going on among runners

  • because we've only been doing this for a few decades

  • and it takes a while for this to develop.

  • Even more worse, when we see this, as cardiologists, our pupils dilate,

  • our heart rate goes up; this is ventricular tachycardia,

  • which is a potentially life threatening rhythm,

  • and we can see this

  • from the scarring in the ventricle in some endurance athletes.

  • So "Born to Run" is a book that was published, a non fiction book,

  • published just in 2009.

  • The hero of this story is a guy named Micah True.

  • He dropped out of American culture,

  • went down to live with the Tarahumara Indians

  • in the northern part of Mexico in the Copper canyons.

  • He was an epic runner,

  • legendary for his ability to run long distances, hundred mile races.

  • The Indians down there nicknamed him "Caballo Blanco", the White Horse,

  • for his ability and his remarkable endurance.

  • So Micah True died, sadly, at 58 years of age,

  • on a routine 12-mile run,

  • in the wilderness of New Mexico, in March of this year.

  • When they did the autopsy,

  • they found an enlarged, thickened heart with scar tissues.

  • The coroner said, "idiopathic cadiomyopathy."

  • But I've looked at that path report, and it reads like a description

  • of the pathology we might expect to see in some extreme endurance athletes.

  • My colleague who wrote some of these papers with me,

  • Peter McCullough, has coined the term "pheidippides cardiomyopathy."

  • That's what he had.

  • There are a couple papers that are coming out in the next two months,

  • and we're publishing a couple papers as well.

  • They are going to change the thinking about exercise.

  • This is one of them by Chip Lavie, one of my colleagues,

  • and maybe my best friend.

  • He down in Oshner Clinic in New Orleans, and this is a look at 50,000 runners.

  • 52,000 people followed for decades, on average 15 years but up to 30 years.

  • They compared the non-runners, about 38,000,

  • to the runners, about 14,000

  • and what they found was that runners did live longer, 19% longer,

  • but if we look closer, you'll see that the runners,

  • compared to the non-runners, for the risk of death,

  • the reference is one.

  • If you ran more 25 miles per week, your benefits went away.

  • You only got 25-27% reduction in mortality rate.

  • If you ran between 5 and 20 miles a week, ideally 10-15 miles a week.

  • When we looked at the running speed, sure enough if you ran too fast,

  • over eight miles per hour, which is a 7:30 pace,

  • the benefits went away.

  • Now they weren't worse than the non-runners,

  • but heck if you're running that much,

  • you would think you'd get some health benefits,

  • but no, you have to back off to a six or seven miles per hour pace,

  • which is about a ten miles per hour jog.

  • Interestingly, how many days a week?

  • Seven days a week if you're running, the benefits go away.

  • You need to run fewer days, two to five ideally.

  • So another study that'll be published soon is this one from across the pond.

  • The Copenhagen City Heart Study compared the non-runners

  • to the runners and found the same thing;

  • the relationship appears much like that of alcohol.

  • Mortality is lower in people reporting moderate jogging

  • than in non-joggers or those undertaking extreme exercise.

  • The moderate joggers got a 44% reduction in mortality, they live six years longer,

  • but it went away if you over did it.

  • So the truth is

  • that exercise does confer powerful benefits,

  • and the belief is "more is better".

  • But we're learning that more is not better in this case.

  • One of my good friends Meghan Newcomer is a triathlete from New York City.

  • She grew up next door, a dear family friend,

  • she's one of the top triathletes in the country.

  • She did ten races last year, and she is 30. She won half of them.

  • The other half she collapsed

  • from heat exhaustion, dangerous heat exhaustion near the end of the race.

  • I told Meghan, "Meg, if you want to be in the real Olympics,

  • which you very well could be, you just keep hammering away,

  • maybe up your game a bit.

  • But if you want to be alive and well

  • for the 2052 Olympics, 40 years from now,

  • you need to back and way off.

  • Back your pace off and find some healthier exercise pattern."

  • So there's one last study that I want to tell you about.

  • This is a study from last year that looked at mice.

  • They hammered these mice, they ran them to exhaustion,

  • every day, for four months, and you know what?

  • This replicated those same findings that we saw in Micah True,

  • and the other findings that I told you about.

  • But what provides hope to me is that when they took these guys off

  • their iron mouse training regiments, their hearts came back down to normal.

  • The fibrosis even melted away, and their ventricular irritability

  • and atrial fibrillation tendencies, all gone.

  • Well, I'm a man not a mouse,

  • but here's hoping that maybe that works in humans too.

  • Anyway, we're not meant to run. We're not born to run, I should say.

  • We're born to walk; we need to be walking more today.

  • We need to be strolling,

  • we need to be moving our body rather than sitting.

  • Every chance you get, move,

  • and do some high intensity interval training from time to time.

  • But personally, I've found that what I do now is I've shorten my runs up.

  • I go, when I run, I run a one and a half to, at the most, three miles,

  • but typically about two miles.

  • I take the pace down, and I walk with my wife, play with the kids,

  • and stop in meadows or parks, and do some yoga.

  • When I'm swimming, rather than churning away, I go on my back,

  • and I do some nice gentle backstroke.

  • I watch the clouds sail overhead, and see the birds soaring in the sky,

  • and I can feel my heart relaxing, healing, and getting better.

  • So all things in moderation is not a new concept.

  • This was something that one of Phidippides' contemporaries,

  • the father of medicine said, 2,500 years ago,

  • "The right amount of nourishment and exercise,

  • not too much, not too little, is the safest way to health."

  • So I've never presented in my 30 years as a cardiologist such controversial data.

  • But the truth is, this is a U-shaped curve.

  • The couch potatoes are using this

  • as an excuse to continue their sedentary behaviour.

  • Then there's the whole extreme exercisers, people like me,

  • who don't want to hear this mess; in fact, they kind of want to kill the messenger.

  • I've been getting a lot of adverse comments about this research.

  • But you know what I've decided?

  • It is that you need to snuggle in

  • to the safety of the middle of the "U" curve when it comes to exercise.

  • Or when it comes to anything else in life.

  • To me, I've decided that running too fast and too hard

  • is only going to speed up my progress

  • towards the finish line in my life.

  • So I've decided to back it off,

  • and hopefully, enjoy more sunrises and sunsets.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Hello, great to be here.


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【TEDx】為生活而奔跑!以舒適的步伐,不要跑太遠。James O'Keefe在TEDxUMKC的演講。 (【TEDx】Run for your life! At a comfortable pace, and not too far: James O'Keefe at TEDxUMKC)

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    Max Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日