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  • Tens of millions of years ago,


  • a force of nature set two giant masses on an unavoidable collision course

    大自然的力量造成了兩大板塊 一場無可避免的撞擊歷程,

  • that would change the face of the Earth


  • and spell life or death for thousands of species.

    並且決定成千上萬物種的 生存與滅亡。

  • The force of nature was plate tectonics,


  • and the bodies were North and South America.

    而這兩大板塊, 正是北美洲和南美洲。

  • And even though they were hurdling towards each other

    即使它們以毫不起眼, 每年移動 2.5 公分的速度,試圖跨越對方,

  • at an underwhelming 2.5 cm per year,

    這場撞擊卻因此引發了一場 地球史上最大的生物移徙事件,

  • their collision actually did have massive biological reprocussions

    並且實際上造成了 生物學上的巨大影響:

  • by causing one of the greatest episodes of biological migration in Earth's history:


  • The Great American Biotic Interchange.

    我們的故事要從六千五百萬年前, 哺乳動物的出現說起,

  • Our story begins 65 million years ago, the beginning of the age of mammals,

    當時,現今的南、北美洲 還是完全分開的板塊,

  • when what is now North and South America

    中間隔著一片海域,則是連接著 太平洋和大西洋。

  • were continents separated by a marine connection

    在這段期間, 居住在南美洲的物種,

  • between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

    包括全身披著厚甲的雕齒獸, 體型與小型車一樣大;

  • During this time, South America was the home of fauna

    以及巨型地懶, 重量超過一公噸;

  • that included armored glyptodonts as large as compact cars,

    此外還有負鼠、猴子, 以及肉食駭鳥。

  • giant ground sloths weighing more than a ton,


  • opossums, monkeys, and carnivorous terror birds.


  • North America had its own species,

    在二千萬年前,"法拉隆" 與 "加勒比" 兩個板塊的位移,

  • such as horses, bears, and saber-toothed cats.

    形成了一個連接北美洲的 中美火山弧半島,

  • Over 20 million years, the shifting of the Farallon and Caribbean Plates

    與南美洲之間, 僅僅相隔一道狹窄的海道,

  • produced the Central America Volcanic Arc, a peninsula connected to North America,


  • with only a very narrow seaway separating it from South America.


  • As these plates continued to surf the Earth's magma layer


  • far beneath the Pacific Ocean floor,


  • the Caribbean Plate migrated eastward,


  • and about 15 million years ago,

    這逐漸關閉了太平洋 和加勒比海之間的水路連結,

  • South America finally collided with this Central American Arc.


  • This gradually closed the water connection between the Pacific and the Caribbean,


  • creating a land bridge,


  • which connected North America to South America.


  • Terrestrial organisms could now cross between the two continents,

    當時明顯出現了 好幾次的生物播遷。

  • and from the fossil records,


  • it's evident that different waves of their dispersals took place.


  • Even though plants don't physically move,

    因此,它們跟著一些鳥類 最先開始遷徙;

  • they are easily dispersed by wind and waves,

    接著是一些淡水魚類 和兩棲動物,

  • so they migrated first, along with a few species of birds.

    最後,各種哺乳動物 開始橫越此陸橋。

  • They were followed by some freshwater fishes

    從南美洲來的哺乳動物, 例如地懶和雕齒獸,

  • and amphibians,


  • and finally, various mammals began to traverse the bridge.


  • >From South America, mammals like ground sloths and glyptodonts

    例如猴和蝙蝠, 定居於中美洲的森林中,

  • were widly distributed in North America.


  • Moreover, many South American tropical mammals,

    在南美洲,一種有袋類的掠食動物 於三百萬年前絕種了,

  • like monkeys and bats, colonized the forests of Central America,

    此時北美洲的掠食者, 例如貓科動物、熊和狐狸,

  • and are very abundant today.

    向南遷徙,並佔據了 留下來的生態環境。

  • South American predator marsupials went extinct 3 million years ago,

    馬、大羊駝、貘、美洲獅、 劍齒虎、嵌齒象,

  • at which point North American predators, such as cats, bears and foxes,

    和之後的人類, 也往南越過了此陸橋。

  • migrated south and occupied the ecological space left behind.

    但是,在陸地上發生的一切 僅僅是是半個故事。

  • Horses, llamas, tapirs, cougars, saber-toothed cats, gomphotheres,

    這裡曾是一片海洋, 現在被一分為二,

  • and later humans also headed south across the land bridge.

    造成這兩個水域 具有不同溫度和鹽度。

  • But what happened on land is only half the story.

    這地峽也成為 許多海洋生物的屏障,

  • What had been one giant ocean was now two,

    例如軟體動物、甲殼類動物、 有孔蟲、苔蘚蟲、還有魚類,

  • creating differences in temperature and salinity for the two bodies of water.


  • The isthmus also became a barrier for many marine organisms,

    地峽也使得 溫鹽環流得以形成,

  • like mollusks, crustaceans, foraminifera, bryozoans, and fish,


  • and separated the populations of many marine species.


  • It also allowed the establishment of the thermohaline circulation,


  • a global water conveyor belt,

    歐洲西岸,和其他 許多地區的氣候。

  • which transports warm water across the Atlantic,

    想要追蹤所有 因為美洲陸塊撞擊

  • and influences the climate of the East Coast of North America,

    而造成世界的改變, 是一項艱困的挑戰。

  • the West Coast of Europe, and many other areas.


  • It's a challenge to track all of the ways

    南北美洲生物大遷徙 造成的連鎖反應

  • the collision of the Americas changed the world,


  • but it's safe to say that the ripples of the Great American Biotic Interchange


  • have propagated through the history of life on the planet,


  • and that of mankind.


  • What if these species hadn't gone extinct,


  • or if there were no monkeys in Central America,


  • or jaguars in South America?

    這一切都顯示出 我們地球上最具衝擊的轉變,

  • What if the thermohaline circulation wasn't flowing?


  • Would the East Coast of North America be much colder?

    而是一種徐徐前進, 不可逆的轉變。

  • It all goes to show some of the most impactful transformations of our planet


  • aren't the explosive ones that happen in an instant,

  • but the ones that crawl towards irreversible change.

  • We are the product of history.

Tens of millions of years ago,



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