字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 In July 2015, President Barack Obama announced the re-establishment of ties between Cuba 2015年7月美國總統歐巴馬宣布與古巴恢復邦交 and The United States, and loosened travel restrictions after a 53-year long embargo. 在53年的禁運之後放寬旅遊限制 Although the embargo is still in effect, more than 3 million tourists are expected to visit 雖然禁運尚未完全解除,預計2015年仍有超過3百萬觀光客 the country through 2015. And while 3 million may be a sizeable number, it actually pales 湧入古巴。三百萬聽起來可能是個大數目,但跟世界上一些旅遊熱點相比 in comparison to some tourist hotspots around the world. So, what are the most visited countries in the world? 根本黯然失色。那麼,世界上遊客最多的國家有哪些呢? Well, travel and tourism is a huge industry, which currently is thought to account for 觀光旅遊是個龐大的產業,目前估計占全球GDP的9% 9% of the global GDP, or $7 trillion dollars. In 2015, over a billion tourists travelled 也就是七兆美元。2015年全球有超過十億遊客 the world, up by roughly 50 million compared to earlier years. Every region in the world 跟前幾年相比增加了約5千萬。世界各地 recently saw about a 5% increase in tourism, with the big exception of Africa, where tourism 觀光旅遊業近期皆增加約5%,但非洲卻反而下降6% dropped by 6%. As the global economy recovers from the 2008 recession, the UN World Tourism 隨著全球經濟從2008年的蕭條中逐漸恢復,聯合國世界旅遊組織 Organization predicts tourism will grow 3 to 4% in the coming years. 預計觀光業在接下來的幾年將會成長3到4% France reigns supreme for worldwide tourism, and has for many years. In 2014, it drew over 84 million travellers. 法國已經好幾年都是世界觀光業龍頭了。2014年有八千四百萬觀光客造訪法國 The country has a rich cultural history with nearly 40 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 這個國家文化歷史豐富,並有將近40處聯合國教科文組織認定的世界遺產 The most visited city is Paris, where top destinations include the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. 巴黎是法國最夯的城市,熱門景點包括羅浮宮還有艾菲爾鐵塔(巴黎鐵塔) It also shares a border with eight other European countries, making it easily accessible for many people. 法國邊境與八個歐洲國家相接,因此成為許多人心目中方便旅行的國家 France offers a multitude of vacation options, from ski resorts to Mediterranean beaches. 法國有非常多度假景點可供選擇,從滑雪勝地到地中海沙灘應有盡有 Ironically, reports indicate 諷刺的是,有報導指出 that France is generally not especially fond of its own tourism industry, 法國人民普遍對國內的旅遊產業沒有好感 and in June 2015, the French Ministry of Affairs announced that improving 2015年6月法國外交部甚至公開呼籲民眾 attitudes towards foreigners is a “national priority”. 應改善對待觀光客的態度,因為「國家利益優於個人利益」 Second on the list of most visited countries is the United States, with 74 million travelers. 第二個觀光客最多的國家是美國,觀光人數達七千四百萬 And although the US ranks second behind France in number of tourists, it actually makes more 雖然美國的觀光人數次於法國,其觀光收入卻是 than twice much money. Experts say this is because trips to the US often last longer 法國的兩倍以上。專家表示這是因為美國旅程時間安排通常比 than many French weekend getaways. America has about 2,500 National Historic Landmarks, 多數法國的週末度假還要長。美國有大約2500處國家級歷史地標 and its most visited attraction is Times Square in New York City. 其中造訪率最高的是紐約的時代廣場 The third most popular destination for tourists is Spain. With 第三個最受觀光客歡迎的國家是西班牙 the third highest number of UNESCO world heritage sites and sunny beaches year round, Spain 西班牙的聯合國教科文組織世界遺產數量是全球第三高,加上全年無休的陽光沙灘 draws a major crowd of about 60 millons a year. It accounts for as much as 11% of their GDP. In recent years Spain 讓這個國家每年有約六千萬觀光客造訪。西班牙的觀光收入佔國家GDP11%。近年來西班牙 has seen a large jump in visitors because terrorist attacks have affected competing 有觀光客激增的趨勢,因為海灘度假的熱門國家-埃及與土耳其國內 beach vacation spots in Egypt and Turkey. Additionally, Spain draws Spanish-speakers 出現恐怖攻擊。此外,西班牙也吸引同講西班牙語的拉丁美洲遊客 from Latin America, giving it a boost over Italy’s tourist industry. 因而觀光業領先義大利 As the travel business booms, developing countries are also seeking much-needed profits from more 隨著旅遊產業日漸興盛,開發中國家從投資觀光業中獲取所需利益 tourism investment. China in particular has spent huge sums of money on their travel industry 尤其是中國,過去十年來在旅遊產業上投入大把金錢 in the last decade. They are currently the primary source of tourists, and the fourth 中國目前是觀光客來源的大宗,同時也是 largest recipient of foreign travellers. Although the tourism industry took a huge hit in the 第四大外國遊客拜訪的國家。儘管觀光產業過去幾年受到全球經濟頹勢 late-2000s global economic downturn, it has been slowly recovering, and today is known 影響而式微,現在正緩緩復甦當中,可以說是當今 to be an invaluable source of capital for many countries. 許多國家重要的資本來源 One strategy many cities use to attract tourists is to build massive mega-structures, like 很多城市用大型人造建築來吸引觀光客,像是 Shanghai Disneyland. Learn more about these attractions in this video. 上海迪士尼樂園。這部影片有更多有關這些景點的資訊 Thanks watching TestTube! Make sure to like us and subscribe for new videos everyday. 感謝您收看TestTube!記得幫我們按讚並訂閱頻道以觀看每天的新影片喔!
B1 中級 中文 觀光客 法國 旅遊 國家 西班牙 產業 最受歡迎的國家有哪些? (What Are The Most Visited Countries?) 739 84 richardwang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字