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  • Hi, guys. Do you notice something different about today? Hmm. Where's the board gone?

  • Today's lesson is a bit different. It's just me giving you some advice about learning English.

  • And this video is for you, in particular, if you are a learning English quitter.

  • Who is a learning English quitter? A learning English quitter is somebody who works really,

  • really hard studying: "Learn English, learn English, learn English", for two days, four

  • days, one day, and then quits. Does nothing, does nothing for weeks. And then the same

  • thing: Works really, really hard: "Learn English, learn English, learn English", for three days,

  • and then quits. "I'll do it tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow." And the other thing that

  • a learning English quitter does is feel bad all the time about not learning enough English.

  • "I'm so stupid. I should be learning more English." But you're not, are you? You're

  • watching TV, you're having a beer. You're not learning English at all, are you? So,

  • this video is for you if you're a learning English quitter. And trust me on this one:

  • It is a life changer, total game changer.

  • What you need to begin, starting today, is what I call the 20-minute English discipline.

  • 20-minute English discipline, and you do this every single day of your life. And what it

  • means is for 20 minutes a day, every single day, you study English in a serious way. Okay?

  • A serious way. An active way. You do it on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

  • Saturday, Sunday; every day. You do it on your birthday, you do it when your cousin's

  • getting married. You do it every day, it doesn't matter. No excuses, you do it. So, when your

  • cousin comes to you and says: "Hey, let's go and have a beer", you say: "That's a great

  • idea. I'm going to come with you in nine minutes when I've finished my studies. I'll be with

  • you in a minute." So don't let other people put you off doing your daily... Daily discipline

  • of study. 20 minutes every day.

  • Plus, this is what happens: When you start doing the 20-minute discipline, you realize:

  • "Oh, 20 minutes isn't that long. I haven't... I haven't finished everything I wanted to

  • finish. I'm going to study some more." Nun-uh, nun-uh, nun-uh. It's just 20 minutes every

  • day. When you get to 20 minutes, you stop. It's not: "I'll do 25 minutes today." It's

  • not: "I'll do 40 minutes today, and not do anything tomorrow." It's not that. It's 20

  • minutes every day, and then you stop. That's all you need to do.

  • The problem when you do 40 minutes one day, one hour another day, nothing the next day

  • is that you lose... You don't build up the strength and the habit of making studying

  • and studying English, in particular, part of your everyday life, so that's why for most

  • people it doesn't work to do a lot on one day and nothing on the other. Your 20 minutes

  • is something that you can fit into any... Any person watching this video, any person

  • in the world, if you're serious about learning English, or serious about learning anything,

  • anything in the whole world, you can find 20 minutes from your day to get serious about

  • it and put that time aside. If you're... We know if you're not serious. If you're... You're

  • not serious if you say: "Oh, I haven't got time. I haven't got time. I'm too busy for

  • 20 minutes every day." Well, you're not serious if you don't make 20 minutes a day for your

  • learning English studies.

  • So what I want to talk about now is how exactly you should be using your 20 minutes, and we're

  • going to talk about using the engVid website for 20 minutes every day. You already know

  • there's so many lessons on the engVid site, lessons on everything. Everything you could

  • possibly want or need to know about learning English is on the engVid site. If you could

  • just take all those videos and put them in your head, that would... That would be awesome,

  • wouldn't it? That would save you a lot of time. But we can't do that. It's not a way

  • of learning.

  • Most people, I think watching the site, watch the videos, listen, do the quiz at the end.

  • Okay? Lesson done. Now, that's good, but I can tell you how you can make it a lot more

  • effective with your 20-minute daily discipline, and that means that you have to be active

  • when you're watching the lesson. So I want you to have a pen in hand, paper, and I want

  • you to be taking notes from the lesson. Now, for me, personally, taking notes, I just find

  • it effective to write things down. Like, even if I know something, I'll write it down; a

  • new phrase that I heard that I learnt, I'll write it down; new vocabulary, of course,

  • write it down; if it's a grammar rule, write it down. So just get your hand active during

  • the lesson. Now, the more active you are, obviously, the more you may need to pause

  • the video, so stop the video, write something down, and of course, carry on.

  • Another thing that is so, so, so effective when you're learning a language is to repeat

  • materials; watch more than once. Now, your brain is very lazy, and it's going to be like:

  • "But I already saw that, I know that. I know that lesson." If you're learning a language,

  • you don't know everything the first time you watch the video. Watching a video two times,

  • four times is where you get to see a big, big, big difference. Now, you don't have to

  • watch again the same day; you could watch again a few days later or a week later. But

  • that's where you really start to pick up the things that you missed before, so I think

  • it's a really, really good part of your daily discipline to be watching things again. So

  • what it... This is what I advise you to do with the videos: First time just watch

  • and watch without subtitles. Okay? Take notes. Good.

  • Second time, watch with the subtitle, and you can read along

  • and listen at the same time. Another good way. A third time, I want you to just watch

  • the video, and pause. Every now and then there's a good phrase for you to write down. Write

  • it down, and then after, as an option, you can check: "Did you get the spelling of the

  • phrase right?" as well. The point of this is not to rush through the video, and learn

  • everything really, really quickly. The point is to take your time and be active in lesson.

  • And of course, at the end of the lesson, there's always a quiz for you to do.

  • So, I want you to begin that now. If you're an English quitter, a learning English quitter,

  • today is the first day of the rest of your learning English life, and you're going to

  • do 20 minutes studying every day. Trust me, it's going to make a big, big difference.

  • You're going to learn so much English. It starts today. You can do this. You've got

  • the power. What I'd like to do now is invite you to take the quiz on today's video. And

  • also, because we haven't done this kind of video before-there's no board here, is there?

  • -I want you to give us a comment and say: How did you like this video?

  • So, until next time,

  • I'll see you later. Bye.

Hi, guys. Do you notice something different about today? Hmm. Where's the board gone?


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A2 初級 美國腔

學習英語。20分鐘學習法 (Learn English: The 20-Minute Method)

  • 2571 216
    Michael Qian 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日