字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Surveys show that 95% of men and around 72% of women have masturbated in their life. But 調查顯示有95%的男士及約72%女士們都有自慰過 with rumours that it's unhealthy, can cause blindness, and even infertility, can masturbation 但卻有謠傳說自慰是不健康的、會導致失明甚至不孕,但真的是這樣嗎? be good for you? Feeling yourself isn't just for single people. 70% of men and 40% of women 「自摸」並不是只有單身人士們會做的事 in relationships reported masturbating within the 4 weeks leading up to a recent survey. 最近一個調查顯示,處在感情關係中的70%男性與40%女性,在接受調查前的四週內都有自慰行為 After all, it feels good. Not only is dopamine released, which helps control the brain's 畢竟,自慰的感覺很好。分泌的多巴胺不只協助控制大腦獎勵 reward and pleasure centres, reducing feelings of stress, but other endorphins released during 快感中樞、減少壓力,在高潮時分泌的腦內啡還能減少疼痛感知 orgasm can decrease your perception of pain. For women polishing the pearl can reduce menstrual 自慰還能夠幫助女士們減少經期痙攣 cramping. And of course with the help of the hormone prolactin, which is linked to sleep, 在跟睡眠有關的催乳素的作用下 you're likely to feel exhausted and catch some much needed Zs. Feel like you're coming 你可能會感到筋疲力盡,想要好好睡一下 down with a cold? One study found that in males, components of the immune system are 覺得你因為感冒而不舒服嗎? 一份報告指出 activated during masturbation, increasing the number of white blood cells in the bloodstream. 男性在自慰過程中,免疫系統會受到刺激,使得血液中的白血球數量上升 Solo sessions might also help men reduce cancer, with high ejaculation frequency correlating 這些「獨處時光」也有機會能降低男性們罹癌的機率 with a decreased risk of total prostate cancer. Though it's unclear why, researchers hypothesize 「清槍」越頻繁,得到前列腺癌的機率也隨之降低,儘管背後的緣由仍有待探究 that increased ejaculation means potential carcinogenic secretions in the prostate are 研究人員們推測這是因為射精次數的增加 excreted more regularly, decreasing their negative impact on the body. But why have 能更規律地排出前列腺中的潛在致癌分泌物,減少對身體的負面影響 humans and animals evolved to masturbate if it's seemingly a waste of energy or semen 但如果自慰真如表面上所見,是個浪費能量或者男性精液的行為,那為什麼還有許多動物及人類演化出這行為? in men? Well, it turns out that self-love can actually improve the quality of sperm. 這是因為這些「自愛」的行為能夠提升精子的品質 A study showed that recent, male masturbation reduced the number of sperm inseminated at 一份研究指出在近期有自慰行為的男性 the next copulation, but not the number retained by the female. From this, it was concluded 雖然在下一次性行為時減少了精子受精的數量,但是卻沒影響被卵子留住的精子數 that masturbation is a male strategy to improve the fitness of their sperm, as younger sperm 從這結果我們可以推論自慰是男性改善精子活動力的一個策略,因為較新的精子有更高的受精機率 have a higher likelihood of insemination. Not only that but masturbation can improve 除此之外,自慰還能夠增進你在床上的表現 your sexual performance. Both women and men have pelvic floor muscles that stretch from 男性女性皆有從恥骨伸展到尾骨的骨盆底肌肉群 your pubic bone to your tailbone. As we age, these muscles weaken, causing sexual dysfunction 隨著我們年紀增加,這些肌肉會退化 in women and erectile dysfunction in men. But stroking the penis or clitoris can activate 導致女性的性功能障礙及男性勃起障礙 the bulbocavernosis reflex, resulting in pelvic floor muscles contracting. It's essentially 撫摸陰莖或陰蒂皆能引起球海綿體反射機制,使骨盆底肌收縮 a workout for your sex muscles. Nitric oxide levels also diminish with age and can contribute 這實際上就是在鍛鍊妳做愛時用到的肌肉。一氧化氮含量會隨著年紀減少 to a decreased sex drive but masturbation can help maintain it in your blood throughout 進而降低你的性慾,而自慰可以幫助你保持血液中一氧化氮的恆定 your life. But while masturbating does have physiological benefits, it's important to 雖然自慰能帶來生理上的益處,但適時的混用不同的「手法」是很重要的 mix up your technique. Using the same way to get off every time can make you sexually 如果每次都用同個方法「發洩」,會讓你對其他的刺激方式感到無感 unresponsive to other types of stimulation. This could lead to decreased sexual arousal, 可能會進而導致當你跟你的真實的伴侶「做」時 or performance when it comes time to do the deed with a real life partner--so make sure 感到性無感或者影響表現,所以你要確保要混著來! you mix it up! At the end of the day, masturbation is a safe and healthy activity, so put on 畢竟自慰還是個安全、有益健康的活動 some music, light those candles, and have yourself a good night. And if you truly love 所以放些音樂,點些蠟燭,好好享受你的晚上吧 science, we have a new tshirt on sale for one more week, but unlike most trends, science 如果你真的喜歡科學,我們的新T-shrit還會特價一個禮拜 is logical and never ends, and these science tshirts will never go out of style. Seriously. 不過不像其他潮流,科學總是是有邏輯的、無止盡的且不會退流行。認真的 Science never goes out of style. Click on the screen, or use the link in the description 科學永不褪流行。點擊螢幕,或者是透過說明內的連結買件吧 to get one. Don't forget to share this video on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe for 別忘了分享這個影片到臉書及推特上 more weekly science videos! 並訂閱這個頻道收看更多每週影片
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 男性 精子 減少 行為 受精 機率 自慰對你有好處嗎? (Is Masturbation Good For You?) 1843 138 Dennis Wang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字