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  • >>Gavin Pretor-Pinney: Does anybody in the audience know what type of cloud this is?

  • Are there any pilots in the audience? It's a cumulus cloud, absolutely right. So

  • this is the fair-weather cloud, forms on a sunny day, borne up on invisible thermals

  • of air rising off the sun-warmed ground. It's the Simpson's cloud, all right? It's the generic

  • one. You close your eyes, think of a cloud, this is the one that comes to mind. And with

  • its crisp, well-defined edges, it's also the best type of cloud for finding shapes in.

  • So it's usually a cumulus that you're looking up at when you glance up and you go, wait

  • a second, it's a goldfish. [ Laughter ]

  • It's usually cumulus there on the other side of the river when you go, it kind of looks

  • like a giant taking a stroll. They're like nature's version of those ink

  • blot images, aren't they? You know, like you say, like shrinks used to show their patients.

  • "What would it mean, Dan, if you look up and you see up above the shopping mall there's

  • the abominable snowman with a gun going to rob a bank? What would that mean?"

  • [ Laughter ] >>> Probably to do with your mother.

  • >>Gavin Pretor-Pinney: Probably to do with your mother. Exactly. Usually is, isn't it?

  • They're the natural stimulants, aren't they? And who here hasn't at one time or another

  • sat back and looked for shapes in the clouds? But perhaps you don't do it so much now that

  • you're adults. Perhaps it feels a bit frivolous to -- a bit aimless, a bit frivolous to look

  • up and go, wait a second, it's an angel with a camcorder.

  • [ Laughter ] Perhaps it's -- feels a bit kind of, well,

  • whatever when you go over and mention to your neighbors that there's an Ostrich pecking

  • on their roof. It may be aimless, but that doesn't mean it's

  • pointless. Because when you have your head in the clouds like this, when your brain is

  • in coasting mode, that's a chance, that's a space for your subconscious to speak. And

  • that's when you give yourself the space to make connections, you know, make novel connections,

  • come up with new ideas.

>>Gavin Pretor-Pinney: Does anybody in the audience know what type of cloud this is?


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B1 中級

雲計算專家Gavin Preator-Pinney--"雲計算 "專家--"活在雲端"--片段。 (Gavin Preator-Pinney, Cloud Expert - Live Life With Your Head in the Clouds - Clip)

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    Caurora 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日