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As emerging economies continue to expand, their energy needs are set to grow dramatically in the coming years.
The International Energy Agency has even predicted that global energy use will increase by 30 percent over the next two and a half decades.
國際能源署預估全球能源用量於未來 25 年內將提高 30%。
With crude oil, the source of so much volatility around the world, there is no question that the future of energy will be based on countries dedicated to alternative, renewable sources.
So, which countries are the most energy efficient?
Well, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy has ranked the world's 16 largest economies, which account for nearly three-quarters of global electricity consumption.
美國節能經濟理事會(ACEEE)公布世界前 16 大經濟體這些經濟體用電量佔將近四分之三的全球用電量。
This is based on 31 metrics, spanning energy use in buildings, industry, and transportation.
這項排行榜主要考量 31 項標準,例如建築、工業、交通的用電情況。
It includes things like the country's national energy savings goals, vehicle fuel economy standards, and energy consumed per foot of floor space.
The United States ranks among the least efficient, at number thirteen.
美國居於排行榜尾端,是第 13 名。
But across the board, Germany saw the greatest energy efficiency, scoring well in all metrics, but especially industry.
According to the report, German industry and manufacturing is the second most fuel efficient in the world, with plans to far surpass the current leader, Australia, by 2020.
該報導指出,德國的工業與製造業是世界節能第二名,根據他們的計畫,很有可能在 2020 年超越當今節能第一名的澳洲。
Part of the reason Germany is doing so well is a national policy dedicated to lowering energy use known as Energy Transition.
The goal of this program is to stop using coal and other non-renewable energy sources like oil. Clearly, it's been working so far.
In 2014, Germany accounted for half of the new wind farms in the EU, and has been leading the world in energy efficiency.
2014 年,德國擁有的風力發電裝置量佔歐盟一半,並居於世界節能領先地位。
In an extremely close second place overall, Italy actually surpasses Germany in transportation.
Although they tie with the UK for vehicle fuel efficiency, at nearly 40 miles per gallon on average, Italians also travel the least per capita.
雖然在交通工具節能方面與英國不相上下,平均達1加侖行駛 40 英哩,然而義大利平均每人旅遊所消耗的能源是最低的。
This low impact, high efficiency makes Italy a world leader in transit energy.
Additionally, Italy tends to prioritize its rail system over its roads, leading to more people taking the train, and thereby saving considerable energy.
Still, Italy continues to primarily use fossil fuels, and actually scores the worst in terms of commercial building energy efficiency.
When it comes to buildings, China takes the lead.
Their polluting past and wide range of energy inefficiency may hold them back,
but China's residential buildings use less energy per square foot than any other country in the report.
This is partially due to the fact that energy intensity is one of the country's top priorities.
雖然在交通工具節能方面與英國不相上下,平均達1加侖行駛40英哩(1加侖=3.785412公升;40英哩= 64.37376公里)
And despite being known for wastefulness, between 1980 and 2010, energy consumption increased five times, while the economy grew 18 times.
Between Germany, Italy, and China, emerging countries can look at their journeys towards energy efficiency and fine-tune their own programs for maximum output.
Still, every country surveyed has a long way to go, and plenty of areas to improve.
Hopefully, 2016 will see even greater use of renewable and alternative energies.
But while the world's biggest economies are focusing on energy efficiency, other are battling energy poverty.
To get a close look at how a small Tanzanian fights blackouts and electricity shortages,
check out this video from our sister network, Seeker Stories.
It's getting dark out and this facility has no power. Rachel is about to see a client who could give birth at any moment. So Rachel basically has to do whatever she can just to make it work.
To learn more about energy poverty, visit ONE.org/energy. Thanks for watching TestTube News. We'll see you next time.
嚴格的建築法規,而且能源使用強度是中國政府優先關注的問題之一儘管中國時常跟浪費畫上等號,在1980到2010年間,其能源用量 提高五倍,與此同時經濟成長18倍 新興國家可以研究德國、義大利和中國的節能之路 並引以為鑑,找出他們各自的計畫中最大成效之處 然而,受考察的各國都還是有很長的路要走,以及許多待改善的部分 我們希望2016年能看到更多再生與替代能源投入使用 世界各大經濟體致力於節能的同時,有些地區面臨能源短缺的困境 想了解坦桑尼亞如何面對燈火管制和電源短缺嗎? 看看這部由我們的姊妹網站 Seeker Stories 所製作的影片 想知道更多有關能源短缺的資訊,請上ONE.org/energy。感謝收看Test Tube News,我們下次見