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Hey there Summoners, how are you today?
This time we'll take a look at the AD Carries that I think
have the best potential for Summoners Rift and for the Season 5. As compared to Mid laners though
there aren't that many ADC Champions to talk about but despite that
let's see which Marksmen takes the cake this time.
My name is Hepodix and hope you enjoy the video.
Ezreal: Noxians... I hate those guys...
Ezreal is a fun-to-play Champion that has been always a bit questionable in terms of role,
whether he should be in the Mid as AP Caster
or just regular ADC for the bottom lane and quite honestly both works fine.
But still despite the delicious AP Ratios on his spells, Ezreal is more suitable in the end for
bottom lane as you provide fun mechanics into the game when you have to skillshot
every single one of your four abilities.
Requires a bit trial and error when aiming the shots but he can be very useful Champion when done right.
Also when quick peeking the latest Patch Notes apparently Ezreal is just chilling the back
as the previous changes are from 4.20 Patch and the patches before that.
Corki: Zoooom...!
Corki is the Daring Bombardier who also has high Ability Power -scaling
even despite the fact he's an AD Carry.
Corki's kit consist decent poking with Phosphorus Bomb (Q) and Missile Barrage (R)
while Valkyrie (W) lets you fly in or away and Gatling Gun (E) shreds away the enemy's armor
while dealing physical damage.
It all sounds very mixed up in terms of damage and all,
and even gets a bit bizarre when the players go as far as buy
Sorcerer's Shoes for Corki all the time.
I thought that the Magic Penetration is for Mages and stuff but apparently not as I personally think RIOT
should adjust the Magic ratio's on Corki so players would buy the Berserker's Greaves once again.
Despite that there are not many recent Patch Notes to talk about besides the Mana cost increase on Valkyrie,
which is a small survival letdown.
Sivir: Nice Try!
Sivir is the Battle Mistress that has been seen especially in competetive play
and apparently she works out quite nice.
What makes her good is how you can either zone, poke or just push lanes by using Boomerang Blade (Q)
and Ricochet (W) and the utility that comes from On The Hunt (R) is nice,
but as for an AD Carry you'd naturally expect some damage oriented stuff which makes it a bit different.
Sivir's third Ability Spell Shield (E) is the thing
that will separate good and bad players when it comes to using that.
Timing the Spell Shield (E) correctly can cause you and your team a good advantage if you happen to deny big
Crowd Controll spells or some other annoying stuff like global range ultimates succesfully.
And lastly quick look at the Patch Notes as you can see that she hasn't got any recent changes either
and in my opinion Sivir is just fine now as she is currently.
(Caitlyn laughs)
Caitlyn the Piltover's Sheriff, who is known for her devastating laning phase
now makes an appearance in this list too, no doubt. Caitlyn has great tools to lane with
as she has amazing basic auto attack range and the Passive Headshot
that amplifies even more damage to her attacks.
With Piltover Peacemaker (Q) she can poke or push lanes quick, Yordle Snap Trap (W)
enables false mini cakes to the map that roots the enemy and you're even able to stack the traps for
double root duration if the conditions meet.
90 Caliber Net (E) is a nice slow and escape tool to the mix and Caitlyn's Ultimate Ace in the Hole (R)
wraps up this sniper for good as you're enable to execute targets from longer distances once lock'n load.
It all sounds very appealing and strong but Caitlyn gets weaker the later the game goes
because every ability she uses has a small delay and there are Marksmen who excel better later on.
Latest Patch Notes have almost nothing to say either
as there are just some bugfixes for now.
Vayne: Silver of the moon.
The Night Hunter Vayne is one deadly AD Carry who can shutdown single target in a matter of seconds.
Vayne's Tumble (Q) let's her roll into cursor location and causes next auto attack to do bonus damage
while it is also a handy tool to dodge skillshots and some other minorities too.
Silver Bolts (W) is what makes Vayne scarier later on as you'll provide a ton of extra True Damage
every third auto attack to the same target.
Condemn (E) knockbacks and stuns if it hits a wall plus aplies one Silver Bolts (W) stack which is her only
Crowd Controll spell and Final Hour (R) let's Vayne go stealth when Tumbling (Q) for 1 second
and the Passive Night Hunter movement speed bonus is tripled as long as Final Hour (R) is active.
Vayne's true potential starts to get shown more in Mid-Late game so it might get troublesome
sometimes when dealing with the early game and versus that high-range poking.
While lastly looking up the Patch Notes there are nothing really intresting here
except I'm really glad that RIOT enabled that you can now Condemn (E) players
into player created terrains like Anivia's Crystallize (W) or Azir's Emperor's Divide (R).
Lucian: Ashes and dust!
Lucian the Purifier is a high-mobile Marksman who is still one of the strongest around.
He's laning phase is quite strong as you are able to harass enemies by using Piercing Light (Q)
as it even hits through minions that comes down very usefull. Ardent Blaze (W) and The Culling (R)
are also very powerful damage tools while Relentless Pursuit (E) let's you reposition
or dash through walls if necessary. But what makes Lucian really stand out is how you're
enable to doubleshoot thanks to his passive Lightslinger that triggers whenever you
use any one of his four abilities.
Even though the second hit isn't as strong as the main attack, you're able to dish out devastating damage
when rotating as many Lightslingers to your combo as possible. RIOT adjusted the Lucian's damage values
back in end of Season 4 and it's understandable because he used to be broken as hell,
espcially that 0-cost Relentless Pursuit (E) was ridicilously OP,
good thing it has some mana cost put back there.
Tristana: See ya.
Tristana... oh Tristana the Megling Gun.. erhm the Yordle Gunner who has gone some major changes
in the early Season 5 so let's take a look.
Biggest changes you'll notice is that the Passive Draw a Bead's range per level has
been decreased and that Explosive Shot (E) is no more and it's called Explosive Charge (E) instead.
Explosive Charge (E) no longer apply Healing Reduction but it sort of works like
Zilean's Time Bomb (Q) when it detonates after short amount of time,
but you can boost the explosion damage by hitting the target afflicted by Explosive Charge (E)
to gain some nice damage out there.
RIOT also reduced the AP ratios on Tristana so they're really trying to kill AP Tristana if you ask me.
In any other way Tristana is pretty much the same, she just uses a bit different mechanics
in order to succeed very well. One thing that annoys me and I know this is personal but
why they changed the voice with Tristana?
Tristana: Tada.
Oh my God! She used to be this cute little yordle shooting up some bullets here and there
but now she sounds and looks like DEEEERP!
And I understand that she's a Yordle and now she looks more elfish with the ears but meh, meh.
I just don't like it, I'm sorry.
Jinx:I'll be right back! No one die screaming without me!
Jinx the Loose Cannon is a versatile Marksman who'se known for her arsenal of eclectic weapons.
Jinx is able to deal alot of burst damage with both Zap! (W) and Super Mega Death Rocket! (R)
while Flame Chompers (E) roots the enemy and keeps them place for a while.
With Switcheroo! (Q) Jinx has two auto attack stances, Pow-Pow that focuses single target
and grants Attack Speed and Fishbones that has higher range, full damage splash function
but it costs some mana per attack.
But what really makes the Fishbones -stance amazing later on is that
whenever you Critical Strike with Jinx, the splash damage will Critical Strike all the targets simultaneously
so if the enemy is going stack alot, it's easy cake for Jinx to take care of.
Finally when looking up the latest Patch Notes there are nothing that fancy here except that the
Switcheroo! (Q) will display the current stance instead of the stance she would enter upon activation.
Graves: I got no time for games!
Graves the Outlaw is also a Marksman who is known for his very high burst output.
He has two main damage sourcers, Buckshot (Q) and Collateral Damage (R) that both consist
very high AD ratios and therefore he is scary when it comes to killing someone.
Graves also has nice sustain point from his Passive True Grit as long as you keep yourself in combat.
Smokescreen (W) does small damage too, but works out much better as an utility tool
due to its high cooldown and with Quickdraw (E) you are able to dash in or out whatever the situation might
be and it also grants you some attack speed so defitinely not bad spell either.
However what makes Graves a bit weaker is his auto attack range because many other Marksmen
actually outranges Graves and therefore some matchups can turn out very tricky against him.
And lastly when quick looking down the latest Patch Notes there are nothing much to say here just look.
But before we seek out the best ADC for Season 5
let's quickly take a look at some of the Honorable AD Carry Mentions.
Ashe is one of the Classic Marksmen who has a solid kit and nice Crowd Controll combined.
Easy to pickup, but hard to master though.
Draven is an ADC that's known for his ridicilous damage due to his Spinning Axe's (Q)
but he is also trickier to execute properly.
Kog'Maw is known for his big range via Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) and the Hybrid damage he can execute.
He lacks proper escape though but if the conditions meet, he can be extremely usefull
shutdown Champion especially versus high Health opponents.
Quinn is one of the less popular Marksmen around because she is a bit different, like her ultimate
Tag Team (R) for instance but she has AoE Blind which is kind of rare and works out versus many
attack damage oriented Champions.
Twitch is the sneaky Stealth Marksman who can excel extreme plays within right conditions
but usually he requires good position in order to succeed well.
The last honorable mention we have here is Varus who has moderate CC and damage in his kit
but he is one of those ADC who lacks proper escape and therefore he is also easy to shutdown.
Kalista: We are vengeance.
Kalista is the newest Marksman in the table (At least up to Patch 5.5) who has been dominating the
Summoners Rift ever since it's release.
She is a marksman who cooperates with her Soul-Bound buddy (who is Support most likely)
to deal substantial damage. Kalista's Passive Martial Poise lets her dash with ever every single auto attack
and it also works with Pierce (Q) that is a solid nuke too. Sentinel (W) works as nice scout tool to
prevent ganks and it's passive function will deal alot of bonus damage if Kalista and her Oathsworn ally will hit
the same target within short time period.
Rend (E) however is the spell that REALLY hurts as it reminds me of Twitch's Contaminate (E)
but with Kalista you can endlessly stack the spears and do insane poking all over the place.
Her ultimate Fate's Call (R) is quite intresting too as it vanishes your Oathsworn ally for a short moment
but let's them either initiate with a knock up in it or just you can save your Support from bad situations.
With all this said, Kalista is very strong Marksman to pick up and play but her unique playstyle with her
Passive and the Soul-Bound system makes it quite different, so she needs some to get used to.
Many players do buy Items like Runaan's Hurricane for her as you're able to spread your Rend (E)
all over the place and that seems to work for her quite nicely,
even though Runaan's isn't that popular Item in general.
And finally when looking down the Patch Notes there are some adjustments for her Passive
and I gotta say it's nice that you're able to switch the target even though you still cannot
cancel the auto attack.
Allright so that's about it for the Top 10 Season 5
AD Carry Champions -video. Hope you enjoyed!
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for my weekly LoL and other gaming videos to come!
That's it for this time,
My name is Hepodix and have a nice day.