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  • Hey Everybody this is Rachel with the Internet Lifestyle Club and also RV Living and Travel

  • today we are with Kimberly Travaglino from Las Vegas today actually her family is one

  • of our full time traveling families and she is the editor of Full Time Families Magazine

  • and also manages that website and Facebook presence there for the full time families

  • and Kimberly I know you do a lot to assist Full Time Families with some savings programs

  • can you tell us a little about your traveling experience, how long you guys have been on

  • the road and a little bit about yourself... Absolutely and thank you so much for having

  • me I'm really thrilled to be joining you today my family has been traveling since June 2010

  • so we are going on our fifth year right now and we are a family of six, my husband, myself

  • and our four children. Currently my children are 12, 10, 8 and 4 but we started with a

  • 7 year old, 6 year old, 3 year old and we actually moved into the camper a month before

  • DJ was born so yea our family has really enjoyed life on the road and honestly we can't imagine

  • anything else. Very Cool can you tell us a little about your journey as far as what brought

  • you to full time travel what was the main reason that you decided this would be a good

  • lifestyle for you. Oh Rachel that was an epiphany it was um like nothing I had ever experienced

  • before my husband ran out of the house and bought a pop up camper on an impulse we had

  • never camped before we lived a very middle class, middle America lifestyle and um you

  • know if we went on a vacation we went to a hotel but he ran out and bought this pop up

  • and he cranked up the pop up and I stood in it and I saw every item a family would need

  • as a tool like your kitchen and your toilet and your beds to live and I thought well if

  • this has everything I need to live why do I need that 3500 square foot house and from

  • that moment on I was just emblazoned with this idea that we must get rid of everything

  • we had worked so hard for and hit the road and I turned to him and I said we are going

  • to live in something like this and we are going to travel the country and its going

  • to be amazing and he said NO... which didn't go over well so it took us three years three

  • years of my convincing three years of my preparation um and ultimately it took us going to a rally

  • for him to understand that this was not the life of gypsy's that we were not going to

  • be a traveling rock band all of a sudden or anything like that and that we could actually

  • really do this and um so that is what we did... That's awesome, very cool if you don't mind

  • I'd like to know about maybe one of your biggest challenges something that you had to work

  • hard to overcome and what that would be cuz I know that would help our audience you know

  • just to understand that their are challenges but we definitely have overcome those through

  • different educational processes or so I'd like to get your viewpoint on that. Well you

  • know this lifestyle as you know because you lived it also is not for the faint of heart

  • I'm sorry about the dog it is hard its a lot of work its a lot of work to set up your camper

  • its a lot of work to tear down your camper its a lot of work to live in 350 square feet

  • with your family. Its emotionally difficult its physically challenging but I believe that

  • our rewards are definitely worth it one of our biggest challenges from going to 3500

  • square feet to 350 square feet was that we could no longer say... Go to your room right

  • like Get out of here go when the kids acted out Go to your Room was a staple because it

  • was safe and you know peace and everything um and we couldn't do that anymore we had

  • to address the issues at hand over and over and over and over again and there were a lot

  • of issues we had a new baby my husband quit his job to do this and didn't know what his

  • place was in our home anymore and we lived now in considerably less space so we had a

  • lot of emotional issues to work out that I did not understand were coming I had no idea

  • that was coming I thought its going to be great I have this huge list of places we are

  • going to see we are just going to be driving and taking pictures and eating great stuff

  • its going to be fantastic and then the second the kids acted like kids I didn't know what

  • to do you know when they got tired or frustrated or you know picked on their siblings I was

  • like O my Gosh I can't just send you to your room anymore we have to work this out so that

  • has been the biggest challenge and the biggest reward because had we not used our camper

  • as a tool for copious amounts of together time um I would still be sending them to their

  • room and I would never have addressed those issues. That's awesome, I really appreciate

  • your honesty about emotionally the transition that goes on that's really really powerful

  • and a lot of us forget to mention that because we also traveled full time in our rig for

  • two years and it was so amazing the rewards far outweighed the difficulties that we did

  • face and I appreciate your honesty with the emotional stuff cuz that is really really

  • true, is there any piece of advice that you think that you can give someone thinking of

  • full time travel that would be good just something that comes to your mind when you think of

  • giving advice... Ok my favorite piece of advice and the hardest is Do no bring debt on the

  • road with you if you are really seeking freedom from the quote unquote American Dream then

  • you have to rid yourself of the debt first I have seen so many families we have been

  • out here for five years um we counsel and mentor thousands of families on how to achieve

  • this dream I've seen them so many times rush into this bring debt consumer debt for items

  • that they don't own anymore they have donated all that junk to Goodwill and they are still

  • paying it three times over they run out and buy a rig that they think will replace their

  • home that is not the point of this either you know your home at this point in your life

  • should be a tool like I mentioned before to achieve the freedom you are looking for it

  • should not be a trying to replace your home you don't need a three bedroom RV you just

  • don't um you need to deal with the reasons why you think you need a three bedroom RV

  • so leave that debt home so that you can have true freedom and true freedom means that you

  • know your income will be way more flexible and that will be fine because your expenses

  • will be flexible. Debt is a fixed expense so you can't get out from under that so you

  • have to leave that at home. Very Cool I appreciate that is there anything that you can think

  • of that you would do differently if you had to do it again is there something that did

  • not work out quite right. Hmmm well I really do wish I was prepared for the emotional piece

  • because it really did shock me I have written a book on how to do this its called How to

  • Hit the Road and we discuss the emotional piece in depth in there because really before

  • five years ago no body talked about that at all you know it was all about going to the

  • Grand Canyon and sliding down white sands and all the fun times and you saw that on

  • Facebook but no one talked about what was actually going on where your families as individuals

  • were looking for their new place in this new lifestyle so I wish I had known that I also

  • wish I knew that everything in the camper was going to break all the time right because

  • at first I thought O my gosh I think we got a lemon but that's not the case RV's are not

  • made to be full timed in no matter what they say no matter what stamp is on the door they're

  • just not made for it our homes go through he equivalent of an earthquake and hurricane

  • every time we move them and so things break and so you need to have quite a good stash

  • of an emergency fund in order to again achieve this freedom. Awesome now you guys are traveling

  • in a 5th wheel still right? we are we are in our 2nd full time 5th wheel we are actually

  • in our 5th camper we if you have never full timed before its not like camping its completely

  • different you don't go home you don't wait to go home to do the laundry you do the laundry

  • in the campground usually when you pull right in that is how you can spot a full timer they

  • have pulled in and they have immediately gone to the laundry as apposed to the pool our

  • first rig was adequate very good kinda vanilla on the design we ultimately wanted a toy hauler

  • because we wanted to haul some motorized vehicles some toys other than match boxes and barbies

  • and so now we are in a 42' Cyclone 5th Wheel Toy Hauler. Awesome very cool well I have

  • not seen that rig yet, and we were really fortunate from our perspective we were in

  • our 40' Monaco when we traveled for the two years with the kids and I think we changed

  • out one little something on our Aqua Hot and that was the only issue we had the whole time

  • we were full timing, that's fantastic, we had small issues like the cabinet doors not

  • closing properly or something, yeah we had some of the little drawers open and shut the

  • little plastic pieces that broke but my parents were just in awe that we traveled two full

  • years and never had a single thing with our rig that happened mechanically which was really

  • cool. Yea that's very rare and very fortunate. Um can you share with us just a couple of

  • your biggest rewards that you have found full timing. Well you know you go out with your

  • list, your bucket list and its all places right when you get out here really its the

  • people, its all about the people always about the people the places are awesome and they

  • are cool and its great to have those pictures but meeting the people is what helps you grow

  • as an individual and that's one of the huge benefits that this lifestyle provides we live

  • a very intentional life we go where we want to go when we want to go there um we don't

  • live a life that is guided by corporate america or vacation time or any of those things anymore

  • and so with our intentional time we can make intentional relationships with people its

  • not in your cubicle next to your cubical buddy and you see them from 9 to 5 Monday thru Friday

  • but you don't hang out on the weekends, you know you got your weekend people no we um

  • whats the right word we encircle our lives with the people that we want to spend time

  • with copious amounts of time and so we seek those people out and form a neighborhood for

  • as temporary or as permanent as we can establish and go from there. That's Awesome and I'm

  • curious to know how much the Internet plays a part in your ability to travel how big of

  • a deal is the internet for traveling full time? In our case its huge because our business

  • is all run online we run in 2007 when I came up with the idea for us to travel full time

  • I ran into the house and Googled Families who live in RV's, Families who live on the

  • road families families who live in small spaces and I came up with a hand full of um resources

  • including trucker and circus families and that was not exactly what I was looking for

  • so we weren't about to join the circus not that there is anything wrong with that but

  • that is not what I was looking for so we created this support system for families who wanted

  • to full time RV and were currently doing it and we are online 24/7 delivering this information

  • for families I like to envision our company as you know how your life has two parts its

  • got the super fun part and then its got the dull boring tedious part well I like to envision

  • that Full Time Families takes over the dull boring tedious parts for you finding viable

  • insurance companies and finding good savings for campgrounds and memberships and stuff

  • like that and so you can just go focus on the fun stuff. Very cool, that's awesome,

  • so the last question we have for you is how people can connect with you I just really

  • value the services you offer the community and really appreciate your time today I think

  • what you are doing is really fantastic and I know that you work so hard to rally the

  • full time families together where can people connect with you? well thank you so much for

  • having me you can find out more about Full Time Families at my co-host

  • Mary Beth Goth the Road Trip Teacher and I host a live pod cast every Sunday night at

  • 9pm eastern time at where we talk about you know the home schooling,

  • road schooling aspect of our lifestyle and we have several social media properties all

  • of them have Full time Families in the name so if you go to You Tube, Google Full time

  • Families, we are in there and Facebook we have Facebook presence, Twitter, Instagram,

  • Pinterest you name it if anyone of those social medias you put Full time Families and our

  • information will come up. Very Cool then I've got one more question for you what out of

  • all the different places you have been whats been your favorite place? Um we really love

  • Sedona we keep going back there we have spent three of the four seasons of our five years

  • there like a spring in 2012 and just this winter we spent there its a really beautiful

  • fantastic place have you been to Sedona? We haven't. You have got to go, Its fantastic.

  • Awesome well sounds good we appreciate you coming on today meeting with us and giving

  • some awesome value to everybody and we encourage everyone to connect with you will Full Time

  • Families we know how much value you guys give, thank you. Well thank you so much for having me.

  • Subscribe. Click Here To Watch: RV Full Time Living Cost.

Hey Everybody this is Rachel with the Internet Lifestyle Club and also RV Living and Travel


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房車全時生活家庭訪談|金伯利-特拉瓦格利諾(Kimberly Travaglino) (RV Fulltime Living Family Interview | Kimberly Travaglino)

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