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  • According to Bruce Lipton, a developmental biologist and professor at the New Zealand

  • College of Chiropractic, science has been on a religious crusade for more than half

  • a century. At least that’s what the textbooks confess.

  • Some 60+ years ago a hypothesis emerged that genes control life. Lipton calls this a doctrine

  • ofpredetermination,” meaning that your DNA and your genes are set from birth and

  • so are you. Your genetic blueprint will determine what you look like, how youll develop,

  • destined diseases, programmed strengths and weaknesses and who youll be (nature beats

  • nurture).

  • At the time this was hypothesized it seemed humans would be subject to the random expressions

  • of our DNA, hanging on to a faint hope that a dangerous disease-causing gene would never

  • come alive, praying that only the best ones would express in us and our children.

  • <h2>Genetic Control: The Central Dogma</h2> Although it was never scientifically demonstrated,

  • the notion of genetic control was passed down from the late 1950s to the next generation

  • and accepted as “a fundamental rule of life,” says Lipton. Ironically, scientists themselves

  • coined this genetic control theory the central dogma.

  • One day Lipton got curious and checked out the definition of dogma. Here’s what he

  • found: dogma is “a belief based on religious persuasion and not scientific fact.”

  • The scientists had named this scientific theory as not scientific at all, but religiously

  • persuaded. Fascinating. But of greater interest to Lipton, among others, is the likelihood

  • that the reverse is actually true. That is, DNA is not the boss of you. Rather than being

  • a predestined blueprint it’s more like a map of potentialities or, for your DNA reader,

  • a set of options. Lipton says that you determine what manifests from your DNA based on (drum

  • roll please) your beliefs. What you believe gives rise to your behavior, choices, lifestyle

  • and emotions, and these tell your DNA which genes to activate.

  • <h2>The Power of Emotions</h2> There’s been a buzz about cancer-causing

  • genes ever since Angelina Jolie decided to undergo a double mastectomy. Breast cancer

  • had plagued her family line for several generations and she was carrying the gene. Hoping to decrease

  • her risk potential Jolie had both her breasts removed.

  • Perhaps Angelina did what she had to do, but researchers are questioning whether we ought

  • to feel quite so helpless and victim to our own DNA. The idea is ancient, but some fairly

  • new science is supporting the posit that you and I are not subject to the whims of a willful

  • or random DNA; but rather, we can choose to empower health or disease. The power lies

  • in our emotions.

  • The somewhat infamous Dr. R. G. Hamer is credited with 30 years of research examining the connection

  • between trauma and cancer. He claims that every case of cancer can be traced back to

  • some unexpected and traumatic event. The shock and the resulting emotional stress activate

  • what he callsan intentional program of nature.” Cancer’s not from outside the

  • body. It’s not the result of an invader or alien substance. It’s created within

  • and by the person’s own system according to a mutated programTo heal physically

  • one must heal the heart/mind because, as he wrote, “psyche, brain and organ are three

  • levels of the same organism and the course of events on them is always synchronous!”

  • Lipton also maintains that emotions trigger the expression either of wellness or sickness.

  • Where Lipton talks about genes Hamer emphasizesprograms.” Over 100 years ago a physician

  • named Eli Jones left the conventional medical practice, which he found to be more harmful

  • than helpful, and practiced his own combination of Native American herbology, homeothapy and

  • other healing methods. After 40 yearsexperience studying and treating the disease, Jones claimed

  • he could cure cancer and authored the book <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=B009LDVO20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=lifeforce-20">Cancer

  • - Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment</a>. Jones is credited with stating explicitly

  • that <b>the #1 cause of cancer is stress</b>. <h2>Stress: Avoid It Like Plague</h2>

  • A couple of years ago a Yale University research team led by Professor Tian Xu concluded that

  • daily emotional stress causes tumor growth. Recent breakthroughs have astounded researchers

  • whove found that <b>stress opens uppathways”</b> between mutated cells enabling them to cooperate

  • in creating the tumor.

  • So, no stress, no communication pathway; stress, and potential cancer cells can talk.

  • Scientists at the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center just released the results

  • of their study this year entitled, <b>stress</b> <b>triggers</b> signaling pathway that leads

  • to spread of ovarian cancer.

  • In short, stress empowers cancer.

  • Bruce Lipton says this is the new biology that will take you fromvictim to master

  • of your health.” He explains that Epigenetic Control is an emerging science revealing that

  • humans can either be at the mercy of our genes or use the power of the mind to master them.

  • Whereas the placebo effect causeshealing through positive thinking,” a lesser known

  • <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>“noceboeffect</strong></span> manifests sickness

  • or death through negative thoughts and beliefs. In some sense this revelation is good news

  • because it puts the ball back in our court. It removes the mystery and the seeming randomness

  • while offering a clear solution: avoid stress like plague and pursue peace. Your life depends

  • on it. <h2>Healthy Emotions</h2>

  • Beliefs, stress and emotions are intertwined. If were consistently believing that weve

  • been wronged, that somebody owes us, or that were not good enough to live in this world,

  • that belief is going to create corresponding emotions.

  • Depression weakens the immune system and disrupts circadian rhythms; anger produces stress hormones;

  • resentment, bitterness and un-forgiveness will literally eat us up inside and empower

  • stress in our bodies, which then empowers disease.

  • Donnie Yance is a master herbalist, nutritionist and author of two books  including <em><span

  • style="text-decoration: underline;">Herbal Medicine, Healing &amp; Cancer</span>. </em>Yance

  • wrote, “…<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Fear is the great obstacle to

  • healing</span></strong> and when people have cancer, all of a sudden theyre filled with

  • fear.” (emphasis mine)

  • How do we reverse this trend? Hamer believes that emotional healing is key. Lipton says

  • you must change your beliefs and nurse your emotional state to healthLipton, Hamer,

  • Yance, Tian Xu and the crew at MD Anderson all agreed that weve got to <b>treat stress

  • like a disease itself</b>. Oppose both the beliefs and feelings that keep us from realizing

  • love, joy and peace, which are health-promoting emotions. Maybe it’s something like, if

  • youve experienced trauma, don’t bury it but make it your priority to get help.

  • Consider it as urgent as treating a terminal illness.

  • Or, if someone wrongs you, forgive them. If you have resentment, let it go. Don’t waste

  • time holding grudges that strangle your health. Toxic emotions don’t harm your adversary.

  • They harm the one hosting them. It doesn’t mean we suddenly condone wrong behavior or

  • pretend there are no stressors in this world. We just refuse to let them control us...or

  • make us sick.

According to Bruce Lipton, a developmental biologist and professor at the New Zealand


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壓力與癌症的關係和表觀遺傳學的科學 - (Stress-Cancer Connection and Science of Epigenetics |

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    Kelvin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日