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Hey youtubers it's Charlie! This is going to be my Walking Dead Goat Simulator video.
Seriously though, the biggest surprise was that this week we're not following up with
Glenn, we're actually getting a deep dive into the craziest person ever, Morgan. Just
careful for goat spoilers if you haven't seen the episode yet in new round of the giveaway
starts now all you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this
video it's a $20 Amazon gift card you can totally use it to buy food for Tabitha may
she rest in peace so just get into this with top five WTF number five this is a full-blown
90 minute Morgan episode we start with them in present-day talking to that wolf that we
we don't get the reveal to the end of the episode but he is narrating his experience
of how he became Jedi Morgan all about Eastman the person who taught him how to quota quote
walked through the door which it turns out that the goat was smarter than him I love
that the goat was able to do what Morgan was not open the door you had to tell me that
I could open the door before I knew that it was open so Tabitha one Morgan zero and of
course the goat being smarter ends up being the one that the show kills off that's one
of the worst things you could be on The Walking Dead one of the smarter characters anytime
as a crutch for the group like somewhere you can get cheese from on demand there's no way
the writers are gonna let that last for the actual intro was one of the best interest
of The Walking Dead is had all year long it is that I feel like the episode didn't need
to be 90 minutes I would have been totally happy if they were broken the story up in
a couple different pieces but part of me wonders if they sold Lennie James on coming back to
the show because they were going to give him this episode like they knew they would do
a special Morgan episodes the like come be a regular and series 6 point give you this
awesome 90 minute episode all by itself in the actually said during talking dead that
episode four was a complete secret from the rest of the cast we set up the episode like
five or six and then went back and shot episode for I'm not really sure why they needed to
keep it a secret that I'm not sure what the reasoning is there because as there were many
spoilers in here language we use get Morgan's back story is not like they're spoiling what
ends up happening the characters in the future I think they may be just wanted to be something
special but I feel like most of us tonight were like screaming at the beginning the episode
when we realized the Glenn wasn't going to be in it they were going to follow up with
that is like everyone makes like there'd they're all Jesus cleanses all my God when they realized
that he is not to be in it were not can get to see whether or not he made under that dumpster
and yes I have seen all of the Glenn spoilers I'd I know what you know there's something
going on with the character may be using the spoilers maybe you haven't but the question
has already been answered as to what's going on with them just in case you don't want to
know I'm not can oppose them here if you want to talk about it just please use spoiler tag's
but on a number for Morgan must clear this is the greatest thing the world is that the
greatest circular logic that he has in his head this is when he still in crazy mode which
by the way is this really awesome camera fact is it is vignetting thing they created where
the camera gets really fuzzy around the edges is that when Morgan goes in a Terminator mode
so I'm hoping they bring it back at some point in the future like it in some future episode
if he's forced to kill someone and it is goes over the edge he goes back into this Terminator
mode but clear was a big theme in this episode it's a reminder of the season three episode
clear like the episode was titled clear where Morgan's like literally stopped his brain
is stuck in that time even though his body continues moving forward like Eastman said
is a door the you keep going to it keeps taking you back to that place so now you're not trying
to go to the door anymore so he's like frozen in that time during that season three moment
that's why when he was strangling this kid here I kept thinking about that moment where
he was trying to kill Rick like he was reliving that in his mind you could also argue that
because Morgan thought this is like a father-son pair that he thought he was killing himself
in his own son Duane like he was reliving that but all I could think went when Eastman
was questioning him about the meaning of clear like why do you have to clear is that I clear
because I'm still here and I'm still here because I clear so it's like this circular
logic that he stuck in on the number three Morgan versus Eastman's easement tells Morgan
that he could've left at any time the doors open he slips back into Terminator mode and
rushes that shipped out of him I love Eastman's reaction when he sees Morgan going for the
other fire pokers discussed shipped to the only point were Eastman actually gets this
is one Morgan smashes his daughter's drawing is not to later in the episode that we learn
the significance of that how he literally walk like 30 miles for a piece of dry wood
and he says Aziz is is sitting there dying the best decision I ever made but they haven't
out like he slowly brings Morgan back to life teaches the Makino become becomes his Yoda
there's even like a swap nearby you can make every Star Wars joke that you want to make
but it all breaks down the minute Morgan is forced to go back to his past like he's forced
to go back through the door to relive that moment again in that campsite sometimes when
The Walking Dead does visual metaphors is it's really obvious sometimes it's a little
harder to see but they kept talking about walking through the door going back to quota
quote that moment that's what that campsite was that's what that represented so he walked
back he was forced to see the child again so it's almost like he was hallucinating Duane
again and it is all just goes to shed Eastman ends up getting bitten and Morgan completely
regresses but then they cut it quickly rebalance on the number two though Eastman explains
the story about the serial killer that killed his family he tells Morgan most of it of any
stock sword and doesn't finish till is getting ready to die any tells Morgan I brought him
back here I watched him starve to death it took 47 days in fact I only learned about
the apocalypse when I went back to Atlanta to turn myself in this is probably one of
the best character back stories that I for from someone that was not a main character
did that mean that is Eastman person is just a one-off deal you could argue that it's it's
kind of contrived that Morgan needing someone like Eastman happens to run into Eastman who
is totally Zen and has all the skills necessary to rehabilitate Morgan I think what happened
to Daryl Dixon is a little bit more realistic like I mean is the apocalypse terrible people
survive you would probably bump into the claimers instead of someone like Eastman the given
Morgan as he hits the road again after Eastman's like you everything you need is here but you
shouldn't stay here he sees the terminus sign at the tracks and heads towards it naturally
like he is heading towards something awful that feels more authentic but if there was
any confusion that was the moment we saw him at the very end of season five episode one
like this this episode went right after that moment but finally on to my very obvious number
one WTF moment Morgan is secretly keeping this wolf locked up inside the save zone this
is where the show gets a really obvious really literal with the conflict it's presenting
us with Morgan is being challenged with the idea that all life is sacred there's this
wolf here that says that his code tells him that he has to kill everyone even the children
you said it yourself don't be sorry for anything so very clearly either Morgan or someone else
is going to have to kill him like that there's no way this is going to end well he's gonna
get out kill somebody else Morgan's going to regret it will still end up dying and then
Morgan will have this on his conscience so here's my big question if you guys too big
possibilities either were gonna get to watch the fall of Jedi Morgan as he goes to the
dark side and starts killing again or this wolf is going to kill a bunch of people in
that someone else is going to kill him which do you think is going to happen I think it
be a lot more thrilling to see Morgan go to the dark side but I think something will be
able to save him I think they want Morgan story to be a hopeful one human The Walking
Dead is the super bloodied drama the cure made to feel bad about yourself and every
once in a while you get these moments of hope I think that Morgan is meant to be a moment
of hope amongst the very crazy rest of the cast especially given what happened to Glenn
last week so just reminder about where we are on the timeline were were still right
at the end of that moment where Rick is trapped in the RV Glenn is stuck inside that pal walkers
and then Abraham Sasha and Daryl are trying to leave the super pack away so I think next
week will pick right back up with that left off congratulations to Claire Slater the winner
of last week's walking dead giveaway it's a $20 Amazon gift card just private message
me on the back and my channels and get your contact info and thank you for nominating
need to go on talking dead even though I think that would be a total disaster for everyone
involved it sounds like it be a lot of fun and Chris Hardwick and I both work for legendary
souls a baby someday and if you didn't see the actually the drop the trailer for preacher
and if you don't know what that is is a supernatural comic book series kind of in the vein of help
laser but that's gonna be premiering soon I'd I don't know five time to do videos for
it but always do a trailer video for it because Dominic Cooper is awesome and it looks like
it's gonna be a lot of fun so white as way for that stuff to post you can click here
for the arrow Constantine trailer I just posted and you can click here for my client video
last week just to relive before and yet thank you so much for watching everybody let's high
five and I'll see you guys tonight!