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- I had a lot of fun with you.
- Yeah, I had a great... brunch.
Casiotone MT-240!
- Oh, do you play?
- I'm, ah, clasically trained.
- Hey!
(background piano beat)
- I heard you're pretty good at darts.
Why don't you prove it?
Ooh! Whoa.
These chairs are really nice.
Did you make these?
- You know, I feel like I did.
- But you didn't make 'em, you just bought 'em?
- Yeah, they're from like a vintage, like antique place.
- Cool.
Go America. - Yeah, it's...
Do you want to see my room?
- Yeah.
Is that where you sleep?
Careful, you're gonna drop-- - [Woman] Oopsies!
What have I done?!
(horse whinnying) (bird calls)
- Wait. - [Woman] What?
- Do you want to have sex with me?
- Yes.
- Your prancing pony was unrioted, un, what's the word?
Unsurpassed, but, I'm not-- - It's okay.
- Woo-hoo!