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  • Let's build a common emitter amplifier circuit because that's one of my favorites.

  • Let's start with F2. We want an

  • NPN transistor.

  • Let's zoom out a little bit.

  • Right click. You actually want to pick a realistic transistor not just an

  • ideal model.

  • Pick new transistor. These are very common transistors. 2N2222...

  • I've got a couple of those in my parts box so that sounds great.

  • Okay we'll

  • add a resistor on the collector.

  • A resistor on the emitter.

  • A couple of resistors to form the DC voltage bias.

  • Let's add a capacitor so that we are only

  • amplifying AC. Let's

  • add another capacitor so that there's an AC path to ground.

  • And let's add a resistor there so we can have some control over the gain.

  • Start drawing some wires now...

  • Ok almost done... and never ever forget ground.

  • Now we're going to want two separate voltage sources here.

  • F2... go to voltage source...

  • Let's put a voltage source here. It should be referenced to ground.

  • Do that with the source here and

  • at the top of our voltage divider.

  • Now this is where DC voltage sources come into play.

  • Let's give it a dc voltage of 9V. We're going to power our amplifier

  • with that. And like I said we need a second voltage source.

  • We need an input signal that we're going to amplify. Voltage source here...

  • Escape... Reference it to ground...

  • F3 to draw wires... excellent.

  • Okay let's add some component values. I have built

  • so many of these things that I know by heart that this little trick will work.

  • Make all the resistors 10k except for this one.

  • Let's make the one that controls the gain a very little value...

  • 1 ohm. We want a lot of gain. And we make the capacitor values

  • pretty high, 1uF so that we let as much AC through as possible so

  • we get a large

  • AC gain. And don't worry if you don't know values from memory like I do

  • this is just to show you how to construct the circuit in the simulator

  • and simulate it then tweak it and just see what happens.

  • Now this time we don't want to do an AC analysis sweep of many frequencies

  • we just want to see how this amplifier performs at one specific frequency. Let's say

  • 400Hz because that's roughly a male voice.

  • Right click, Advanced.

  • We're not going to put in the small-signal value over here.

  • We are going to use the Function. Sine... DC offset is

  • 0 volts. Amplitude is

  • very small let's make it 20 millivolts. Frequency is

  • 400 Hz... and we can just leave the rest blank.

  • Okay time to set up the simulation.

  • Edit simulation command. We're not doing AC analysis anymore.

  • Now we want to do a transient analysis.

  • Now what the transient analysis does is it starts up the circuit at certain

  • default values.

  • For example nine volts over here and

  • 0 volts for the initial sine wave over here. And then

  • it calculates every single voltage in the entire circuit, every voltage and

  • every current at every node at a fraction of a second later.

  • And then it'll do it again a fraction of a second later. It'll just keep doing that

  • over and over and over again

  • until you get graphs of voltage and current versus time

  • for every single voltage in the circuit. And the only value we really need to

  • change here is the stop time.

  • This determines how long we're going to run the simulation for.

  • So let's run it for 100 milliseconds which is actually quite a

  • long time.

  • Okay... put the box wherever I want.

  • Now Simulate, Run...

  • And this is the output of our amplifier let's see what happens.

  • So check it out. On the output

  • we have a voltage swing of about

  • 1 volt peak to peak. On the input we have

  • that tiny little 20 millivolt input signal.

  • So the amplifier is working great. We have a DC offset... I mean we can easily remove

  • that with a capacitor over here...

  • but the amplifier is working exactly as expected. Now let's have some fun

  • tweaking the circuit.

  • Let's say I don't want 1 volt peak to peak let's say I think that's just

  • too much and

  • I only want to have 0.5V peak to peak.

  • Let's reduce the gain of this amplifier.

  • So I go over here, changing this resistor value will do that.

  • Let's change that to 100 ohms.

  • Okay simulate again.

  • Output... well it looks like we've got 5.6V minus 4.6V so

  • we still have 1V peak to peak so that didn't reduce

  • the gain of the amplifier like I wanted. So we're going to have to go over here

  • again

  • and tweak the value. Change it to

  • 1 kilohm.

  • Simulate again and see what happens.

  • And now we're much closer. We've got about 5V to 5.35V.

  • It looks like we've overshot our target by a little bit so

  • let's change it to 800 ohms.

  • Run the simulation again... and sometimes you just have to do this in engineering.

  • Just keep doing things over and over again until you get the result that you

  • want.

  • Okay looks like we've got about 0.45 volts on the amplifier

  • now

  • and that's roughly where I want it to be so let's let's just leave it at that.

  • And if you're curious let's poke around at some of the other voltages

  • in the circuit. Over here we would expect this to be a flat line

  • nine volts and yes it is.

  • In the middle of our voltage divider... 10k here 10k there...

  • were dividing evenly by two

  • so this should be 4.5 volts.

  • Yes it is! 4.5 volts and we've got our little 20 millivolt

  • AC swing laid on top of it. And we can just keep looking at all kinds of

  • currents and voltages in the circuit to

  • see whatever we want to see and analyze whatever we want to analyze

  • and make adjustments accordingly.

  • Okay that covers the basics of circuit simulation so give it a try!

Let's build a common emitter amplifier circuit because that's one of my favorites.


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B1 中級 美國腔

LTSpice中的電路仿真第3/3部分。 (Circuit simulation in LTSpice part 3/3)

  • 35 8
    蔡沛耕 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日