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"The future…"
Wow, they got that totally wrong. If you didn’t already know, we’ve officially
reached the future from Back to the Future Part II.
"We're descending toward Hill Valley, California at 4:29pm on Wednesday, October 21st, 2015."
"2015? You mean we're in the future!?" That movie was made almost 30 years ago!
Wow, I feel old. Yeah, the real 2015 isn’t quite what I imagined
back then either. That’s why we’re counting down these 10
Things Back to the Future Part II Got Wrong.
Number 10: Flying cars Nope!
Could you imagine what a bad idea that would be?
Yeah, the only thing worse than traffic in LA would be throwing that mess up into the
sky. Speaking of sky, what’s that?
Huh, I don’t know. It looks like… Rain.
In California. They sure got that one wrong.
That takes care of number 9. Now on to number 19!
You mean Number 8? No, I mean 19. As in Jaws 19.
Yeah, that was pretty ridiculous. As if movies would have that many sequels.
Unless you’re talking about Harry Potter. Or Fast & Furious. Or James Bond.
Number 7 Hey, you know that part where the kids say:
"You mean you have to use your hands?" "That's like a baby's toy!"
Yep, that kid was Elijah Wood. And they were wrong. Elijah Wood isn't a kid in 2015. He's
like 34. Number 6!
Ring ring. Hello? Who is this?
The phone booth you use in your daily life in 2015.
Click. Hey, since there aren't phone booths anymore,
where does Superman change? Number 5
“Please, no, I cannot be fired! I’m fired! Ah!”
A world under the influence of Donald Trump? No Matt. In the 80s, people thought that Japan
would soon dominate the world. Yeah, all throughout the future scenes, you
see the influence of Japan. The Japanese boss.
Marty's Rising Sun neckties. Doc Brown's shirt.
Kimonos. But a decades-long recession in Japan put
a stop to that. Yeah, it ended up being just a silly xenophobic
fear. Because in reality it's China that's going
to swallow up the world! Ok, Number 4.
What are you talking about? Are you kidding? When's the last time you
sent a fax? Just last month, to the Chinese Embassy. That's
the only way to communicate with them. Ah, I guess China is living the future of
the 80s.
Number 3, the fashion "Pull out your pants pockets. All kids in
the future wear their pants inside out." Really, all the fashion.
All of it. Number 2
"The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers."
Nope! There are twice as many lawyers per capita in 2015 as there were in 1985.
Except in China, where they just throw the lawyers in jail.
And now Number 1 “Look what happens to your son!”
Hahahaha, people actually get their news from newspapers!
Oh man, they got that totally wrong.
So most of the things they thought we'd see in 2015 were way off.
Way, way off. Way.
But there were some thing they did surprisingly predict. So check out our other video, "10
Things Back to the Future II Got Right."
So what does this have to do with China Uncensored?
Uh...America Uncensored?
Uh...This is totally not America Uncensored.