字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 In this video, I’m going to be showing you exactly 這支影片將告訴你 how to lose your belly fat - FAST, 如何快速甩掉肚子上的肥肉 All in about 5 minutes… 在五分鐘之內 So let’s get started! 正片即將開始! Most people do all the wrong things when it comes to losing fat 大多數的人都用錯的方法來減肥 and I… used to be one of them! 而過去的我也不例外 But I don’t want you to follow the same mistakes 但是我不想你又犯一樣的錯誤 so listen carefully to the following steps… 所以請你仔細聆聽下列五個步驟 STEP 1 步驟一 Burn More Calories Than You Consume 燃燒熱量多過攝取熱量 This is Uncle Billy here, and this is how you burn calories! YEEEHHHAWWW! 這是比利叔叔,這是你的燃脂方式 Everyone needs to consume a certain amount of calories per day, to simply maintain their current weight… 每個人每天都需消耗一定的熱量來維持目前的體重 That number can vary, depending on factors such as age, genetics, weight, height, and 所需熱量多寡決定在因素像是年齡、基因、體重、身高 activity level… 以及運動量等因素 But there are ways to calculate what that number is for you, and I will provide you 計算出正確的所需熱量有很多方式,我會提供你 a link to a fairly accurate online Calorie Calculator you can use to get on the right track... 一個卡路里計算的線上連結,來幫你找回正軌 In the description area below this video… 請參閱影片下方完整資訊中的連結 Once you know how many calories you need to consume, to simply maintain your current weight… 只要瞭解維持目前體重所需的攝取熱量 ALL you need to do is create a caloric deficit by subtracting about 300-500 calories from 那麼你接下來唯一要做的就是製造熱量缺口 that number, ideally from carbs.. 你可以從碳水化合物下手,減少300~500卡的熱量攝取 Or by simply increasing your workout intensity, so you burn 300-500 more calories, instead… 或是可以增加重訓強度,多燃燒300~500卡的熱量 Either way, you’ll still be putting yourself at a caloric deficit, which is what you want, 不管是哪一種都能幫你製造熱量缺口 to start losing stubborn belly fat… 也就能讓你達到甩掉肥肉的目的 And when you hit a plateau (which happens every few weeks or so..) 當你遇到瓶頸時(通常發生在計畫實施的幾周後) Simply subtract another few hundred calories from carbs, or simply increase your workout intensity. 你必須再降低熱量攝取,或是增加重訓強度 And you willl continue to lose stubborn belly fat! 那麼你又能夠繼續甩掉肥肉了 Don’t drop carbs too low though, or else it will be counter-productive! 切記不要攝取過少熱量,否則會出現反效果 I’d personally recommend you start by consuming the amount of calories per day, 我的建議是,一開始前兩週,從每天必須攝取 needed to simply maintain your current weight 來維持目前體重的熱量開始 for the first 2-weeks, while also working out… 同時一邊做運動 And then start dropping calories… 然後慢慢降低攝取的熱量 Stick to this formula, and you will lose all your stubborn belly fat, before you know it! 只要遵守這準則,你的肚子就會悄悄地消下來 STEP 2 步驟二 Eat the Right Foods - (at the Right Times) 吃對的食物(在對的時間點) 3 O'clock - Eat an apple. 3點鐘─ 吃蘋果 Once you create a caloric deficit, you're also gonna have to eat the proper foods, 當你製造了熱量缺口,你也必須開始攝取對的食物 at the right times, if you want to maximize your fat loss results! 在對的時間吃對的食物能夠事半功倍! I can’t cram all the specifics into this video, but I’ll give you a few quick tips 很抱歉沒辦法一口氣在影片中提供所有範例給你 to get you on the right track… 但我會給你幾個要訣,幫助你建立正確的減重方向 You want to follow a nutrition plan with a proper macro-nutrient breakdown… 也許你想要一份營養均衡的減重菜單 Since that will guarantee that your getting the proper amount of nutrients in your body, 因為好的菜單能保證你獲得足夠的營養 to support your goals, each and every day… 讓你達到每天的減重目標 Instead of simply getting all your daily calories from foods like pizza! 並且避免從像是披薩的食物來獲取每日所需的熱量 So you want to make sure that your getting enough protein, carbs, 所以這樣的你一定想要確定每餐是否營養均衡 and a good amount of healthy fats in your diet, on a daily basis… 是否攝取了足夠的蛋白質、碳水化合物、和健康的脂肪 The timing of certain foods, as well as the types of carbs you consume 事實上,像是碳水化合物的攝取時機是很重要的 is also an important factor when it comes to losing belly fat - FAST! 正確的時間內攝取能夠讓你瘦得更快! If you’d like a more detailed explanation, as well as an easy formula you can use to 如果你想要更進一步了解,還有 calculate your macro-nutrient breakdown… 卡路里計算的公式 Simply click on the link to my special ‘how to lose stubborn belly FAT’ blog post in the description area below, 可以點選下方〝如何短時間內減肥成功〞的網址 once your done watching this video… 當你看完本片後 And I will walk you through each of the steps in greater detail! 我會帶你瞭解每個步驟的細項! STEP 3 步驟三 Train Intensely 強化重訓菜單 If you want to lose fat FAST, and get the body of your dreams in the shortest amount of time possible… 如果你想要短時間內甩掉肥肉並且看起來有線條 Your gonna have to EARN IT by being intense, and training HARD - every time you workout.. 那麼你就必須努力完成每一次的訓練菜單 Simply showing up isn’t enough! 換上運動服拍照打卡是沒任何幫助的! By following a proper workout program, you will lose fat, and also build some lean muscle 一份好的訓練菜單 mass in the process… 能夠讓你達到減脂增肌的效果 And that new muscle will help you burn even more FAT throughout the day - 而且新長出來的肌肉不僅幫助你一天燃燒更多脂肪 even while you sleep! 甚至連睡覺時都在幫你燃脂! Also, incorporating Hight Intensity Interval Training into your workouts, 另外,搭配高強度間歇訓練,在重訓的過程中加入短暫的休息時間 while limiting your rest times between sets, to one minute or less will help you lose even more fat, 例如: 每組間隔1分鐘或更少,能夠幫助你燃燒更多的脂肪 and burn more calories throughout the day! 同時也可以增加身體一天能夠燃燒的熱量 So always train hard, and be sure to make every workout count! 所以運動時要把每個動作做到好、做到滿! STEP 4 步驟四 Always Stay Hydrated 保持身體水分充足 How much water do YOU drink in a day? 你每天都喝多少C.C.的水? 5 cups..? 7 cups…? Perhaps 10 cups…? 5杯?7杯?還是10杯? Truth is, most people don’t drink enough water throughout the day… 事實上,大多數的人一天都喝太少水了 If you're not drinking a minimum of about 1 gallon of water a day, which is equal to 16 cups… 如果你一天喝水少於3800c.c.(約16杯水) Then, I hate to break it to you, but YOU'RE not drinking ENOUGH! 那麼我很抱歉必須告訴你,你喝太少了! And your fat loss goals and overall health will suffer as a result. 這會影響到你的減重計畫和身體健康 I personally drink a minimum of 2-4 gallons of water every day. 我自己一天都至少喝6000-12000c.c.的水 And that equals to about 32-64 cups. 大概是32-64杯 Now, that may sound like A LOT of water, especially if you're not used to drinking that much, 聽起來很多,尤其是對連喝水的習慣都沒有你來說 but It’s not, and when you're eating properly, and training hard, your body will definitely 但是其實不然,如果每天都有攝取正確食物、努力運動,你的身體一定 need A LOT of water to function efficiently. 需要大量的水,來幫助身體有效運作 So staying hydrated throughout the day will definitely 所以記得保持身體水分充足 help you lose stubborn belly fat, by helping 水是天然的食慾抑制劑,能夠幫助你代謝身上囤積的肥肉 the body metabolize your fat storages, as well as act as a natural appetite suppressant… 讓你跟從小跟到大的肥肉說再見 So you don’t end up eating more than you can chew! 所以你不會吃下身體無法消化的份量(「不會自不量力」的意思) Water also helps your body get rid of toxins, 水不僅能幫助你的身體排出有毒物質 and there's also a big laundry list of other important benefits… 還有其他數不清的好處 that comes along with drinking a lot of water 這些好處只要喝水就可以得到 So replace all of the other beverages you consume throughout the day with WATER - 所以多喝水,別再喝飲料了 and make sure to get a minimum of 1-2 gallons per day! 一天至少要喝3000-5000c.c.的水喔! STEP 5 步驟五 Recover More, Stress Less… 多休息、少壓力 The final, and most important step that many people ignore when trying to lose fat… Is 最後也是最多人在減重時常常忽略的一點 PROPER RECOVERY! 讓身體得到充足的休息 Many people think that the more you workout… 許多人認為動得多、運得久的話 And THE LONGER you workout… The better your results will be, and the more fat you will lose. 能夠甩掉更多肥肉,減肥效果也會越好 Luckily, that’s not the case… So you don’t have to spend ALL DAY working out. 事實上並非總是如此,所以我們不需要花上一整天來運動 The opposite is actually true. 相反的 When it comes to working out, quality is much more important than quantity… 重訓的好壞在於質,不在於量 But what you probably don’t realize is that, most of the results won’t come while working out… 但你不瞭解的是,大部分的減重效果不是在重訓時產生 But instead, while your body is at rest, or even asleep. 而是發生在休息或睡眠的時候 That’s why it's so important that you give your body the proper amount of time to recover between workouts. 這就是為什麼讓身體在運動前後獲得充足的休息是很重要的 And why you should always aim to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night. 也是為何麼每天至少睡8小時的原因 You also want to work on managing your stress levels, since stress produces a hormone called 另外你也要做好壓力管理,壓力會讓身體分泌一種叫皮質醇的賀爾蒙 Cortisol, and that hormone will tell your body to STORE FAT, instead of BURNING IT… 皮質醇不會消耗脂肪反而會囤積脂肪 So less stress, equals more FAT LOSS! 所以減少壓力等於可以甩掉更多肥肉! In summary, burn more calories than you consume… eat the right foods at the right times… 整理一下五大重點,消耗熱量大於攝取熱量、在對的時間吃對的食物、 always train intensely… aim to drink a minimum of 1-2 gallons per day, and always recover. 加強訓練、每天喝4~8公升的水、以及充足休息 If you follow all those 5 steps, CONSISTENTLY… 只要你做到這五個步驟並且持續進行的話 YOU WILL lose your stubborn belly fat - FAST… So go ahead and give it a try! 相信你也能在短時間內甩掉肥肉‧‧‧快去試試看吧! If you found this video helpful, please be sure to subscribe to my channel 如果你認為影片對你有幫助,請你務必訂閱我的頻道 so you can get updates whenever I upload new videos, 那麼你將在第一時間知道我最新上傳的影片 And let me know if you liked the video by giving it a THUMBS UP below… 可以的話幫我點讚,讓我知道你喜歡這影片 Also leave a comment if you have any questions, or would like to request any future video 另外如果你有任何問題,或是希望我拍攝怎麼樣的影片 topics you would like me to post! 請在下方留言處告訴我! And as I always like to say… “A life worth living, is a life worth improving!” 最後我想告訴大家,生命的意義在於不斷精進自己! GO AND GET SOME ABS NOW! 快去練腹肌吧! See you in the next video! 我們下次再見! Hi, this is Uncle Billy here, and this is how you *BLEEP* calories! 這是比利叔叔,這是你*的燃脂方式 Can you see the flame? 看得到火噴出來嗎? Can you see my pants up? 我的褲頭是不是入鏡了?
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 攝取 甩掉 步驟 身體 菜單 脂肪 如何減掉腹部贅肉(5個簡單步驟 (How to Lose Belly FAT (5 Easy Steps)) 554 38 diswater2000 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字