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Let's eat. Hi, guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on "Eating Vocabulary".
We all eat, every day. Unless you're a plant, you definitely eat.
Today,we're going to look at some vocabulary that we use to talk about eating,
the activities associated with it, the feelings associated with it. You know, not like really emotional,
emotional, like angry, although you could be, but different...
Different words associated with food and eating.
So, I will just go down the list, point with my knife. It's not very dangerous. Don't worry.
Plus, you're watching me somewhere; I'm not going to hurt you. Let's start from the top.
First, we have the verb "bite". So, "bite" is simply this action: [bites]. Okay?
第一個單字是 "bite",這個動作就是 "bite",了解嗎?
When you bite, you have to bite food if it's very hard, for example. Now, this actually goes
towards an expression, and we have an expression called: "Grab a bite". So, if you are hungry
我們有一種表達方式為 "Grab a bite",如果你很餓
and you want to get something to eat with your friend, family, etc., you can say:
"Hey, let's grab a bite. Come. I want to grab a bite."
Or: "We should grab a bite." This means:
We should get something to eat. Usually something small, like if you go for lunch with someone
at a fast food restaurant or something like that, if you go to fast food restaurants.
So "grab a bite" means get something to eat, and "bite" is this action: [bites]. All right?
那 "grab a bite" 就是找東西吃的意思,"bite" 就是這個動作,了解?
Next, we have the verb "chew". So your mom or your dad probably told you when you were
下一個字是動詞 "chew",你的父母在你小時候應該常叮嚀你
a kid to chew your food. So, chewing is this action: [chews]. And don't talk when your
吃飯要細嚼慢嚥,所以 "chew" 是這動作,(咀嚼中),還有不要在嘴裡
mouth is full. Right? So, you need to chew your food. There is some rules, or maybe they're
real, maybe they're not, they say: "Chew your food 24 times before swallowing." I guess
it depends like what you're eating, so I don't know.
Next, before I move to this, we have the verb "nibble". Now, "to nibble" is to eat something,
下一個,我先講 "nibble" 再說其他延伸的詞,"to nibble" 是吃東西的意思
but just give it a small, small bite like... I'm going to look ridiculous, I'm sorry, just:
Like rabbits could nibble carrots, for example. You think of like Bugs Bunny
or something. Okay? So "to nibble" is to just take a small, small, small bite of something.
或其他兔子的畫面,好嗎? 簡單說"to nibble"就是咬很小很小口的意思
Now, this expression "have a nibble", if you're... You know, if you go for dinner with your friend
有個說法叫 "have a nibble",當你和朋友一起晚餐時
and you want your friend to try your food, you can say: "Here, have a bite." You can
你想讓朋友嘗嘗你的食物,你可以說 "Here, have a bite."
also say: "Here, have a nibble. Just a little nibble. Try a little piece." Okay?
或者 "Here, have a nibble. Just a little nibble. Try a little piece." 了解嗎?
Here we have the word "bib". At the start of the lesson, I put on my bib. It means I'm
這裡有個詞叫 "bib",在課程開始前,我穿上圍兜
ready to eat. If you go to a restaurant... A lot of people don't really use the bibs
in this way anymore I think. Most people put them in their laps when they go to a restaurant.
But this is a bib. Still very useful, especially if you eat lobster or ribs; anything messy.
"Drink". I'm sure you understand the verb "drink". Basically, if you have any liquid,
"Drink" ,相信你一定知道這個動詞,"drink",如果你在飲用任何液體,
water, etc., juice, you must drink it. Okay? Now, "drink" can be a noun or it can also
例如水或果汁,你就是在喝東西,了解嗎?現在 "drink" 可以當名詞
be a verb. So you drink if you are thirsty. If you're thirsty, you need water, you need
liquid. You need to drink something, like this.
I'm just going to put these down. And... Ah, this is a good word: "sip". So "a sip" is
我要把刀叉放下,然後...呃...這是個很好的字 "sip",那"a sip"的意思是
if you want to take a small drink of something. So, for example, I am a little thirsty, I
need a sip of water. So you can use "sip" like a noun or a verb. You can have a sip,
我要喝一小口水,所以 "sip" 可以當名詞也可以當動詞,"You can have a sip"或者
or you can sip, like this. Just a sip, a quick drink. Okay? We also use this verb very commonly
"you can sip" 就是快速的喝一小口,了解嗎?我們很常用這個動詞
if you're drinking something hot, like we say: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't... You know,
don't just drink it. Sip it, like: [sips]." Right? Small, little sips, like this, if something
不要大口喝,小口點,像這樣 (啜飲)」懂嗎?如果某樣東西很燙時
is very hot. Very important.
Okay, and again, I gave you the expression: "You can take a sip", or "have a sip", similar
好,來複習一下,我給你一些例子,"You can take a sip" 或者 "have a sip" 的意思和
to "have a nibble", "have a bite", if you're offering food. If you want to offer, you know,
"have a nibble" 很接近,如果你想分享你的食物,像是
a taste of your drink to a friend, you can say: "Here, try it." or "Here, have a sip."
給朋友嚐一口你的飲料,你可以說"Here, try it."或是 "Here, have a sip."
Very common. Or: "Take a sip."
也可以說 "Take a sip" 這些都是常見用法
Okay, next, we have the verb "swallow". So after you eat, after you chew, after you drink,
you: [swallows] ingest your food. The food goes down into your body. This is called "swallowing".
So you swallow your food.
Next, we have the verb "burp". So if you eat hotdogs, drink Coca-Cola, have pizza, have
some carbonated beverage, or even some water, you might burp. So, "burp" is when the gas
comes up and comes out of your mouth, like: "[burps]." This is called a burp. I can't
burp right now. I can't.
[Burps]. Burp - oh my.
(嗝) 噢我的天
Now, these are, again, some of the more functional words related to, you know, eating, chewing,
biting, drinking, sipping, etc. Now we're going to look at some other ones; still related
to eating, but a little different than these. Now, again, if you are at a family party,
at your friend's house, and you finish dinner, and you are still hungry after dinner, you
can "ask for seconds". This means that you want, you know, the same thing, but more of
it. You want more food. Say: "Hmm, I think I'm going to go for seconds." Okay? So you
你想多吃點,可以說"Hmm, I think I'm going to go for seconds."了解嗎?你可以
can ask for seconds. "Can I have more? Can I have seconds?"
請求再來一份,"Can I have more? Can I have seconds?"
"Leftovers", very useful, and again, very useful in many ways, not just as vocabulary,
but also for making a lunch for the next day. So "leftovers" are the food you don't eat,
也可以當隔天午餐使用,所以 "leftover" 指的是你不想再吃的食物
usually, you know, if you make a lot of food for dinner the night before and you don't
eat everything, the food that is remaining, that is left, is called leftovers. So you
can put these leftovers, you know, in a Tupperware, and you can bring it for lunch the next day
at work, for example. So, I like eating leftovers for lunch usually right the next day after
dinner, because if I enjoyed my dinner, I'm definitely going to enjoy the same food the
next day for my lunch.
Woo. Now, after you eat a lot, you can say: "I'm full." Now, if you're full, there's no
呼,現在呢,你吃了很多,你可以說 " I'm full.",如果你吃飽了,代表你的
space here. Okay? You have eaten a lot, enough, or maybe too much. Okay? You can also say,
again, a little... Not really slang, but definitely, you know, a bit more slang than "full" is
稍微....這個字不完全是俚語,但它肯定比 "full" 還要口語化,它是
"stuffed". So if you say: "I'm stuffed. No more. No more. I'm full. I'm stuffed." Okay?
And if you are the opposite, if you haven't eaten yet, you can say, you know: "I am hungry."
那如果情況相反,你還沒有吃飯,你可以說,你知道的"I am hungry."
Or you can also say, if you're really, really, really hungry: "I'm starving." Now, you are
如果你真的真的真的很餓,你也可以說 "I'm starving.",但你現在
not actually starving. "Starving" actually means that, you know, you haven't eaten food
應該不會很餓,"starving" 其實是指,你有一段很長的時間
in a long time and it's giving you physical problems. You're probably not starving. I
hope you're not starving. Why are you paying for internet, but not food? But you can say
我希望你沒有餓壞肚子,不然你怎麼可能有錢付網路費卻沒錢吃飯呢? 但如果
this to exaggerate, like: "Oh, I'm starving. I'm so hungry." Okay?
想誇大說法,可以說 "Oh, I'm starving. I'm so hungry." 了解嗎?
Okay, guys, so to finish, I just want you to repeat the words after me. Focus on the
pronunciation this time, all right?
"Bite", "chew", "nibble",
"drink", "sip", "swallow",
"burp", "seconds", "leftovers",
"full", "stuffed", "hungry", "starving".
So, if you'd like to test your understanding of this vocabulary, as always,
you can check out the quiz on www.engvid.com.
And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a steak waiting for me.