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  • - Now, Bradley plays a chef in the new movie "Burnt,"

  • so we thought we'd do a cooking demo with a little twist.

  • I'm going to be a chef, and he's going to be my hands.

  • Since we're raising money for

  • breast cancer awareness this month,

  • if we complete the demo, Ulta Beauty

  • will donate $10,000 towards breast cancer research.

  • [cheers and applause] Okay!

  • Yay! [cheers and applause]

  • Yay! I throw my hands in the air like I just don't care.

  • Okay... [cheers and applause]

  • So it's time to cook! Okay.

  • First, I think we're going to need to chop up a cucumber,

  • with this very, very sharp knife that I have.

  • And so however we choose to cut it is very, very important

  • to the--'kay. Okay.

  • [audience laughter] All right.

  • So we chop the cucumber.

  • And do we--just in slices like that.

  • Now, that's plenty of cucumber. That's all I wanted to do.

  • Now I want to ju-- Look at the carrots--mmm.

  • [audience laughter] It's important to taste,

  • to make sure that--

  • [audience laughter]

  • They're delicious. Mmm.

  • [loud audience laughter]

  • [laughter and applause]

  • Oh. [cheers and applause]

  • [cheers and applause]

  • Mm. - [laughing]

  • - Now, I would like to-- [both laugh]

  • Nope. You know what, I thought about eating the carrot.

  • but instead, I'm going to juggle all three.

  • [audience laughter]

  • [both laugh]

  • Uh, can I? I don't know.

  • Do I know how to juggle?

  • Wow. [audience laughter]

  • All right. [laughter and applause]

  • Now... [cheers and applause]

  • I'm going to lean forward and grab this bowl of cucumbers,

  • and I'm going to put it in the-- in the blender right here.

  • Pour it all in the blender. That's right, in the blender.

  • [audience laughter]

  • Sometimes you have to take the top off

  • to put it in. [audience laughter]

  • And--that's right, all in there like that.

  • Put the top on, and I am gonna blend it.

  • Why am I squatting down? Then I'm gonna blend it.

  • [audience laughter]

  • All right, and we'll turn it on,

  • and just like that...

  • Uh...that's enough. Okay.

  • That's enough. Um.

  • That's--

  • Perfect! Oh, that's wonderful.

  • You understand how that's-- Ohh! That's right.

  • Okay, and we walk over here, and uh,

  • I think I'd like to have a nice glass of wine.

  • That would be nice, to have a little sip of wine,

  • just on my way to make the pasta.

  • Plenty, that's plenty. Okay.

  • All right, mmm. Let see.

  • Here I go, hmm. [audience laughter]

  • It smells delicious. Bon appétit, everybody!

  • [Applause]

  • [audience laughter]

  • [cheers and applause]

  • Oh, I have to wipe my--

  • [laughter and applause]

  • Me likey! [audience laughter]

  • [audience laughter]

  • Oh, delicious. Okay.

  • Now what we do is we take the flour and put it in the dough

  • and--just like that, into the dough!

  • I push it and I really like to--okay.

  • That's good.

  • That's important to knead the dough like so.

  • Knead the dough.

  • Ah, yes. [audience laughter]

  • I like to put my whole body into it.

  • That's what I like to do. [audience laughter]

  • [audience laughter]

  • Aah! Okay! [audience laughter]

  • Like a DJ, almost. [audience laughter]

  • [audience laughter]

  • Aah! Okay. [audience laughter]

  • Now what I do is I put the dough--oh.

  • [audience laughter]

  • There. All right.

  • So I like to make the pasta fresh.

  • So we crank it.

  • This is freshly made, and here,

  • I point to it and gesture, [audience laughter]

  • to show how we do it, through the machine.

  • This is--this is-- I crank and I crank and I crank,

  • and I crank, I crank the pasta. Oop!

  • [audience laughter]

  • What's happening?

  • Oh, I like--

  • Look at that, freshly made pasta.

  • That is delicious.

  • [cheers and applause]

  • Okay! I'm exhausted! [cheers and applause]

  • It's almost like it's hair.

  • It's so, so pretty. Okay.

  • So what happens then is we lay it down.

  • And we're done with it.

  • And that's exactly how you raise $10,000

  • for breast cancer research. [cheers and applause]

  • Yay! "Burnt" opens in New York and Los Angeles

  • this Friday and everywhere October 30th.

  • Please go see "Burnt," it's a wonderful movie.

  • Good-bye, everyone. Good-bye!

- Now, Bradley plays a chef in the new movie "Burnt,"


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B1 中級 美國腔

布拉德利和艾倫做飯 (Bradley and Ellen Get Cookin')

  • 678 48
    Jenny 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日