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  • Hi, I'm Myers Briggs, your host for the Office Olympics, where we team up random personality

  • types in your office and have them perform simple, yet somehow complicated tasks. Our

  • pair today is The Individualistic Doer (ISTP) and The Dreamy Idealist (INFP). They're going

  • to have to set-up a board room for a conference call. To the folks at home, that's not an

  • easy task to do. Office equipment can be very tricky. So, how prepared are you for this

  • event? I didn't spend too much time preparing, I'm a guy that lives entirely in the present

  • so I'll take it as it comes. Well, I'm excited to be here. I'm sure the Individualistic Doer

  • is a really nice person and I'm gonna do whatever I can to keep him calm and ready so we can

  • complete this task. It looks like they're splitting up the work and giving each other

  • space. Dreamy Idealists usually need their own space to work like that. They're already

  • off to a bad start. They forgot the adaptor for the Macbook, you can tell the Dreamy Idealist

  • is a PC user. Now hold on there, it looks like... yes it could be... the Individualistic

  • Doer has the adaptor! He found a great solution to this practical problem. They're moving

  • on to setting up the phone to dial in to the conference line. The Dreamy Idealist is reaching

  • out for praise from their partner and... (Individualistic Doer walks right by them) ohhh. Well that's

  • embarrassing. Hang on a second, it looks like another obstacle has appeared, the laptop

  • seems to be dying so the Individualistic Doer is going to get the wire. You know Individualistic

  • Doers have a hard time with commitment, I'd be surprised if he actually came back. I wonder

  • how the Dreamy Idealist is gonna feel about this. He seems to be having a mental breakdown.

  • Dreamy Idealist tend to get highly emotional with stressful situations like this. They

  • just can't handle the pressure. Ladies and gentlemen, it has been confirmed that the

  • Individualistic Doer is NOT coming back. He's thrown in the towel. Individualistic Doer's

  • are known for doing things rationally and logically while Dreamy Idealists channel their

  • feelings to make decisions. What makes this team so incompatible is that the Dreamy Idealist

  • seeks positive affirmation and praise, while the Individualistic Doer fails to recognize

  • the efforts of the Dreamy Idealist because he doesn't easily perceive other people's

  • feelings and therefore fails to empathize. If these two plan on working together, they're

  • going to have to find common ground across different working styles, be respectful of

  • one another and lastly recognize that they have a shared goal in mind.

Hi, I'm Myers Briggs, your host for the Office Olympics, where we team up random personality


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B2 中高級

ISTP和INFP性格類型在職場中的表現 (ISTP and INFP Personality Types in the Workplace)

  • 176 9
    林筠潔 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日