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  • How to Bike in High Heels. Want to ride your bike, but don't want to sacrifice style to

  • do it? Pedal in heels that even Lance Armstrong couldn't look away from. You will need Socks

  • or stockings High heels Bike and safety pin. Step 1. Opt to wear socks or stockings with

  • your heels if you're wearing pants. If you have to roll up your pants to avoid getting

  • dirty from the chain, your legs will stay warm. Step 2. Adjust your bike's seat if you're

  • wearing platforms or very high heels. While you may opt for kitten heels or stilettos,

  • know they get caught in the pedals more easily. Wedges are ideal. Remove the toe clips from

  • your pedals, if you have them, prior to riding. Step 3. Keep the balls of your feet only on

  • the pedals, keeping your heels off the pedals. Step 4. Maintain the angle of your foot throughout

  • the ride. When stopping, be careful not to angle your heels downward, causing them to

  • catch on the ground. It may take a little getting used to, but those admiring glances

  • from envious flat-soled bikers will make it all worthwhile. Did you know The first high

  • heels worn strictly for fashion appeared in the 16th century in France and were worn by

  • men.

How to Bike in High Heels. Want to ride your bike, but don't want to sacrifice style to


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如何在高跟鞋中騎車 (How to Bike in High Heels)

  • 102 5
    林筠潔 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日