字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Question: How much of this is all gonna be public, like, if I write in there about my deepest darkest fantasies, will this be displayed to the people of YouTube? 我有問題:這全部會被公開嗎?如果我在裡面寫我內心最深層的幻想,會被 YouTube 上的人看到嗎? [We asked four people to try journaling for 10 minutes a day, for 30 days straight.] [我們請四個人連續 30 天,每天寫日記 10 分鐘。] [Journaling regularly is thought to be a healthy way to help a person deal with emotions and improve mental health.] [規律地寫日記讓人可以用健康的方式處理情緒,還能促進心理健康。] So I was thinking about my first time journaling and I was in sixth grade. 回想我第一次寫日記是小六的時候。 And I'd written this journal and my friends found the journal, and read it out loud, and laughed at me, so I threw the journal in the trash. 我朋友找到我的日記後大聲朗讀它,然後嘲笑我,所以我就把日記丟進垃圾桶了。 I kept several journals as a child. 我小時候寫過好幾本日記。 I would write who my crush was, and what I wanted to do to my enemy. 我會寫我暗戀的對象,還有怎麼對付我的敵人。 I'm coming in as a grown woman with no journaling experience. 儘管是成年女性,我沒有寫過日記。 I had this red Ferrari notebook and, like every other journal I've ever had, I did about three entries, and then that was the last entry. 我記得我用一本紅色的法拉利筆記本當日記本,但就跟其他我曾寫過的日記依樣,我寫了大概三篇,就沒了。 Kind of hoping that maybe I'll at least fill up half the book. 我希望我可以至少寫完半本。 I'm excited to journal because this is gonna be retribution for my stolen journal when I was abroad in college. 我很期待寫日記,因為這讓我想到國外讀大學時被偷走的日記本。 [Week One] [第一週] Ok, it's journal time. 好,該是寫日記的時候了。 I'm in my bedroom. There's my journal. 我在我的房間裡,那是我的日記本。 It's happening. 一切要開始了。 I'm hanging out in the back of my minivan, and I'm about to do my first entry in my journal. 我現在在我的小卡車裡,即將要開始寫我第一則日記。 So far it's been kinda tough cause I'm out of practice my hand hurts, and I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be writing about. 到目前為止有點困難因為我很久沒練習了,我的手有點痛,而且我不知道我該在裡面寫些什麼。 I have usually been journaling so far in the evenings in my dining room which is where I am now 這陣子我通常都是晚上在我的飯廳裡寫日記,也就是我現在的位置。 Um... I haven't been doing it that well. Gonna be honest. 呃⋯老實說我進行得沒那麼順利。 [Halfway Point] [半個月過去了] [We checked in with our journalers to discuss their experiences and share their entries.] [我們找來這幾位寫日記的人,討論他們的經驗並分享他們的日記內容。] I spend way too much time sitting there going, "I should be journaling. I should be journaling." 我花太多時間坐在那裡告訴自己,我應該寫些什麼。 Don't you guys do that? 你們難道不會這樣嗎? Um, it just comes out. It's like word vomit for me. And drawing vomit. 呃,想法自然會源源不絕,對我來說像不斷在吐字跟圖畫。 And I'm just like all over the place in this thing, and then my cat plays with this string. 我就隨意寫下腦中的想法,然後我的貓會玩這條線。 And it's so cute and amazing. 很可愛,真的很棒。 At first, I was like, what do I want to write about? What I might... And it's just kind of like coming out of me. 一開始我總是想,我到底要寫什麼?我到底⋯然後一些想法就開始湧現了。 I mean it is interesting to have a journal which feels like the offline, like, most inner thoughts versus, like, all the social media that I work in. 我覺得寫日記很有趣,跟那些我經營的社群媒體相比,寫日記像是下線後最內心的想法。 To me, it seems like Instagram and Twitter and all of those things are such a carefully architectured version of how someone wants to present their life. 對我來說 Instagram 和 Twitter 那類性質的東西都是經過設計的,呈現一個人想要讓別人看到他們生活的樣子。 And journaling is essentially, at least for me, about the messy-complicated-not-so-sunny thoughts. 而寫日記最重要的是那些混亂複雜、不那麼正向的想法,至少對我而言是這樣。 You know, Hillary got that journaling versus Instagram thing in my head. Hillary 針對日記和 Instagram 的比較一直在我腦海揮之不去。 And I haven't stopped thinking about that, and she's totally right it's very... it's very introspective. 而且我一直在想她真的說對了,那真的⋯寫日記是非常內省的過程。 Journaling is the opposite of Instagram, and I've never journaled before. 寫日記跟 Instagram 相反,我從沒寫過日記。 And I've definitely Instagramed before, and it's interesting to do both on the same day. 但我絕對有發過 Instagram,而同一天寫日記跟發文真的很有趣。 I'm a journaler at heart. It's just a way to create every day in some type of way. 我打從心底喜歡寫日記,透過寫日記我可以以某種方式創造每一天。 When did you stop dancing? 你什麼時候停止跳舞了? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? 你什麼時候開始不再唱歌?你什麼時候開始不再對故事著迷? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence? 你什麼時候不再享受寧靜片刻的美好? I think the question I would ask myself is when did you stop creating? 我想我最想問自己的問題是,你什麼時候停止創作的? I'm enjoying, kind of, just taking this time for myself every day. 我很享受這個過程,有點像每天為自己保留一點時間。 So I've been journaling a lot in my van, parked places. 我最近在我的卡車裡寫了很多日記。 I like to do it 'cause new environment is kind of inspiring. 我喜歡這麼做是因為新環境給我靈感。 My boyfriend is recording with his band right now. 我男朋友跟他的樂團正在錄歌。 And I'm doodling in my journal. 然後我在日記裡塗鴉寫字。 It's really fun to draw and write my journal while I'm around such created and inspiring people. 在這些富有創意又能給你靈感的人旁邊寫日記真很好玩。 So I think I'm getting a little bit better at this journaling thing. 我想我最近對寫日記這件事稍微比較上手了。 I've realized I can write down the weird dreams that I have about Tina Fey. 我可以在日記裡寫那些關於提那菲的怪夢。 I've been trying to have a little bit more fun with the journal and do drawings and stuff. 我試著讓寫日記有趣一些,在裡面加入圖畫之類的。 But it also just feels like a chore all the time, just like my nightly homework assignment. Draw in the journal. 但還是有點像做差事一樣,像是我每晚要完成的功課。記得在日記裡畫圖。 [Final Thoughts] [最後的想法] - This one I think you'll all enjoy. - "I am so overwriting in this damn book all the time." - I quit. - 這句我想你們會想聽。-「我受不了一直在這本子裡寫字了。」- 我放棄。 So I'm not that into journaling. 我對寫日記沒什麼熱忱。 What are your reasons? You don't like it? I've written nothing important. 你的原因是什麼?你不喜歡嗎?我沒寫什麼重要的事。 It's like, I bought a projector today. Let's see how I like it. 比方說,我今天買了一個投影機,不知道我喜不喜歡。 I've been trying to figure out the best way to set it up. I need a screen. 我一直在研究要怎樣架投影機最好,而且我需要一個螢幕。 That... like this. Why do I write that down? 像這些。我幹嘛寫這些東西? You know, in retrospect, I wish I'd hired a journaling Ghost Rider. 現在回顧,我希望我當時請一個惡靈戰警來幫我寫日記。 I think the number one thing I learned: I don't want to journal to, like, reflect on my life. 我想我學到最重要的東西是: 我不想為了反思生活而寫日記。 I think it's more fun to talk about silly weird stuff. 我覺得寫一些傻氣又奇怪的事比較有趣。 Red ink, red book, red shorts. 紅色墨水、紅色本子、紅色短褲。 I was writing this while wearing red shorts with a red pen in a red book. 我那天在寫日記時就是穿紅色短褲,拿著一支紅筆,在紅色的書裡寫字。 So I was really excited about that. 所以我覺得這很酷。 I realize that being looser really allowed me to have more fun with it. 我體會到對日記的標準放寬一點讓我可以更享受整個過程。 Instead of going through Instagram or going on Twitter whatever, I would doodle in my journal for a second. 比起看 Instagram 或上 Twitter 之類的,我會在我的日記裡塗鴉一陣子。 And I liked that a lot. 我很喜歡這麼做。 I learned there's a reason I haven't been journaling for so many years, 'cause, like, journaling is not my fav. 我知道為什麼這麼多年來都沒寫過日記了。因為寫日記真的不是我喜愛的事。 I think my big takeaway was that journaling should be used as a sketch pad for your ideas and your thoughts, and a place to let your mind wander. 我想我最大的收獲就是日記本應該要像塗鴉板,讓你可以記下任何想法。它是個能讓你的心自由揮灑的地方。 I feel like there will be another period after this when it'll make sense to journal again. 我覺得離我下次願意再開始寫日記還有一陣子。 Well, I love that my cat loves the string. That's like my favorite thing ever. 我很開心我的貓喜歡這線,這是件我最喜歡的事。 My cats love journaling just as much like I do. 我的貓跟我一樣喜歡日記。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 BuzzFeed 日記 紅色 想法 圖畫 短褲 你做得到嗎?挑戰連續寫日記30天 (30 Days Of Journaling • LIFE/CHANGE) 69265 3396 Diana T. 發佈於 2022 年 05 月 31 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字