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  • Many of the writers for Futurama are quite intelligent and let's say overeducated. The

  • writing staff held three PhDs, seven masters degrees, and collectively had more than 50

  • years at Harvard. Because of this, many of the secrets, jokes, and easter eggs hidden

  • within the show are incredibly elaborate and complicated. As an example, these symbols

  • can be found at random points throughout the show. Keen eyed fans noticed a pattern and

  • soon figured out that the symbols weren't just random nonsense but rather an actual

  • language. Well technically more of a ciphered form of English but still. When the creators

  • learned that fans had deciphered the first language they of course created another, more

  • complicated language. But it didn't take long for dedicated fans to crack the code on that

  • one as well. Now some fans believe there's a third language hidden within the show which

  • has yet to be discovered.

  • The name Futurama comes from an exhibition at the New York World's Fair in 1939.

  • The exhibit was presented as a possible model of what the world could potentially look like,

  • 20 years in the future. A sort of envisioning of the world of tomorrow. Before the name

  • Futurama was chosen, names like Aloha, Mars! and Doomsville was considered.

  • Owls. In Futurama, they are seemingly everywhere and can often be seen lurking in the backgrounds.

  • But why though? Is it just a weird thing they added for fun? Actually, they have a

  • pretty good justification for their existence. At some point before the events of the show,

  • the city had a problem with animals like rats and pigeons. To solve this problem, they released

  • thousands owls into the streets. But instead of solving a problem, they only replaced it

  • with another.

  • Even the opening sequence have some pretty obscure easter eggs that can only be seen

  • if you pause at the right moment. For example, there are three signs with those strange alien

  • symbols we talked about before. They read Rent a human, 3D Rulez, and Tasty human burgers.

  • There's also this guy reading a newspaper. The paper says MOON PIE FIGHT IN MARS BAR,

  • which is of course a reference to the snacks Moon Pie and Mars candy bars.

  • Benders apartment number is 00100100. And as I've mentioned, the writers are clever so

  • this is most likely not random. If we take this number and convert it into ASCII we get

  • the dollar sign ($). This is obviously a reference to Benders greed and obsession with money.

  • In a similar fashion, Leela's apartment is named 1I.

  • The episode Jurassic Bark is for many one of the most sad, depressing, and overall emotional

  • episodes. It ends with a flashback showing that after Fry was frozen in the Cryogenic-Chamber,

  • his dog Seymour waited for him to return for 12 years before dying of old age. The original

  • idea however was to have the episode focus on Fry's mother. It would have been his mother

  • waiting for who knows how many years until she finally just passed away. But they soon

  • realized, that might push the depression factor a bit too far and decided to replace her with

  • Fry's dog instead. Speaking of, the dog and this whole plot point is actually based upon

  • the true story of a dog named Hachikō. Much like Seymour in Futurama, Hachikō waited

  • for his deceased owner at a train station for almost 10 years, until he eventually passed away.

  • The episode The Prisoner of Benda revolves around a machine called The Mind-Switcher.

  • Essentially a device where 2 people can switch minds with one another and thus take control

  • of the other persons body. Now here the thing. One of the writers, Ken Keeler, happens to

  • have a PhD in applied mathematics. So he decided to create a real-life mathematical theorem

  • for this fictional mind switching technology. The theorem basically proves that regardless

  • of how many mind switches between two bodies have been made, they can still all be restored

  • using only two extra people, provided these two people have not had any mind switches

  • beforehand. In short, it's complicated. The point is that it's the first time a theorem

  • has been created for the sole purpose of entertainment in a TV show. It's simply called The Futurama Theorem.

  • In the episode The Why of Fry it's revealed that Nibbler was responsible for Fry falling

  • into the cryogenic chamber. This plot point, along with Nibbler himself, was actually planned

  • from the very beginning because in the first episode, this shadow can be seen briefly as

  • Fry falls into the chamber. The shadow is of course that of Nibbler, which means it

  • took 64 episodes before the meaning of this shadow was revealed. I wan't to say foreshadowing.

  • The character Cubert was first introduced in the episode A Clone of My Own. As the title

  • suggest, he is the clone of Professor Farnsworth. But the character is far more interesting

  • then what meets the eye. While Futurama is in many ways a very consistent show, it's

  • also in many ways not. They constantly break the laws of physics and really every law in

  • the universe. And because it's an animated show, trouble with consistency are more or less

  • impossible to avoid. Seriously, it's a fucking knot! But if you're like me and probably like

  • 90% of Futurama's audience, who the fuck cares right? Well, the other 10% of course do care.

  • And this is where Cubert comes in. The character was always planned to be included from the very beginning,

  • but they never fleshed out his personality until his introduction in the middle of season 2.

  • They decided to give him this aggravating personality who criticizes everything and

  • everyone, as a sort of payback and reflection of this annoying and specific group of fans.

  • When the writers created Hypnotoad, I doubt they though it would become such a fan favorite

  • and even spreading across the internet to eventually become a meme. In the Futurama

  • world, he is responsible for the most popular television series of that time simply titled

  • Everybody Loves Hypnotoad. Of course, this is only because he hypnotizes everyone who

  • starts watching. And while the show serves as a show within a show, there's actually

  • an entire real-life episode almost exclusively featuring Hypnotoad for 22 minutes. It's called

  • Everybody Loves Hypnotoad: Amazon Adventure and was included as a special on the DVD release

  • of Bender's Big Score.

  • I mean seriously though, it's such a stu-


Many of the writers for Futurama are quite intelligent and let's say overeducated. The


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10大事實 - Futurama (Top 10 Facts - Futurama)

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    曾湧淨 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日