字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 In light of recent events concerning newscasters being lost in the fog of… memory— 有鑑於近來新聞主播經常突然忘詞的事件頻傳, it may be pertinent to ask: can we trust the news media? 這似乎令我們開始質疑:我們真的能相信新聞媒體嗎? For proclaimed “priest of postmodernism” Jean Baudrillard, 對於自稱「後現代牧師」的尚.布希亞而言, it isn't lack of access to information that renders the news meaningless, 新聞之所以越來越空泛,並不是因為缺乏消息來源, it's the proliferation of images that makes it so untrustworthy. 而是因為日益繁多的影像,使它變得如此不可靠 Depending on where you get your news, you'll see “evidence” that climate change is a myth, or a serious problem. 氣候變遷可能是一個迷思,也可能是個嚴重的議題,一切全憑你獲得新聞的來源 Enough searching reveals that Paul McCartney is really dead, 有相當多的資料顯示保羅麥卡尼 (披頭四成員) 已經死了 (但其實一直都只是傳言) Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing and 9-11 was an inside job. 史丹利.庫柏力克 (美國導演) 偽造了登陸月球的畫面,以及 911 事件可能有內鬼 If you look hard enough you can find the contrapositive, underside, or opposite of any event. 如果你仔細研究,你會發現任何事情都會有完全相反或顛倒的說法或觀點 These multiple interpretations don't make the world more accessible — 多樣的詮釋並為使我們更了解這個世界; the explosion of information, of events, makes the ability to understand the world nearly impossible. 資訊量的爆炸與鋪天蓋地的事件,使我們越發不能捕捉這個世界的全貌 The camera lens makes every image suspect. War is reduced to theatre, disease into telethon, hunger into magazine covers. 鏡頭使一切影像變得可疑。大規模的戰爭被壓縮成電影情節,疾病成為募捐活動的手段,而飢餓則成了雜誌封面 It makes the most atrocious events questionable — 它使最慘不忍睹的事情都顯得疑點重重 — every image is possibly staged, recreated, simulated for a political end or to push a product. 所有的影像都可能事先排練或經過重製,為某個政治目的服務,或是為了促銷產品而生 There are hundreds of news channels all competing for viewers, followers, and hashtaggers. 上百個新聞頻道都在為了爭取觀眾與追隨者而廝殺 Media and advertising operate on the same wavelength, 媒體與廣告業運作的邏輯相似, and as a result, the line between reality, marketing, and news is nearly impossible to discern. 因此,真實、行銷與新聞之間的界線已經幾乎無法分辨 Media outlets and advertisers compete to keep people glued to their couches, 媒體與廣告商相互競爭著要讓觀眾黏在電視機前, perpetually titillated by the explosion of content on the screen. 永遠被螢幕中爆炸的資訊所撩撥著 It's the selling of a lifestyle, a promise of access to the truth, as something to produce meaning — 它所販賣的是一種生活方式、一個可以通曉真理的保證,並做為可以產生意義的事物 — it's why reporters appear at the scene of crimes, embed themselves with military units during war, 這就是為什麼記者們會出現在犯罪現場,在戰爭時期隨軍報導, and stand on the banks of oceans during hurricanes — the signs of disasters are images to be consumed. 並且在颶風來臨時站在海岸邊進行實況轉播,因為這些災難的影像都很對觀眾的胃口 While our lives may be utterly boring and meaningless — 正當我們的生活可能無聊至極且毫無意義時, the nightly news reports that there are in fact places where things take place. 晚間新聞報導告訴我們,在世界的某個角落,還是有事情正在發生的 It sells the promise that meaningful things do happen. 它兜售一種信念:有意義的事情仍然會發生 They broadcast stories of actual events, but far from giving viewers access to the world, 他們播報有關真實事件的故事,但他們卻沒有提供閱聽者一種了解世界的方式, the media creates a copy of an event — they create non-events… 相反地,媒體創造出真實事件的複製品,也就是說,他們創造的是無效的事件 Xerox copies of reality that are easily ingested by a society that has been trained to accept advertising, suggestion, and disinformation. 這個不斷被訓練著去接收廣告與造謠的社會,輕易地將這些不斷被複製的真實消化吸收 For Baudrillard, we're complicit in this disinformation campaign. 布希亞認為,在這個媒體造謠的行為中,我們閱聽者也是共犯 People willingly choose deception — the masses want to be tricked, fooled, and distracted from the reality of their lives. 人們自願選擇被欺騙 — 他們想要被愚弄,並且從真實的生命中出走 Simply put: we prefer the copy of reality. 簡單地說,我們喜歡的是現實的複製品 In the world of social media, we are no longer passive spectators. 在社群媒體的網絡中,我們不再只是被動的閱聽者而已 We interact, create, and dictate news — we are the screen, the editor, reporter, and subscriber all at once. 我們互動、創造並且主宰新聞,我們同時是螢幕本身、編輯、記者以及訂閱者 So dearest viewer, if Sylvester Stallone is in the Boxing hall of fame as Rocky Balboa, 所以親愛的觀眾,如果席維斯.史特龍和洛基 (由前者所飾演的電影角色) 同樣被列入拳擊名人堂, and if people still believe the lie that wrestling is real how are we ever supposed to find out if Paul McCartney is alive? 而且如果人們仍然相信「拳擊是真實的」這樣的謊言,我們怎麼可能知道保羅.麥卡尼到底是不是死了呢? (亦即閱聽者應該培養媒體識讀的能力) Greetings, beloved viewer. And thanks again for watching 8-bit philosophy. 向我敬愛的觀眾打聲招呼並感謝收看 8-bit philosophy If you like the show, the best way to show us some love is to support with sponsors who keep us from going completely broke. 如果你喜歡這個節目,表達支持的最好方式就是支持我們的贊助者以防我們缺乏資金 This week, 8-bit is sponsored again by Audible who is going to give you a free audio book for being a fan of the show. 這周,8-bit 再次受 Audible 所贊助,Audible 將給忠實觀看本節目的您免費有聲書 Yes, that's right: Free. Now you don't need to be a great philosopher to comprehend the virtue of free things. 是的沒錯:免費。你不需要成為一位偉大的哲學家才能理解免費東西的優點 So go to Audible.com/8bit and claim what is rightfully yours. If you enjoy this episode on the media, you might also enjoy Gone girl by Gillian Flynn. 所以前往 Audible.com/8bit 並索取你應得的東西吧。如果你對於這集探討媒體的議題感興趣,相信你也會喜歡吉莉安・弗琳所創作的書籍 — 《控制》 On top of being an incredible thriller, Flynn's book also offer some really interesting insights on the way the media shapes and often perverts truth. 這本書除了是本令人難以置信的驚悚小說,弗琳的書也對於媒體塑造並扭曲事實的議題提出相當有趣的洞見 If stories about spouses wanting to hurt each other just isn't your thing, worry not. Audible also has 180,000 other titles to choose from. 如果你對伴侶意圖傷害對方的故事不感興趣,別擔心。 Audible 也提供 180,000 不同的書籍可以選擇 As Socrates once said, "Don't be a dick." Support our sponsor. Oh, and if you like this episode, 如同蘇格拉底所說:「別當個沒大腦的人。」請支持我們的贊助者。噢!還有如果你喜歡這集 be sure to check out our Ninja Turtles episode: "Is God Useful?" Again, thank you, beloved viewer. 請前往觀看我們的忍者烏龜特集:「相信上帝是有幫助的嗎?」再次感謝各位敬愛的觀眾收看
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 媒體 新聞 事件 觀眾 真實 影像 我們真的能相信媒體嗎? (Can We Trust the Media? (Baudrillard) - 8-Bit Philosophy) 21200 1333 Jacky Avocado Tao 發佈於 2016 年 11 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字