字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey, Daniel, How are you? Daniel,你好嗎? -Good. How are you? -Good. - 很好,妳呢? - 很好 Victoria, Hey, it's good to see you. Victoria,很高興見到妳 Hi, welcome! 歡迎! Thank you. 謝謝妳 I came from America to ask you 73 questions in your new store. 我從美國來到妳新店裡問妳 73 個問題 Thank you. 謝謝你 What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 妳起床做的第一件事? I check out my kids. 看看我的孩子們 -What's the daily ritual? -i'm up at 6 am and working out. - 每日例行公事? - 六點起床健身 Do you have any pets? 有養寵物嗎? That'll be Coco Chanel the bulldog who lives in LA. 在洛杉磯有一隻叫 Coco Chanel 的鬥牛犬 Do you have any pet names for your kids? 有給妳的孩子們取小名嗎? I do but if I tell you, they would be mortified. 有,但如果告訴你的話他們會很囧 What's one rule that your kids consistently ignore? 哪一件事妳的孩子們永遠當耳邊風? Don't play football in the house. 不要在屋裡踢球 What's the greatest thing you've learned from your kids? 妳從孩子們身上學到最棒的一件事? How to play football in the house and how to love unconditionally. 如何在屋裡踢球,以及如何無條件地去愛 Pick up any sign from them? 從他們身上學到什麼用語? I have no idea, dude. 我不知道,「老兄」 Alright. Let's check out the store. 好吧,讓我們來看看這家店 What is your favorite color? 妳最喜歡的顏色? Sunset orange. 日落橙 What's your favorite flavor? 最喜歡的調味料? Salt. 鹽 What's your favorite spice? 妳最喜歡的辣妹? Posh. 我 What's your secret talent? 妳有什麼秘密能力? I used to be out to juggle. 我以前會變魔術 What's the movie that made you cry the hardest? 哪部電影讓妳泣不成聲? 12 Years a Slave. 《自由之心》 The movie that made you laugh the hardest? 哪部電影讓妳捧腹大笑? We're the Millers. 《全家就是米家》 Heels or flats? 你愛高跟鞋還是平底鞋? Both. 都愛 Diamonds or pearls? 妳愛鑽石還是珍珠? Both. We love Prince. 都愛,我們都愛王子 Harry or William? 哈利王子還是威廉王子? Uh, you can't make me choose. 一定要選一個的話太強人所難了! -The store is lovely. -Thank you. - 這間店很不錯 - 謝謝 What's your favorite item for sale? 妳最喜歡哪件商品? I really like this bright pink fluffy dress over here. 我非常喜愛這件淺粉紅色的絨毛洋裝 What's the best fashion secret you've ever learned? 妳所得知的最棒時尚秘訣? Less is more. 少即是多 If you run the world, what's one law you would enact? 如果讓妳統治世界,妳會頒布什麼樣的法律? If, you mean when, when I run the world, 如果,你是指當我統治這世界時 I'm gonna make the law that everybody has to do a little something philanthropic. 我會制定一條法律,規定每個人都要做一些慈善活動 If you have to wear something for the rest of your life, what would it be? 如果妳餘生都必須穿一樣東西,那會是什麼? Knickers. 內褲 How do you get dressed in the morning? 你早上如何打扮? Socks, knickers, vest, dress. 高筒襪、內褲、背心、連衣裙 What do you wear when you need to relax? 妳需要放鬆時穿些什麼? My long band pajamas. 我的寬版睡衣 Besides cell phone and purse, what are three things you always have in your bag? 除了手機與錢包,妳包包裡還有哪三樣東西是不可或缺的? Byredo hand cream, No. 23 Make Up For Ever lipliner, and my credit card. Byredo 的護手霜、Make Up For Ever 的 23 號唇線筆以及我的信用卡 Victoria, would you mind putting on that other pairs sunglasses? Victoria,妳介意戴上另一副太陽眼鏡嗎? I think that'll make a perfect gift for someone. 我覺得這應該是個很棒的禮物 What's one question that you like to be asked more often? 妳比較喜歡常被問到哪個問題? Would you like an early night? 想早點休息嗎? What's one question you hate being asked? 妳討厭被問到什麼問題? Why don't you smile? 妳怎麼都不笑? Good question. Why don't you smile? 好問題,妳怎麼都不笑? I'm smiling on the inside 我笑在心裡 that I feel that I have the responsibility to the fashion community. 我認為我對時尚圈有應盡的責任 Those sunglasses are great. I think I'll take it. 那副太陽眼鏡很棒,我想我會買走 Thank you. 謝謝你 Let me wrap em up. 讓我來包裝 -Alina is in fitting room upstairs if you want to check it or not -Oh, thank you so much, thank you. - Alina 在樓上的試衣間,妳要去看看嗎? - 謝謝 What's your favorite vacation spot? 妳最喜歡的度假地點? Napa Valley. 那帕谷 What's the country you like to visit? 你想造訪哪個國家? I'd love to go to Kenya. 我很想去肯亞 If you bring one thing from the States to England, what would it be? 如果妳能從美國帶一樣東西到英國,那會是什麼? A fanny pack. 霹靂腰包 What's one piece of clothing in your wardrobe that David hates? 貝克漢討厭妳衣櫃裡的哪件衣服? He loves everything in my wardrobe. 我衣櫃裡的所有東西他都愛 What's one piece of clothing in David's wardrobe that you hate? 那妳討厭他衣櫃裡的哪件衣服 I don't know. I don't really like that full long Gucci look that he pushed a few years ago. 我不喜歡他幾年前淘汰的 Gucci 衣物 If you could take back one look you ever wore, what would it be? 回顧一套你曾經穿過最喜歡的服裝 The full Gucci look in leather that I wore a few years ago. 幾年前我穿的一套全套 Gucci 皮革造型 This must be Alina. 這一定是 Alina 了 -You're beautiful. -Thank you. - 妳真漂亮 - 謝謝 If you could teach any subject at school, what would it be? 如果妳能在學校教書,妳最想教什麼科目? -Singing. I need to get you another dress. -Thank you. - 歌唱。我得再幫妳拿件衣服 - 謝謝 Victoria, What's your favorite food? Victoria,妳最喜歡的食物是? Japanese. 日式料理 Favorite drink? 最喜歡的飲品? Hot sake. 溫過的清酒 If you can have a date with someone, living or dead, who would it be? 如果你能和一個人約會,不論是否在這世上,他會是誰? My husband. 我的丈夫 What is one thing in this world we need to get rid off? 這世上有哪件事我們必須擺脫? AIDS. 愛滋病 Do you believe in free will, or destiny? 你相信自由意志,還是命運? I believe that free will leads you to a destiny. 我相信自由意志決定你的命運 What's one thing that you cannot live without? 你的生活不能缺少什麼? My velcro rollers. 我的燙髮捲 What is the definition of misery? 悲慘的定義? Kathy Bates Kathy Bates (憑 Misery 一片奪得1991奧斯卡最佳女演員) Besides LA, What city do you visit the most? 除了洛杉磯,妳最常造訪哪個城市 Paris 巴黎 What is your idea of a perfect day? 對妳來說,完美的一天是? A nice evening with my husband. 與我的丈夫度過一個美好的夜晚 Do you believe in love at first sight? 妳相信一見鍾情嗎? Absolutely. 當然 At first sight, what made you fall in love with David? 是什麼讓你對貝克漢一見鍾情? Duh. (還用說?) What age were you the happiest? 你幾歲的時候最快樂? I'm really happy right now. 現在,我非常開心 -Hi, Victoria. -Hey. 嗨 Victoria A man from America would like to ask you a question. 一個美國人想問妳問題 Okay. 好 Hey Victoria, finally ready to propose my girlfriend just so you know. 嗨 Victoria 我終於要跟我女友求婚了 Should I use my grandma's old wedding ring or should I get a brand new diamond ring? 我應該用我祖母的舊婚戒還是我應該買一個全新的鑽戒? Now that is a tough question, what's it gonna be? 艱困的抉擇,妳覺得要哪個? I'll get a new one. Don't give that thing. 我會買個新的,不要舊的 What's your spirit animal? 妳的精神動物是什麼? A swan. 天鵝 What's your favorite type of animal print? Leopard. 妳最喜歡的動物花紋? 豹紋 If your life were a movie, what the title would be? 如果妳的人生是部電影,片名會是? The Hunger Game. 《飢餓遊戲》 -It's taken. -Really? - 已經有人用過了 - 真的嗎? You could have any superpower in the world, what would it be? 妳想擁有什麼超能力? I would be up to work out and sleep at the same time. 同時工作與睡覺 What's one song that always makes you dance? 哪首歌總讓妳想隨之舞動? Marvin Gaye, Got to Give it Up. Marvin Gaye 的 <Got to Give it Up> What are three words to describe London? 用三個字形容倫敦? Inspiring, energetic and multicultural. 激勵人心、活力四射、文化多元 What's one thing everyone should do when in London? 每個人到倫敦都應該做的一件事? Come to London, and visit my store! 來逛我的店! What do you like the most about Americans? 妳最喜歡美國人哪一點? The positive energy. 正面能量 Besides LA, where would you live? 除了洛杉磯,妳會住哪裡? New York. 紐約 How would your kids answer that? 那妳的孩子們呢? New York. 紐約 If you can bring back one look from your 20s, what would it be? 如果妳能帶回二十幾歲時的一種造型,會是哪一種? None. Have you seen those Spice Girls films? 沒有,你看過辣妹合唱團的影片嗎? I was in middle school at the time, and of course I did. 那時候我在讀中學,當然看過 Okay. 好吧 Victoria, what's the one word you use too much? 哪個字妳使用過度頻繁? Gray area, and I know that's two words. 灰色地帶,雖然那是兩個字 What's one vice you wish you would give up? 妳最想改正什麼缺點 I don't have a vice. 我沒有 You could be a pro at any sport, what would it be? 你希望成為哪種運動的高手? Tennis. 網球 You could star in one movie, what would it be? 你想出演哪一部電影? I starred in Spice World the movie, 我曾演出《辣妹世界》 and I'm still waiting for my outstanding achievement award. 而我仍在等待我的傑出成就獎 Who would you want to write your biography? 妳想要由誰主筆妳的傳記? Me. 我自己 What would the name be of your autobiography? 你的自傳書名會是? It's a working progress. 構思中 What phrase would you find how you live your life? 哪個片語能定義妳的生活? Positive energy and creative visualization. 正面能量與創意形象 What's your biggest goal for 2015? 2015 年的最大目標? To really learn more and figure out what I can do to really help and make a difference. 學習更多東西並找出我能做些什麼,以確實助益並且造成改變 Where do you go when you really need to be alone? 當妳需要獨處時會去什麼地方? I can't go anywhere on my own. My kids follow me everywhere. 我無法獨自去哪,因為我的孩子們總是如影隨形 What's one thing about you people will be surprised to know? 你有什麼不為人知、卻會讓大家驚訝的事 Comedy gold. 我很好笑 You can choose anyone in the world to live next door to you, who would it be? 你可以選擇一個人成為鄰居,那會是誰? Mr. Valentino lives next door to me, and it doesn't get much better than that. Valentino 先生是我的鄰居,而那再好不過 If you could do a duet with one person, who would it be? 如果你能跟一人合作歌曲,那會是誰? I've dueted with Sir Elton John and it doesn't get much better than that. 我曾與 Elton John 合作過,而這已無與倫比 If you can get yourself advice at age 13, what would it be? 妳會給十三歲的自己什麼建議? Your skin is gonna clear up and it's all gonna be fine. 好好保養妳的皮膚 You could do something else with your life, what would it be? 如果你這一生還能做些其他事,那會是? I wouldn't do anything else with my life. 我很滿意我現在的人生 Victoria, last question. 最後一個問題了 Do you take American Express? 你們收美國運通卡嗎? It's on the house. 這是免費的 You're too kind. That's so nice of you. 妳真大方。太棒了 Thank you so much. 謝謝 -Thank you, Victoria. -Safe journey. - 謝謝妳 - 一路順風 For more 73 Questions, subscribe to the Vogue channel. 更多的 73 問,請訂閱 Vogue 官方頻道
A2 初級 中文 Vogue 衣櫃 辣妹 王子 貝克漢 一見鍾情 貝嫂大哉問!快來看看貝嫂的小秘密!(73 Questions with Victoria Beckham) 14984 772 Lou Franky Yang 發佈於 2015 年 11 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字