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  • These are projected to be the most populated nations in the world in 2050, 35 years from

  • now, determined by combining the most up-to-date information provided by the UN with numerous

  • factors, including current growth rates, migration, fertility, population age, and mortality rates.

  • Number twenty is Turkey with 94 million, even though will grow by 17 million people, it

  • falls two spots in the ranking.

  • 19th is Iran, which also drops two spots. It will have over 100 million people. In 2015,

  • there are only twelve countries with more than 100 million.

  • Vietnam is currently near capacity and will fall five spots, only adding 12 million people

  • to its population.

  • Uganda is this list’s biggest riser, jumping 21 places by nearly tripling its population

  • to 104 million, from just 34 million in 2015.

  • Japan’s aging population and low birth rate will see it lose six spots and decrease in

  • size by 18 million people.

  • Number 15 is Russia, also down six spots. It’s total will also decline significantly,

  • it’s aging, but it’s also hemorrhaging people because of a declining economic future.

  • Egypt will be the 14th most-populated nation on the planet, ticking up a spot by adding

  • over 37% more people than it has now.

  • 13th is Tanzania, continuing the dominant trend of huge sub-saharan African projected

  • population gains by leaping 15 spots and increasing its population by 174%.

  • Congo too will more than double in size, gaining seven spots on this list. Slow development

  • and a lack of access to birth control are the main reasons why populations in Africa

  • are booming.

  • The 11th-ranked country will be Mexico, the same rank it held 35 years earlier by gaining

  • people at a relatively average rate.

  • The Philippines will move up two spots to enter the top-ten by adding 56 million human

  • beings.

  • Ninth is Ethiopia, more than doubling its residents by adding a staggering 97 million

  • to its total.

  • Even though it will add 43 million, Bangladesh will remain the eighth most-populated country

  • in the world.

  • And as Brazil becomes an economic powerhouse, it’s boom will slow, dropping two spots

  • in the rankings. It is the only South American country in the top 20.

  • Pakistan doesn’t increase in the rankings at all either despite adding more than 80

  • million people to its total.

  • Indonesia drops one spot to fifth with a total population of 321 million.

  • As it continues its high level of development, the United States of America will fall a spot

  • too, getting bumped out of the top three by

  • Nigeria, which leaps up four. It will add a society-straining 257 million people.

  • And the top two countries will swap positions, as China will only be the second-most populated

  • nation with 1.38 billion people, after significantly slowing the rapid growth it experienced during

  • the 20th century.

  • And India takes the top spot, increasing its already larger-than one-billion population

  • another 26 percent to 1 Billion, 620 million.

  • Overall the world will add about 2.4 billion people for a total gain of 34% over the next

  • 35 years.

  • With nearly 9 and a half billion humans to support, our planet will be pushed to its

  • limit. Of course, many things could change these projections, such as mass-migration

  • due to climate change, war, or development, but given the way things look now, these are

  • roughly what the populations of the world’s biggest nations are expected to be in the

  • near-future.

  • Thank you for watching, I hoped you enjoyed this video, and if you did, hit that like

  • button to help others around the world find it.

  • And if you want to watch some more videos like this, click the left video for a visualization

  • of the top ten countries at attracting immigrants to their shores, or the video on the right

  • for our rundown of the ten best countries at promoting good around the world.

  • For the two-man team here at TDC, well talk to you in the next video.

These are projected to be the most populated nations in the world in 2050, 35 years from


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B1 中級

未來世界人口(2050年) (Future World Populations (2050))

  • 378 28
    richardwang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日