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  • [Love Will Have Its Sacrifices opening theme]

  • What do you mean?

  • I mean no.

  • Just because I was willing to risk my life to save yours doesn't mean I'm willing to betray my sister.

  • Doesn't make me some crusader.

  • Carm...

  • Why are you doing this? I need you to help.

  • I'm doing this because I'd like to think that you could love me instead of

  • some romantic ideal you've made up in your head.

  • Romantic ideal?

  • Because I think you're better than your long history of murdering and callously discarding people?

  • Is that what you think of me-?

  • No. I- uhg...

  • I didn't mean it like that- I just-

  • what am I supposed to think when you're all "Caring about people who aren't us is stupid, poptart" and

  • "Remember that time we ate half of Saigon. Fun times."

  • That's a part of who I am, Laura.

  • So is Mattie.

  • You can't expect all of that to just evaporate because I love you.

  • If you really loved me then you'd stay.

  • I need you to be the kind of person that helps and...fights.

  • You haven't listened to a single word I've said.

  • I'm done.

  • Carm! Please, Carm!

  • I can do it.

  • The student rep thing. I'll take care of it.

  • Ya, no. That's-

  • That's great. That's really- really great. I'm glad. You're going to be really great as the student rep-

  • Laura.

  • It's okay, I'm fine. I just- um.

  • I just have a lot of things to do and so I need to do them. So I'm- I'm just gonna...

  • Hey, it'll be alright.

  • It'll be alright.

  • So...

  • yeah.

  • I think-

  • Carm and I just broke up.

  • And-

  • Was I not supposed to want her to be better?

  • Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

  • I mean, it's supposed to go:

  • You love someone and- I'm not even saying that I loved her because we were only together for like a month

  • and that would be crazy, but-

  • if I did...

  • wasn't she supposed to try and be better?

  • I mean-

  • The story goes:

  • You fall in love with a monster,

  • and then they stop being all monstery!

  • They redeem themselves, right?

  • The story isn't just-

  • fall in love with a monster.

  • That would be a stupid story.

  • I don't want to be a part of that stupid story.

  • [Super sad, break-up piano music]

  • Well that was embarrassing.

  • Let's try that again, with eighty percent less wallowing.

  • We have an evil Board of Governors to thwart, and a University to save.

  • So the mess that I have made of my love life doesn't even rank.

  • So without further adieu, here's Danny Lawrence! Here to tell us all about her first meeting with the Board.

  • That is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

  • And Kirsch has been flirting with me for like a month.

  • Do you think budget details could actually cause a person's brain to bleed?

  • If it were going to happen anywhere, Silas would definitely be the place.

  • Yeah.

  • It's just- we know they're up to something evil with Corvae and the crater, but

  • A) It's buried in 200 pages of paperwork, and B) even if we figure it out, we're outvoted three to two.

  • At least we're getting a good look at the players though.

  • Yeah. There's-

  • There's Belmonde. Vordenberg.

  • This guy in yellow robes who's there to represent the "Hasturmenchen",

  • this lady with greyed out eyes who looks more like an owl than I'm really comfortable with.

  • But the other two just vote the way Belmonde tells them to.

  • It's enough to make you miss the Dean.

  • I mean, at least she was just flat out, up-front, monster-worshipping evil.

  • Yeah.

  • Hey-

  • Thanks for being such a great friend about everything.

  • Including not rubbing the whole "So you tried to date a vampire" thing in my face.

  • For what it's worth-

  • I'm sorry it didn't work out.

  • Uh- So. I'll just clear out of here.

  • See ya later, Hollis.

  • Hey.

  • You came back.

  • I wasn't sure if you were going to come back.

  • Of course I'm back. This is my mother's apartment and I stole it fair and square.

  • That's not what I meant.

  • Oh. Yeah I know what you meant.

  • But if you and your knight in shining gymshorts over there need more space, then

  • you can find another room.

  • Okay. One- There's is nothing going on with Danny and me. And two-

  • all my broadcasting equipment is here, so if you don't want to watch me talk

  • to my friends who actually care about this school and want to help me, then, you can find another room.

  • Dream on, creampuff. I'm not going anywhere.

  • Well neither am I.

  • Fine with me.

  • There's plenty of space.

  • See that subscribe button? You should click it. [Love Will Have Its Sacrifices end theme]

[Love Will Have Its Sacrifices opening theme]


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A2 初級

卡米拉 - 第二季 - 第15集 "No Heroics"(沒有英雄) (Carmilla | Season 2 | Episode 15 "No Heroics")

  • 62 5
    Jason Tsao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日