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  • Hello everyone, this is Andrew at Crown Academy of English.

  • Today, we are doing a listening exercise and the subject is "living habits". So let's start.

  • So, first of all, we will look at some vocabulary...

  • and then I will give you the questions that you need to answer during the listening.

  • And then you will do the listening. So you will listen to the article...

  • and of course there will be no subtitles during the listening.

  • Then I will give you the answers to the questions.

  • And then I will show you the transcript or the text for the listening.

  • So you will get one last chance to listen to the article with the text on the screen.

  • So the vocabulary.

  • The first word is "to commute". Now this is a verb...

  • and it means "to travel a long distance to work every day."

  • So, for example, if I live in the town of Brighton, but I work in London,

  • then we can say that "I commute to London by train." Okay?

  • And another example would be:

  • "Jane commutes to Manchester by car."

  • So "to commute". It means to travel a long distance to work every day. So you live in one place, but you work in another place.

  • The second word is "approximately"

  • And this means: "not an exact number of something." So it is an estimation. Let me give you an example:

  • So, on this photograph, when we look at this photograph, we can say:

  • "There are approximately twenty people in the photograph." Alright?

  • So we use "approximately" when we are not sure or when we are not certain about the exact number.

  • We estimate the number okay?

  • So maybe there are twenty five people in the photograph. Maybe there are seventeen people in the photograph. We are not sure.

  • So we say: "There are approximately twenty people in the photograph."

  • And the last word, before I give you the questions, is the word "consequence"

  • This means: "the result or effect of something." (and often the result is a negative result or an unpleasant result.)

  • Example: "Smoking can have serious health consequences."

  • Ok? "Consequences." So the result or effect of something.

  • Okay, so now let's look at the questions.

  • Question one: "Approximately, what fraction of young people lived with their parents in 2013?"

  • Question two: "What proportion of the young people living with their parents were women?

  • Question three: "Complete the missing words (five words):

  • The ONS thinks that more young people are living at home because.....

  • And so I want you to find the five words which are missing in the middle of the sentence. Ok?

  • So it's important to understand that the words are in the middle of the sentence.

  • Okay so these five words here.

  • Question four:

  • "Give one consequence of this change in living habits." Alright?

  • So this is important. Just give me ONE consequence.

  • You will hear two consequences during the article and you can give me either the first consequence or the second consequence.

  • Alright? So that's important.

  • Okay, so get ready. You are now going to listen to the listening comprehension.

  • So get ready. I'm going to play it for you .... NOW!

  • Alright, so that is the end of the listening exercise. That is the end of the article.

  • If you would like to listen to that again...

  • If you need more time to answer the questions, then click here on the screen, on the left.

  • Or if you have finished and... are ready to see the answers, then just wait ten seconds okay?

  • Ok so we will now carry on and I will now show you the answers to the questions.

  • So, question one was: "Approximately what fraction of young people lived with their parents in 2013?"

  • And the answer is: "A quarter." "A quarter."

  • Question two: "What proportion of the young people living with their parents were women?"

  • And the answer is: "One in five".

  • And question three: I wanted you to find the missing 5 words in the sentence.

  • And the answer is: "The ONS thinks that more young people are living at home because of the current economic problems." Ok?

  • "because of the current economic problems."

  • And question four: I wanted you to give me one consequence of this change in living habits.

  • And so the answer is:

  • "Less young couples are living together."

  • or... "Birth rates are decreasing." So either of those answers is correct alright?

  • So those are the answers to the questions.

  • And now I will now play you the listening exercise one more time and this time I will show you the text on the screen.

  • Okay? So I'm going to play it for you...for you now:

  • Okay, so that is the the end of the listening with the transcript.

  • So...and that is the end of the lesson.

  • So if you would like to subscribe to my channel, then you can click here.

  • This, in the middle, is my Twitter account if you would like to follow me on Twitter.

  • And here are two other videos which you might be interested in watching.

  • This one is a grammar lesson and this one is another listening exercise.

  • Alright, so that is the end. I hope you enjoyed watching this video.

  • My name is Andrew at Crown Academy of English and I will see you next time. Bye bye :)

Hello everyone, this is Andrew at Crown Academy of English.


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A2 初級

英語聽力理解-生活習慣 (English listening comprehension - Living habits)

  • 200 32
    楊鎧瑄 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日