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  • He's right over here. We had to separate him.

  • He was fighting with the other inmates. Hey Donnie.

  • Your father was a great man to me. I don't know him.

  • Ain't got nothing to do with me. Well, I think you could be great too.

  • So, what made you wanna fight? My pop was a fighter, died before I was born.

  • Bounced around foster care, in and out of juvy.

  • I've been fighting my whole life. It's not a choice for me.

  • You see this guy here, staring back at you? -It's your toughest opponent.

  • -Who's next? I believe that's true in the ring, and I think

  • that's true in life. Boom! Boom! Boom!

  • So you're gonna leave me too? You know how many times I had to

  • carry the heavyweight champion of the world up these stairs because he couldn't walk?

  • Ribs broken, nose broken, eyes swollen shut. What are you afraid of?

  • I'm afraid of taking on a name and losing. They'll call me a fraud.

  • You're still caught in his shadow. Every move that I make,

  • Every punch that I throw, Everything's gonna be compared to him.

  • You are Apollo Creed's son so use the name. It's yours.

  • This kid's been nowhere, he's never faced nobody.

  • You don't know nothing about me. You're a false Creed.

  • You do this, you're going into a storm. What's wrong with you?

  • Hey, hey, somebody help! Rocky's sick.

  • If I break, I ain't gonna fix it. Everything I got is moved on.

  • And I'm here. You're sitting here crying about nobody's

  • around for you I'm here for you every day!

  • I'm standing right in front of you!

  • Just like any other fight. So if I fight, you fight.

  • Bring back everything that's ever hurt you All the pain you had inside.

  • Then he'll know what we've been through. You belong here.

  • You should be able to grab one of these birds. -You serious?

  • -I am serious. Chickens are slowing down.

He's right over here. We had to separate him.


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A2 初級 美國腔

信條 - 官方預告片2 [高清] (英文) (Creed - Official Trailer 2 [HD])

  • 461 19
    Balian Chen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日