字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey this is MatSan! 嘿這是MatSan and welcome to our life section. 歡迎來到我們的生活篇 today we're going to talk about 今天我們要聊的是 good things of living together 情侶住在一起的優點 since last time we did the bad things 既然上次聊完了缺點 this time of course, we need to balance a bit 總是要平衡一下 so let's get started 我們開始吧! number 1 第一 it's great to have a helper 有個小幫手很棒 yes 沒錯 it's like a balance between us 這就像是我們的平衡點一樣 I love to, and I can fix things 我喜歡而且我會修東西 for example 譬如說 TV is broken, pipes are broken 電視壞了,水管壞了 everything is broken 什麼都壞了 I like to fix it 我喜歡自己修 so I'm helping you 所以我就是在幫她 and I can't 而且我也不會修 she can't do anything about that 她對這方面一無所知 so she really needs me 所以她真的很需要我 on the other hand 換個角度來看 about organizing the room 關於整理房間 he is kind of messy 他滿雜亂無章的 as we mentioned before 就像之前提過的一樣 still love you 還是愛你啦 but it's true that I can organize things more 但這是真的,我真的比較有組織性 yes, I wake up 沒錯,當我起床時 I'm like: ehhh I don't want to do anything 我都會很懶,不想做任何事 such a mess everywhere 然後房間超亂 and she's just putting everything back to where they should be 她就會開始把東西歸回原位 so it's good to have a balance 所以有個平衡是件好事 and to have a helper 有個幫手也是好事 for each other 第二 second thing is 經過不順的一天 after a bad day 整天運氣都很差 something terrible happened to you 或是心情很差 or it was a messy day 類似這樣的負面日子 anything like that 你總是會覺得 you always have this feeling 當我回家時 that you're going back 有人會在那等我 and someone is waiting for you there 沒錯 yes exactly 這感覺很棒 so it's very nice, it's like (你是艘疲累的船,駛回充滿愛的港口) yes, yes 這也不只是關於跟另一半住 it's not only about living with the other half 跟家人住也是 also living with the family 你會有這種感覺 you feel the same 覺得家裡有人在等你 there is someone waiting for you 給你依靠給你哭 for you to cry 第三點 and number 3 在日常生活中給彼此支持鼓勵 supporting each other in daily life 因為有時候你會覺得 because sometimes you might be 對人生感到迷惑 so lost in your life 你不知道自己該做怎樣的決定 you don't know what kind of decision you should make 當然你可以跟朋友聊 of course you can ask friends 但有的時候朋友也是很忙 lots of times your friends are busy as well 但這個人會永遠支持你,無論你做什麼決定 this person will always support you with everything you do 同時 but at the same time 很棒的是 it's so awesome that 你會比較容易被這人說服 you will listen to that person more 如果你對自己的決定感到不確定時 about the things you've done bad 像她就會跟我說 she is saying: Mateusz我永遠都會支持你 I will always support you Mateusz 但或許你可以改變這點跟那點 but maybe you can change this and that 我覺得,對於朋友說的話,有時候你不會全聽 you wouldn't really, listen to your friends that much 你會覺得 you'll be like 不對!他們都是錯的 No! they're all wrong 他們都不了解我 they don't understand me 只有我最了解我! only I understand myself 當一個人身陷泥沼中時,真的很盲目 people are so blind when they're in the whole mess 所以呢,有這個另一半在 it's good to have this person 當你的專屬顧問 who is your own advisor 而且他會永遠在旁 who is always standing by 幫助你 for you 永遠支持你 who is always supportive 再來這點有點自私,但是 this one is kind of selfish, but... 像我,我在波蘭沒車子 like me, I don't have car here 所以我去哪都要搭大眾交通工具 so I always need to take public transportation 但是 but 如果你跟另一半住 to live with the other half 而他有車 when he got the car 所以他就可以載你到處玩啦 so he can actually drive us everywhere 開車載她趴趴走 drive her anywhere she wants! 到處玩!到處玩! anywhere! everywhere! 老實說這真的方便很多 it's more convenient about the things that 譬如說我們想要去個地方渡假放鬆 we want to chill 或是到某地方旅行 and travel somewhere 這樣也不用搭客運搭巴士 so we don't really have to take the bus 也不用遵循著時間表 and take the schedule with us 只要平分油錢,開了車 we can just share the fuel, go to the car 就可以去旅行了 drive and go back 沒錯 yea exactly 有時候是,你要去上班 sometimes you have to go to work 搭大眾交通工具會花很多時間 after taking the public transportation, it takes you so long 但是,如果是開車呢 but by driving 就可以省很多時間啦 it saves you a lot of time 像我就會:哈好開心哦今天可以睡晚點 so I'm like: so nice that I can sleep later 因為他可以載我去上班 because he can drive me to work 但你喜歡這點,對吧? but you enjoy it, right? 是呀 yes, I do 看吧,我們找到了平衡 see, we find the balance (有自己的泰迪熊) in the winter 冬天很冷 it's so cold 晚上睡覺時 at night we are sleeping 他就像是移動式暖爐 and he's like a mobile radiator 你可以隨時抱著他 that you can just cuddle 來取暖 to get some warmth 夏天的時候是有點煩啦 in summer is pretty annoying 因為他的腳 because his legs 這裡 here 很多毛 are so hairy 所以當他把腳擺到我身上時 so when he put his legs on me 就很熱 I'm like 我會說:很熱耶,走開啦 it's so hot, go away! 但是除此之外 but other than that 當你感到難過時 when you're sad 你想要有個肩膀 you want to have a shoulder 他總是會在這裡 he's always there just let you... 給你抱,給你哭 hug with, cry with 我不曉得男生是怎麼想啦 I don't know about men 也是這樣嗎 is it also the same? 比較不是在可以有人哭這點 not about crying 是說你要入睡時,可以有個人在旁,很棒 it's also very nice to go to sleep and to have someone there 來抱 to hug 像枕頭一樣 to hug, like pillow 結論就是有自己的泰迪熊,很棒 so it's nice to have your own teddy bear 再來這個,我不希望發生在任何人身上 I don't want this to happen to anyone 但是有時 but sometimes 你可能會生病 you can be ill 這時,有個人在身邊,就是很棒的事 so it's always so nice to have a parter in your life 他可以來照顧你 who helps you 譬如說 for example 我們之前去Wrocław就發生一件事 we had a situation in Wrocław 我那時候生病了 I was very ill once 因為 because 那是個3周的假期 it was a 3 weeks vacation 我們玩得很瘋 and we got so wasted 我們,老實說一直在party we...honestly we party a lot 總而言之 anyways 我就很脫水 I was so...dehydrated 超不舒服 I felt so bad 差點就要打給醫院 I was even calling the hospital 叫救護車 almost calling the ambulance 我超恐慌 I was so panicking 她就在那照顧我 she just took care of me 她跑去藥局 she went to apteka (pharmacy) 對,我自己跑去藥局 yea I went to the pharmacy 我不會講波蘭語 you know, I couldn't speak Polish 藥師還是把藥賣給我 but the pharmacy guy still gave me the medicine 儘管我其實是需要醫生處方簽才能拿藥的 even though you need the prescription 但他就說沒關係 but he was like: nah 賣你 it's ok 真的很棒 it was so nice 她照顧我 she helped me with everything 之後我就好很多了 then I felt so good 真的,有一個自己的....護士很棒 it's so nice to have...your own nurse 沒錯,我的護士 yea, my own nurse 聽起來滿情色的.... sounds pretty horny 另外 but on the other hand 我來波蘭後 because when I come here 如果病了 if I'm ill 因為其實我腸胃也不好 since I'm always having some stomachache problem 他也都在照顧我 so he's always helping me 擔心我,告訴我可能是因為這個還那個原因 to tell me maybe it's because of this and that 然後照顧我 and taking care of me 所以真的,能夠有個人 so it's really nice to have someone who... 在乎你 cares about you 還願意照顧你,是很棒的事 who can take care of you 謝謝你 thank you (有個旅伴) yes, because 當我一個人時 when I'm alone 通常我就是跑去曬日光浴,就這樣 I'm always going to sunbathing, that's it 因為我懶得一個人跑太遠 because I'm too lazy to explore something by myself 當我一個人時 when I'm alone 我總是 I'm always 待在家裡 staying at home 這一位 so this 小朋友 little person there 總是會一直推著我 she's really pushing me so much 要我去旅行,出去走走 to just travel, to go somewhere 真的很棒 it's so awesome 不要整天就待在家 don't stay at this home for the whole day 去旅行,去看更多的事物 to travel, to see more things 這真的很棒,你隨時都在長知識 because it's amazing that you're expanding your own knowledge 儘管你可能只是去 even though you just go to 一個很平常,沒什特別的地方 a normal, nothing special place 但至少你還是多看了世界上的一個景啊 still, you see one more thing in the world 我要說 I have to say 之前我單身 previously when I was single 還沒認識她時 without her 我總想:旅行?! I was thinking: traveling?! 好無聊 it's so boring 浪費錢 waste of money 這錢我都可以買新電腦 waste of money...I can buy new computer 新電視了 or a new TV 好宅 that's so nerdy 我知道 I know 我們認識在一起後 after we meet each other 我變得很愛旅行 I'm so up to travel 我想要 I would love to... 去遍所有地方 travel anywhere 因為 because 你的知識不斷地在擴展 your knowledge is expanding 你的 your... 你的抗壓性 your resistence 你對奇怪事物的抗壓性 to weird things 也不斷在增加 is expanding 不一定要去很厲害的地方旅行 doesn't have to be - traveling to fancy places 可以是任何地方 it can be anywhere 荒廢的,鬧鬼的 abandoned, haunted 這就像是 it's just like 你多看了一個景點 you see one more spot 你可以在地圖上多打勾一個點 you check one more place on the map 那種感覺,真的很棒 and it's amazing 我甚至會說 I would even say 你不應該只去很熱門厲害的景點 it shouldn't be just going to fancy places 因為大家都知道那些地方了 because everyone knows these places 沒錯 yea exactly 結論,能夠有個旅伴 so it's really amazing 很棒 to have a person to travel with 最後一件事 and the last thing 是 is 能夠有..... to have 好的,希望你們喜歡這一集 ok! 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A2 初級 中文 旅行 照顧 旅伴 跑去 地方 藥局 【超爆笑】 情侶住在一起的好處 (Good things about Couples Living Together!) 21151 1097 joyce hwe 發佈於 2015 年 10 月 09 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字