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  • Hi, it's Marie and it's Q & A Tuesday!

  • Q: Hi, Marie. Every week I look forward to your Q & A video because they're always so

  • informative and useful." Thank you so much! "I have a question about business and fear.

  • I'm 25 and recently finished Grad school and have been trying to launch a freelance writing

  • career. I've small jobs here and there but nothing as substantial as I want and I know

  • I can handle. I know part of it is simply getting started and wrapped up in that fear

  • of failing and even a little fear of succeeding." Hmm, interesting. "How can I either get over

  • this fear and start my business successfully or use the fear to my advantage?"

  • A: This is so juicy! Juicy, juicy, juicy like a ripe peach! (Kiss: Smack) Here's why it's

  • so juicy, it's not about getting over your fear. It's about getting into your fear. Booyah!

  • No seriously, it really is about getting into your fear. So here's the whole thing about

  • fear and my man Josh Piesse taught me this. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant man! "Fear

  • is nothing but fuel." Fear, if you really break it down is a sensation

  • in your body and unfortunately our society has conditioned most of us out of experiencing

  • it.

  • So it's something that we push against, we resist. We don't even want to look at it.

  • When in reality that fear is incredible fuel that can just jet blast you towards your dreams.

  • Here's what I mean, once a mentor taught me this that 'fear is excitement with the brakes

  • on and the whole secret to using fear to your advantage is to learn how to what Josh calls

  • "party with your fear." What does that mean?

  • It means experience fear as a sensation in your body without going into the mental drama

  • about, "Oh my God, am I going to fail?" Or, "Oh my God, am I going to succeed?" And, put

  • all of your attention on feeling what the sensations feel like. Is it champagne bubbles?

  • Do you feel a little bit like when you're going on a roller coaster and you're going

  • up, up, up the hill, and you're like, "Oh, my God! My stomach's getting butterflies."

  • But then what happens, right? If you get stuck at the top of that roller coaster ride, it

  • would be terrifying. You would be frozen in that one spot if you just stopped and you

  • didn't experience all of it but if you actually let yourself go and you ride the fear, all

  • of a sudden it turns into exhilaration and it's like the best freaking time ever! That

  • is what's possible when you party with your fear.

  • "Hey, fear! Looking scary. Did you gain some weight, fear? Looking big in them jeans. Ooh,

  • shake it girl!"

  • Alright, so that's all well and good but let's get more tactical. Now, you know how to party

  • with your fear and you're going to have a ton of energy that you want to channel into

  • this incredible freelance publishing career slash business. So the first thing that I

  • recommend is clarity. Clarity brings speed and power and all kinds of good stuff, here's

  • why. You have a part of your brain, we all do. It's called the reticular activating system.

  • It sounds more complicated than it actually is. In reality, it's quite simple.

  • It's this tiny, tiny, like the size of your fingernail little piece of your brain stem

  • that's responsible for filtering in and filtering out information. As you know, it would be

  • impossible for us to take in the millions and millions, and millions of pieces of information

  • of sensory data that's coming in all over us. So the reticular activating system helps

  • you narrow in on what's most important for you. It tells your brain what to focus on.

  • So if you have ultimate clarity about your business fantasy, right? What kind of publications

  • do you want to write for? How much money you want to make? What are the people that you

  • want to associate with? Like a really crystal clear picture of this dream career that you're

  • creating. Your brain will help you bring your dreams into reality. It actually becomes a

  • partner in you having everything that you want. So it's really easy! Doesn't require

  • anything besides you having clarity.

  • So the next thing that I recommend for you is getting yourself what's known as a "power

  • posse!" When you're first starting out and you want to launch something big. You're creating

  • something from nothing. You need other awesome people to hang out with and more specifically

  • people that are instigating and initiating their own success. Here's why it's important,

  • for any of us who are on a somewhat of an entrepreneurial path, we need other people

  • to hang out with.

  • We need to share notes with people. We need to be able to talk about our disappointments,

  • to talk about our wins, and to keep each other going. This is hugely important! I know in

  • my life when I first started most of my friends were not on an entrepreneurial path and they

  • thought I was this alien coming from another planet. So I really had to create my own power

  • posse that helped lift me up and really moved me along much faster than I would have on

  • my own.

  • Where do you find a power posse? Well, it's a really great question. I started looking

  • online for people that were up to the same kind of things that I was up to. Blogs, live

  • events, social media's an excellent way to start to connect and form your own. So if

  • you want to come hang out with me and some of my power posse. We've got two amazing events

  • coming up!

  • First one is called Selling Your Soul, controversial. It's on May 12 in New York City, information

  • is somewhere around here and then we've got another big event in the fall, we're tapping

  • Hot Live. We'll have nearly 300 women from all over the planet who will be an ideal power

  • posse for whatever you want to create on the planet and you're invited to both of those.

  • Alright so, that's what we've got for you today! I hope you enjoyed it! I certainly

  • enjoyed being with you. If you like this video, please like it. Leave a comment, let me know

  • what you think. And, if you'd like more great videos like this and articles and all kinds

  • of good stuff, come see me at and be sure to signup for the newsletter.

  • Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time!

Hi, it's Marie and it's Q & A Tuesday!


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為什麼你永遠不要試圖 "克服 "你的恐懼? (Why You Should Never Try To "Get Over" Your Fear)

  • 311 38
    Harry Fong 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日