字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 here we go come with me there's a world out there that we should see close your eyes with you right here i'm a rocketeer ... let's fly.... a lot of people will think that if you want to be a flight attendant 很多人疑惑如果想當空服員 you have to be really tall like a supermodel or something 必須長得跟名模一樣高吧 yes they ask beauty pageant questions 認為就像一場選美比賽 I have applied so many times for this position 我參加非常多場空服員面試 I honestly could not remember 根本想不起 how many times i applied because I didn't count my failures 究竟參加幾次,因為我不在意收到多少遺珠 I just counted the times that 只留意 the next time I would apply... 何時能再考一次 Hi guys! its me kaykrizz from 大家好!我是Kaykrizz beaflightattendant.blogspot.com and welcome to my channel! 來自beaflightattendant.blogspot.com網站,歡迎收看我的頻道! In this video I will just talk about the entire 這部影片中我會介紹整個 process on getting the job as a flight attendant 空服員考試的流程 and for the tips and tricks 以及應試技巧和注意事項 on how to get the job I think this an entirely different subject 幫助您通過面試,我認為空服考試十分特別 and it's very broad and 考試內容涉及廣泛 I can not cover it in one video :( 不太可能用一部影片詳盡解釋 this is based entirely on my experience and i'm not representing 所授內容全是我的經驗談,並不代表 any any company. it is just 任何公司立場。就只是我的分享。 me. anyways this introduction is becoming too 我的自我介紹太長了 long so let's get right in to it 直接切入正題吧 so the topics that I will be coveing today 今天講的主題是 will be the process or steps on how to become a flight attendant 成為空服員的關卡和流程 which is summarized on these steps first you need to meet the basic requirements 為大家統整幾個步驟,第一步:必須達成基本條件 and step 2: pass the interview process 第二步:通過面試關卡 step 3: pass the medical exams 第三步:通過體檢 and finally pass the flight attendant training 第四步:通過受訓期 number one you have 首先 to meet the basic requirements that is 要達成的基本條件是 the required height, required weight 身高和體重達標之外 that is proportionate to your height 還必須和身材成比例 the educational experience you'll have to check 以及學歷門檻,還需要留意 on the company that you are applying for the height that they require 準備應徵航空公司的身高規定 usually it would be about 157 cms 通常至少要157公分 it really depends. So once you have your height 每家航空公司不一樣。如果你的身高符合 you have to make sure that your weight is the proportion 就必須確定自己的體重 weight for your height. it doesn't mean that you have to be really skinny 是否和身材成比例。並不是你真的要瘦得像 to have the supermodels figure to get this job 超級名模的身材才能錄取 actually it can get in trouble for that because 這反而適得其反,因為 if you are below your required weight, 如果體重低於標準 sometimes they don't pick you and maybe sometimes they do 他們可能不會錄取你,也有可能會錄取 but if you are not just the exact weight for your height 但如果身高低於標準 um, they can be a point against you 嗯,就會是扣分的原因 you have to check your BMI or Body Mass Index 必須計算你的BMI,也就是身體質量指數 just google it and you will see how to calculate for it 去Google搜尋就可以查到如何計算 they have these tables and all that this is your height 會找到一張表格列出身高 this will be your weight range or something 以及體重範圍 so you can just check it out in google the educational experience 去Google搜尋就行了,再來是學歷門檻 If you have graduated high school, 如果有高中畢業 that will be good enough for international flight attendants I guess 應該就足以成為外商空服員 because they do not really put the educational requirements that high 因為外商公司的學歷門檻都不高 but if you're applying for local 但如果你應徵 company in your in your home country 國籍航空 I believe that the have higher standards like for me 學歷門檻應該就會更高,以我過往經驗 they required college graduates and the minimum 航空公司要求至少大學畢業 if not college graduates is two years 即使肄業也至少要讀兩年 in college aside from the height 除了身高 weight educational background requirements each and every company 體重、學歷限制之外,每間航空公司 also have their own standards when it comes to each 也有自己獨特的規定,比如只錄取未婚人士 and single status so once you think that you 一旦確定自己 meet all these requirements make sure on the day of the interview 達成所有先決條件,接著記得面試當天必須 that you bring your resume pictures 攜帶履歷表、照片 and wear business attire 著正式服裝 so for the interview process 再來是面試流程 there are four basic steps 一共四個關卡 The first step is the impact interview 第一關: This will usually 這關考試時間大約 last about a minute or two minutes 一至二分鐘 and a gruop discussion and the examination 再來是團體討論、身體檢查 and the final interview so that is all 接著最終面試就結束了 the four process on how they go about 目前介紹了四個關卡 the recruitment and this 先決條件 is like I said just to basic way to do it some companies have more 而這只是基本流程,有些航空公司甚至有 some have different styles after you have gone through 不同的面試關卡 talented (the whole interview) process you me (may) know the results 通過所有關卡之後 immediately or if the (they) net (let) you re (wait) 你可能馬上就知道錄取結果,或是叫你等通知 you like (might) me (be) asking for how long do you think we should break (wait) 你可能會問要多久才會通知 sometimes it takes a month are more 可能要等一個月甚至更久 but usually to (the )basic ballpoint will be to (two) 但通常是兩周左右 peaks (weeks) for duration unseen (of) two (the) views (interview) Open day的面試 on up in (Open days) (is will be an event)the east the serbian events that I had (held) in hotels 會在飯店舉辦 it usually is just two consecutive days 通常連續兩天面試 however for regular into used(interviews) eat me 然而大部分的面試日期就會分開 barry it could be that you are set an initial interview on this date 你可能受邀在表訂的日期參加初試 and you will be called to continue on it depresses (process) 通過初試再受邀參加複試 for another month two weeks and you never know 等待期間可能一個月、兩周或是更久 so it de serie 所以你會有等待期 it's not like opened a case where in its consecutive 不像Open day考試,隔天馬上複試 sometimes there's in Reading PA in between the intake makes 有時候初試和複試會有等待期 them there so the next step after the gym (interview) 面試結束後的下一關 process do medical examinations this will be shouldered by 就是體檢,這關完全掌握在你手上 you pressure (for sure) 確實如此 the gotta see he said 體檢要注意的是 the illegal posts about 2,000 ass and this is just a cheap 體檢自費大概2000-2500元 you need the help Lex any immediate once you get the job 只要生活作息正常就可以通過體檢 sold him a check for CB CE 檢查內容包括血液檢查 blood chemistry think and then he has is the case is still works 血液化驗,再評估您是否適合擔任空服員 also they will check for x-ray a CEO earns a three-year hiatus 再來是X光檢查心肺是否正常 I'm ozzie have scoliosis some companies the internet access but 有些航空不接受脊椎側彎的人,但大部分的航空體檢 some in a half this range from than 250 East 只要側彎不超過15度就可以通過 endure since to look also that exam 還有視力檢查 I got a lot of questions about I ace and the ASCII 很多人問我很多有關視力的問題 simon doesn't get it yeah flight attendants 空服員能戴眼鏡嗎? E I have this kind be have my own yeah I decided this farsightedness can I still 近視或是遠視能當空服員嗎? be inflated and answer to that question yes by 答案當然是可以啊 bad there's another for the medical exams usually get the results 體檢結果大概需要等 the day three days or week or so and then after you get the results you have 三天或一周,結果出爐 to pass that on to your employer 繳交給面試官之後 and decile 這關就結束了 yesterday and hearing samples of procedures that you have to go through 這些是體檢基本項目 for your medical exams once you have best all your 通過體檢所有面試流程就告一段落了 interviews them less and least 最後這一關 Sep did you have to go through to become a flight attendant 要正式成為空服員之前 is chorus Trey you would say that 當然要先受訓 past interviews I have that is the medical 很多人認為,通過面試和體檢 I yes that not kill you 就是一位合格的空服員了 nuts you still have to pass the chain 大錯特錯,還需要通過受訓期 some companies are very strict with test scores 有些航空公司非常要求受訓成績 and some not really and I can see Florida International latency 有些公司沒這麼嚴格,通常外商航空的要求 its name pass cuts through s it is 都低於國籍航空 in them we'll see because sometimes the best in me 外商航空要求的考試成績 about eighty-five percent sold it s questions 必須超過85分 about the test chorus in the local over in my home country 而國籍航空的考試成績 the peasants courses the ninety five to ninety percent 最多要求90至95分 its tops in the UK only theyll 大概最多只能錯五題 well once I the file thanks 一旦錯五題以上 in 10 feel you about the program 就會慘遭淘汰 but where the international scene 但若是外商航空 are the necessarily be about 18 eighty-five percent 考試成績要求在80至85分 and that is a good did you see so 這是非常棒的事 you still have to say that there's just more money 你仍要努力考高分 where anything that one is buried in the other 我不是慫恿大家外商航空比國籍航空好過關 but arm for me personally eighty percent 但對我來說 is much better day think I raised so 拿到80分比95分容易 that is the latest scores yeah has everything in you can only play 受訓考試大致上就是這樣,需要每項都過關 feel 385 diets in that is it and a 大概就只能錯3至5題 and one more strong winds are important point that you haven't seen 最後一點要提醒大家的是 he said you always have to be on time 受訓期一定要守時 victory I don't know if this I'll 我不曉得是不是所有航空公司都是如此 economies I know most companies have this policy that you can never really 但大多數航空公司都規定受訓期絕不能遲到 in any treaty you can only be late once 最多容忍遲到一次或兩次 arts like this and then you other the company are you up to the program 再遲到就會遭到淘汰 you could never be absent if you're upset longtime 也不能缺席,一旦缺席 and is it yeah nice to know you 絕對出局,謝謝再聯絡 bad soggy you are very successful 如果所有受訓流程都順利過關 each and every step of the process good after Cielo that is it 恭喜你!你錄取了! for my video today, all about the question: How to be a flight attendant 我的影片介紹到此,內容是:如何成為空服員 I hope that you enjoy it you learn something 希望你們看得愉快,也有所收穫 if you want more information about my writing 如果觀眾想要看我的書 on that's okay I usually write about 內容提及有關空服員的 the salary yeah experiences have in the mean companies 薪資待遇以及不同的航空工作經歷 route it down in my blood I will be putting the link down below 我會發布在部落格,網址連結就在這裡 which is beaflightattendant.blogspot.com beaflightattendant.blogspot.com the end I'm just browse my are times I have all the time the same 在這個網站裡可以看到我分享的文章 I will be available for you on social media 我也會在社群網站與大家見面 I have made to your account my facebook page in Lehi see him in town 例如Twitter、Facebook、Instagram and I hope that I help you is only or any other 我誠摯感謝各位觀眾、讀者 I really appreciate all my readers in my blood 以及我的部落格粉絲 and I'll that I could just give you are at the heart 我要給你們一個大大的擁抱 because you supported me through my 因為你們一直支持我 luxury in the hope that you will also support me 支持我的部落格 yes you should check today so if you like this video 也希望你們繼續支持,如果你喜歡這部影片 the city is also me unions 請幫我按讚,謝謝! add to my channel to get more videos like this I said like to ask for your 也可以訂閱我的頻道觀看類似的航空教學影片,我想請你們幫忙 help if you want me I tell you what kinda use 想請我錄影片教學的話 heated E in my feet and which 若我有時間一定非常樂意 to do it I cannot promise that I'll posting 但我不能保證 video everyday or every week 每天或是每周都發布影片 because they killed my feet I am definitely once 我只能找空檔時間錄製影片,但至少一個月會發布一次 thats from C I wish you all the best 這個我可以跟你們保證 good luck and I was live in Houston 祝你們事事順利,期待和你們一起飛! much do the visage that then
A2 初級 航空 空服員 面試 考試 錄取 關卡 如何成為一名空姐? (How to be a flight attendant?) 542 49 盧怡文 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字