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  • The past is packed with monsters! Behemoths by the dozen!

  • Let's meet these fossils (and their less colossal modern cousins)

  • The capybara's now the largest rodent on the planet

  • But Earth once housed a mighty mouse ten times more titanic

  • With twelve inch long incisors - J. monesi wins the prize

  • It truly was a rodent of a most unusual size

  • You think this hog is homely? Well you better brace yourself!

  • Cause here's a hippo relative they call the pig from hell

  • As burly as a big bad wolf, with emphasis on big

  • The Daeodon had all the strength of thirty little pigs

  • The wombat is Australian. It has a rock-hard rear

  • In combat with its ancient kin it wouldn't win, I fear

  • Both wonders from down under raised their young inside of pouches

  • But only one marsupial is bigger than most couches.

  • Behold the crafty crocodile complete with toothy grin

  • Now see a Sarcosuchus smilefive feet from cheek to chin

  • And speaking of dentition this big shark's name means big teeth

  • So it's "now extinct" condition should be a huge relief

  • If sloth's a sin then someone hurry up and call a priest

  • Cause here's a Megatherium - four tons of sloth, at least.

  • With jumbo tongue, colossal claws, and tail braced on the ground

  • It grazed for leaves high in the trees where modern sloths are found

  • The rhino you and I know weighs at least a couple tons

  • But if you darecompare a Paraceratherium

  • The largest vegetarian you'd ever care to see

  • It was hornless and quite harmless ... unless you were a tree

  • And that's just the beginning. There's more — I could go on!

  • Stupendous Stupendemys! Don't forget Procoptodon!

  • The armoured Doedicorus! Meganeura's foot long wings!

  • The plus sized penguin from Peru they call the Water King!

  • But there's one beast that bests them all, in fact it breaks the scale:

  • Balaenoptera musculus. It's common name? Blue whale!

  • Four hundred thousand pounds - the largest creature known to science

  • And so today we still can say we share the earth with giants

The past is packed with monsters! Behemoths by the dozen!


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B2 中高級

12個古代巨人(還有1個現代奇蹟 (12 Ancient Giants (And 1 Modern Marvel))

  • 150 4
    大菲鴨阿 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日