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Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business and life you love.
嘿,我是Marie Forleo,你正在收看的是Marie TV,一個教你創造喜愛生活和工作的平台。
And this is not Q&A Tuesday. It's a special episode of MarieTV in honor of the US holiday, Thanksgiving.
今天不是週二問答日,而是Marie TV 的特別企劃為了紀念美國節慶——感恩節。
And today we're gonna talk about the dark side of an often cheery topic.
Today I wanna talk to you about the downside of gratitude.
Being grateful seems like a harmless turkey day ritual, but really it's a dangerous state of mind. Let me explain.
Look, we all have negative thoughts from time to time. "I don't have enough money. My house sucks. I'm having a bad hair day."
I don't have those. Just kidding!
Or, you know, "Why is this person flying in first class and I'm stuck in coach? "Yada, yada, yada.
Complaining can be an easy way to bond with people.
Feeling like things are less than perfect can be an automatic place for your mind to rest, kind of like a big, negative, fluffy pillow.
Well, watch out, because a little gratitude will yank that fluffy pillow right out from underneath you.
Gratitude kills. It kills self pity, it kills jealousy, it kills bitterness, and it kills regret.
It's kinda like Raid. It kills negative thoughts, dead.
And you wanna know how fast acting it is? Check this out.
Here is a stat from a study done by Professor Emmons at UC Davis. People who kept a gratitude journal for just 3 weeks measured 25% higher on life satisfaction.
一個由加州大學戴維斯分校 Emmons 教授所做的研究數據指出,連續三周保持感恩之心的人對生活的滿意度會提高25%。
They exercised more, they drank less alcohol, and their families and friends noticed that they were nicer to be around. How cool is that?
And the effects lasted several months beyond the initial 3 week study.
So here's the deal, the only downside to gratitude is that you have to give up some time-sucking, negative habits and emotional patterns that hold you back.
Because it's talked about so much and we're supposed to be grateful on Thanksgiving, it's really easy to dismiss gratitude as just self helpy or a once a year kinda thing.
But the truth is, gratitude is one of the most fast acting tools for personal transformation.
No matter what negative state you find yourself in, no matter how bad things seem, the simple act of writing things down that you're grateful for will instantly change your mood.
And if you do it consistently, it will totally transform your life.
If you're saying, "Yeah, yeah. I get the whole gratitude thing," but you don't actually do it, you are doing yourself a disservice.
Now listen up, because this is a tweetable.
"Gratitude is more powerful than any pill you can pick up at the pharmacy."
It's a natural mood enhancer! No dry mouth, no constipation, and no hot dog fingers.
它能使你心情自然而然變好!消除口腔乾燥、便秘、熱狗手指(指末端腫脹) 等疾病。
The only effect is the one I warned you about.
Loss of negative thoughts, loss of pity parties, inability to stay stuck in a miserable state, absence of limiting and soul-sucking beliefs, a lack of ability to blame your parents for everything that's wrong with you.
Pretty great, right? So let's get this gratitude party started right now. In the comments below, I want you to tell me at least 10 things you're grateful for.
Then I want you to report any instant side effects, and I should not be hearing about hot dog fingers.
I'm gonna do it too, over where the gratitude party is taking place, at MarieForleo.com, so go there now and leave a comment.
我也會參與。這個感恩活動會辦在 MarieForleo.com,所以現在就去瞧瞧,還有留下評論吧!
Now, before I go, do you wanna know one of the things I'm most grateful for? It's you.
MarieTV is one of the things I love most in my life, and getting to connect with you each and every week is awesome.
I so appreciate your emails and your comments and everything that you share with me.
我很感謝你們的 email、留言,還有你們和我分享的一切。
So thank you again, I am deeply, deeply appreciative.
Did you like this video? If so, subscribe and share it with your friends.
And if you want even more great resources to have a business and a life you love, plus personal insights from me that I only talk about in email, get your butt over to MarieForleo.com and sign up for email updates.
想要更多創造喜愛生活和工作的資訊,還有我只在 email 回覆的個人想法嗎?立即展開行動到MarieForleo.com 並註冊email更新吧。
Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams. The world needs that special gift that only you have.
Thank you so much for watching this special episode of MarieTV.
I'm sending you and your family all of my love.
Catch you next time.