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I was a weird kid, and I wanted the popular girls to accept me into their group, and I thought having a screen name like this would trick them into thinking I was one of them.
When I was 13, John Cena was my favorite wrestler, and he called his fans "The Chain Gang" and me being 13 at the time, had to add a 69 at the end.
我 13 歲的時候,John Cena 是我最喜歡的摔角選手。他的粉絲名為「鎖鍊幫」,而 13 歲的我,就非得在後面加上 69。
I mean what else can you expect from a person who wears her name in hoop earrings?
Cause I'm Cuban, and proud.
Fresh out of the Quinceañera stage.
So I chose HairyJ69, when I was 18 and in college because I'm hairy, extremely hairy, I'm Jewish, and I like to 69.
我 18 歲讀大學時,選擇了 HairyJ69 這個名字,因為我毛髮很茂盛,超級濃密、我是猶太人,而且我喜歡 69。
I chose this screen name, because I wanted to live in California.
I thought that's where all the pretty and popular people lived.
Clearly I wasn't much of a speller.
顯然我那時候不太會拼字。(註:California 拼成 Califor"ina")
This is genius all right, like when you're scanning your friends list, you wonder who's on, and then when you see that I'm on, you're like, "Hey, Ryan is on."
我根本就是天才,當你看好友列表時,你會好奇誰在線上。當你看到我時,心裡會想:「嘿,Ryan 上線了。」
I added the X because I forgot my password.
後面加上 X 是因為我忘記過密碼。
I'm pretty proud of it actually.
[Voiceover] That never occurred to you - Ryan is on "X" ?
[旁白] 你沒想過看起來像是 「Ryan 在嗑藥」嗎?(X 代表 ecstasy 搖頭丸)
Oh (beep) No, that never occurred to me.
噢 (消音) 我從來沒想過。
Oh my god.
You threw me off, man. I'm like...
You ruined it, (beep).
I chose this name when I was about 13 years old.
我 13 歲的時候創了這個帳號。
Stay hooded, because I thought I would stay ghetto.
Brat is because I was spoiled.
Brat 是因為那時我被寵壞了。(註:Brat 表示乳臭未乾的小孩)
And 0131 because I'm an Aquarius.
Chubbystar, cause I was a little thick growing up and clearly I'm a (beep) star.
I don't know why I chose 27 actually.
老實說不知道當時為何選擇 27。
That's my age right now.
Maybe this is all like full circle.
I wasn't very good at girls, so I thought that maybe being quirky and slapstick would help.
It didn't.
I was shocked when this was not taken.
It's not ironic enough to be funny.
It's, it's more painful.
I don't know why I thought this was cool or okay or acceptable in any way.
I thought farts were hilarious as a junior high student and sad part is, I was born in 83, not 87.
國中的時候,我覺得「放屁」很好笑。不過可悲的是,我是 83 年出生,不是 87 年。
Fartlover83 was taken.
已經有人使用「放屁愛好者 83」這個帳號了。
So I'm not alone in my loving farts.
So I was 13, I was trying to get girls online, and I thought I was a Cyber Casanova.
13 歲的時候,我試著透過網路認識女生,我自以為是網路浪子。
I like to not live with regrets, I was trying to get chicks on AOL.
I really liked soccer, and I liked the word "dude".
我真的很喜歡足球,也喜歡 dude 這個字 (註:dude意指男孩或花花公子)
I thought dudette sounded weird.
"dudette" 聽起來很怪。
I didn't wanna have a number, so my dad suggested ii, cause it means the second.
我也不想加任何數字在後面,所以我爸建議我加 ii ,因為這是二世的意思。(註:羅馬數字 2 為 II)
So my AIM name is technically Soccer Dude the second.
I made up this word and I don't know what it means at all.
I have no idea what I was going for with this.
My AIM name was Blackbarbiegoku367.
我的即時通帳號是「黑色芭比悟空 367」
Because it combined my four favorite things.
Being black, playing with barbies, Goku from Dragon Ball Z, and 367 because that was my crushes locker number.
身為黑人、玩芭比娃娃、七龍珠的悟空,至於 367 是我暗戀的人的置物櫃密碼。
I'm not ashamed.
(beep) You know what, I'm a little embarrassed.
(消音) 跟你說,我覺得有點丟臉。
I'll say it.
I thought it was the king of AIM, but (beep).