字幕列表 影片播放
The Build Settings can be accessed from the File menu
建構設定可以從File->Build Settings調整
by going to File - Build Settings.
A build in development is a term used to describe
因為Unity本身支援多平台 所以每個平台所建構出的格式也不同
an exported executable form of your project.
建構網頁平台時 Unity會輸出一個包含範例碼的HTML檔案
And given Unity's multiplatform nature
和一個遊戲的.Unity3D格式檔 最後用Unity的瀏覽器插件來執行
this varies for each platform.
在建構獨立平台時,Unity會輸出一個 可以在Windows, Mac和Linux上執行的檔案
For webplayers Unity will export an HTML file
建構iOS時,Unity會輸出一個可以 透過Xcode SDK開啟的Xcode專案
with example embedding code
並直接在裝置上面執行測試 最後送到App Store審核
and a .Unity 3D file which contains your game
建構Android時,Unity會輸出一個可以 透過Android SDK開啟的APK檔案
and will be run by the Unity webplayer plug-in
建構Flash時,Unity會輸出成一個SWF檔案 和一個包含播放範例的HTML檔案
in your browser.
建構Google Native Client時 Unity會輸出一個Chrome瀏覽器相容的網頁遊戲
For standalone Unity will export an executable version of your game
建構遊樂器時 Unity直接輸出到硬體廠商的開發套件內
for PC, Mac and Linux.
建構設定(Build Settings)裡的 播放器設定(Player Settings)
For iOS Unity exports an Xcode project
that can be opened in Apple's Xcode SDK
and run on the device for testing
你可以從跨平台設定內設定基本數值 然後在單一平台設定內針對該平台調整設定
and submission to the app store.
For Android Unity exports an APK file
在Resolution and Presentation內的解析度設定 是在遊戲視圖內可以指定變更的解析度
that can be opened in the Android SDK.
有關跨平台設定的資料 請參考官方說明文件
Flash exports an SWF file
associated assets,
and yet again an HTML file with example embedding code.
Google Native Client exports a Google Chrome browser
compatible webplayer game.
And for consoles Unity builds directly to your
hardware development kit.
The build settings work with Unity's player settings
to define settings for the build that you create.
Split in to cross-platform and per-platform
you can set some basic values at the top and then choose settings below
that are specific for the platform you are developing for.
One thing to note as a beginner
is that the resolution in the Resolution and Presentation area
is the setting you can select for the game view.
For details of other per-platform settings
refer to the manual link below.